Board of Trustees

Displaying 1 - 50 of 146 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 UNI Alumni Association to present Heritage Honours Awards during Homecoming
Public Relations News Release 2010:105, p.1
Clayton Condit (B.A. '92), and Barbara (Schmitt) Condit (B.A. '92) of Minneapolis, MN Will receive the Young Alumnus Award and Young Alumna Award, respectively, which recognize graduates 40 years of age or younger who have excelled in their professions.
2 UNI dedicates newly renovated Begeman Hall
Northern Iowan 104:12, p.1
Renovation of former Physics Building completed to be named for first Physics department head, Louis Begeman; photo.
3 Mason joins UNI Foundation Board of Trustees
Public Relations News Release 2006:0, p.1
David R. Mason has been elected to the Board of Trustees for the University of Northern Iowa Foundation.
4 Institutional growth; transfer of governance to the State Board of Education (1906 through June, 1909)
A Century of Leadership and Service 1:0, p.255
Organization of the school into formal departments; Dean of Women Walker develops guidelines for rooming houses; photo.
5 Edward J. Gallagher, JR., named to board of trustees of University of Northern Iowa foundation.
Public Relations News Release 1990:710, p.1
Gallagher is the senior partner in the Waterloo law firm of Gallagher, Langlas and Gallagher and a life- long resident of Waterloo. Gallagher served in the U.S. Navy during the World War II.
6 Walter and Gwen Brown selected as grand marshals for University of Northern Iowa homecoming parade Oct. 21.
Public Relations News Release 1989:132, p.1
According to Lee Miller, "They are great supporters both vocally and financially." Walter Brown still actively serves n the renamed Board of Trustees.
7 The Board of Directors, 1876-1897; the Board of Trustees, 1897-1909
First 75 Years 0:0, p.27
Board members who had particular influence on the Normal School; duties of the Boards; difficulties involving selection of faculty.
8 The State Board of Control, 1898-1909
First 75 Years 0:0, p.31
State Board of Control exerts authority over Normal School governing boards.
9 The Whipple Bill
Fifty Years at the Teachers College 0:0, p.211
State schools united under Board of Education governance.
10 Boards of management
Fifty Years at the Teachers College 0:0, p.148
The three state schools come under one board; tributes to members of Board of Directors and Board of Trustees.
11 Alumni program to be broadcasted next Tuesday night; in connection with state dinner of graduates and former students of college
College Eye 16:21, p.1
Will offer opportunity for alumni to listen.
12 W. H. Harwood
Alumni News Letter 6:2, p.4
Mr. and Mrs. William H. Harwood reside in California, where Mr. Harwood serves as an investigator for the State Corporation Department. Harwood once served as a member of the Board of Trustees for the Teachers College.
13 Herman Casewell Hemenway
Alumni News Letter 6:2, p.7
Herman Casewