Board of Education

Displaying 1 - 50 of 258 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Regents Teacher Intern License Program receives State Board of Education approval
Public Relations News Release 2009:175, p.1
The program, "Iowa Teacher Intern License Pathway--Answering the Call to Teach," will prepare mid-career professionals to earn an intern license in Iowa to teach in grades 7 - 12 in high need areas, as defined in the schools.
2 UNI Alumni Association to present Heritage Honours Awards during Homecoming
Public Relations News Release 2009:121, p.1
The awards program honors the accomplishments of graduates and their service to the university. Awards will be presented to Bradley Block, Guang Jin, Sarah "Sally" Carbaugh Frudden, and Leonard Froyen.
3 Increased needs during a time of economic stress
A Century of Leadership and Service 1:0, p.379
Presidents Seerley's efforts to meet generally austere funding from the General Assembly; photo.
4 The Coordination Plan debated and rescinded
A Century of Leadership and Service 1:0, p.295
President Seerley and school supporters attempt to counter the plan to limit the Teachers College to a two year curriculum; they and their political allies manage to defeat the scheme.
5 The General Assembly and the State Normal School 1904 through 1909
A Century of Leadership and Service 1:0, p.237
Detailed discussion of the various inquiries, investigations, and responses associated with defining the appropriate role for the Normal School; attempts to form a unified governing board for the three state schools; photo.
6 Institutional growth; transfer of governance to the State Board of Education (1906 through June, 1909)
A Century of Leadership and Service 1:0, p.255
Organization of the school into formal departments; Dean of Women Walker develops guidelines for rooming houses; photo.
7 Through troubled times (1909-1920)
A Century of Leadership and Service 1:0, p.268
The unified Board of Education gets organized; faculty and curricular changes; photo.
8 The Board of Education acts to fulfill its mandate
A Century of Leadership and Service 1:0, p.282
Board considers proposal to limit Teachers College to a two year curriculum.
9 Four-year-olds could be in Iowa public schools by 1990
Public Relations News Release 1987:205, p.1

Professor Gloria Holmes speaks on the Board of Education's plans to integrate four-year-olds to public school curriculum.

10 If four-year-olds enter the public schools, they can't be kept behind a desk, says Northern Iowa professor
Public Relations News Release 1987:192, p.1

Professor Gloria Kirkland discusses the Board of Education's plans to include four-year-olds in school curriculums. The Price Laboratory School's experimental pre-kindergarten programs of the 1960s is used as a model for the new curriculum.

11 Elementary school counseling is bright spot in job market; UNI's programs expand
Public Relations News Release 1986:191, p.1
Greater emphasis on counseling programs by the Board of Education has caused an expansion of the school counseling master's degree program. Changes to the program include higher requirements, and a greater emphasis on job experience.
12 PDK hears board of education speaker
Public Relations News Release 1960:505, p.1
The State Board of Education's Charles Antes visits the Iowa Bookmen's Association and Phi Delta Kappa to discuss an increase in curriculum units in high schools.
13 To the State Board
Alumnus 39:2, p.2
Praises efforts of Board of Education to develop support for institutions of higher education.
14 Untitled
College Eye 45:39, p.2
Claims that the letter printed in the EYE, written by Boyd Guest, contains invalid information.
15 Administration
Old Gold 0:0, p.20
The Board of Education, and Doctors M. J. Nelson and Daryl Pendergraft are pictured; photo.
16 Investigation at T. C. explained
Alumnus 37:2, p.2
Statements from President Maucker, the Student League Board, the Board of Education, and the AAUP regarding possible investigation of several ISTC faculty members following anonymous charges of potential disloyalty to the United States.
17 Seven departments have been authorized by the state board of education to offer graduate level courses leading to the Master of Arts in Education
Public Relations News Release 1951:25, p.1
M. J. Nelson, dean of the faculty, announced today that Six of the departments - business education, education, English and speech, science, mathematics, and social science- will participate in the graduate program beginning in the summer of 1952.
18 Budgetary procedure, 1876-1925
First 75 Years 0:0, p.41
College continuing appropriation increases over the years.
19 The State Board of Education (since 1909)
First 75 Years 0:0, p.33
New governing board assumes duties; performance over the years.
20 The Co-ordination Controversy, 1912-1913
First 75 Years 0:0, p.19
Report recommends limiting College to two-year curriculum; after difficult struggle, the measure is put aside.
21 Proposals for the unified control of the state educational institutions
First 75 Years 0:0, p.18
Description of the political atmosphere which led to establishment of a board which controls all state institutions of higher education; influence of Senator Whipple.
22 Change of name from Normal School to College
First 75 Years 0:0, p.17
Students and faculty petition President Seerley for a name change; Board acts favorably.
23 1950 Leaves Mark on ISTC Campus
Public Relations News Release 1950:165, p.1
A presidential inauguration, the fifth in 74 years, was one of several major changes during 1950. Starting last June a minor in journalism was offered. Plans were approved for granting a major in library science starting next June.
24 More Liberal Fee Exemptions Announced at ISTC
Public Relations News Release 1950:161, p.1
President J. W. Maucker announced today that the state board of education has approved a new $26.00 quarterly fee exemption for eligible students. Up to 300 new students may be allowed the exemption each year.
25 ISTC Branch School to be at Missouri Valley Next Summer
Public Relations News Release 1950:162, p.1
William Dreier will driect the school at Missouri Valley from June 11 to August 17, President J. W. Maucker announced today. Dreier is an instructor in the education department and a specialist in rural education.
26 Twice a day except Saturday a music student climbs a circular iron stairway to the "control" floor of the 100-foot high campanile
Public Relations News Release 1950:92, p.1
Fifteen mammoth bells, rung by hand, peal out musical reminders to oldtimers on the 250-acre campus--reminders of the unique history of the campanile's world-famous Fasoldt clock, and of the equally renowned Meneely Bell foundry.
27 Maucker comes to meet officials
College Eye 41:37, p.4
Meeting with the budget and legislative committee of the State Board of Education while on campus, President-elect William Maucker also met with the current college president and various staff members.
28 Holmes attends Board of Education meeting
College Eye 41:24, p.7
The meeting was used to make the state aware of public relations.
29 Another letter--decries state board political ban
College Eye 39:28, p.2
Critical of Board of Education ban on political speakers on campus.
30 Board of Education, state school heads review Army, Navy, at meeting Tuesday
College Eye 35:2, p.1
Inspect military units on campus.
31 In Miss Lawther's honor
Alumnus 26:2, p.2
Anna B. Lawther retires from Board of Education after twenty-five years of service; portrait of Miss Lawther by Alice Kent Stoddard hangs in Lawther Hall lobby.
32 'Congratulations, College Eye,' says state board
College Eye 33:21, p.1
Board members send congratulations on student newspaper's 50th anniversary.
33 Men and women at work; introducing members of the Iowa State Board of Education
Alumnus 25:4, p.6
Biographical sketches of board members.
34 Iowa's educational parents; state board directs higher education
Alumnus 25:4, p.4
History and responsibilities of the Iowa State Board of Education, ISTC governing board; photo.
35 A third of a century's progress
Alumnus 25:4, p.5
History of achievements of Board of Education; photo.
36 State education board meets
College Eye 29:8, p.6
Met on campus; roster of those present.
37 State educators vote change in entrance needs
College Eye 27:40, p.1
Students will no longer need to have two high school units of mathematics.
38 Recent developments and several changes in activities are recorded in the new catalog
Public Relations News Release 1935:575, p.3
Catalog changes.
39 The Board of Education approved of the 1936 Branch Summer School
Public Relations News Release 1935:514, p.1
Dr. Ritter will be the director.
40 Dr. M. J. Nelson to become Dean of Faculty
Public Relations News Release 1932:396, p.1
The Board of Education approved an extensive reorganization of the administrative and instructional setup of the college this week. This change will do away with three departments of instruction.
41 Four sororities are giving their fall term dances this weekend
College Eye 23:21, p.5
Meetings and activities planned; campus social calendar.
42 Untitled
College Eye 23:15, p.4
Several members of the Board of Education visited campus.
43 Board of Education meets here Tuesday
College Eye 23:6, p.2
Roster of new members.
44 Board of Education has new members
Alumnus 15:3, p.10
Alumnus Joseph H. Anderson appointed.
45 Board of Education approves heating plant for college; new unit includes heating and power plant, shops, and garage buildings
College Eye 22:32, p.1
$365,000 appropriated; will supply heat and power to campus; to be equipped with stoker; description of the boilers.
46 Opening of bids for the new heating and power plant.
Public Relations News Release 1930:400, p.1
Bids for new power plant will be opened on June 15.
47 Board of Education holds bi-monthly meeting at college
College Eye 21:22, p.1
48 The Iowa State Board of Education, which controls
Public Relations News Release 1929:285, p.1
Board of Education holds its bi-monthly meeting at ISTC.
49 Finance committee to meet here Sat.
College Eye 21:10, p.1
50 State board and college presidents held conference
College Eye 20:5, p.1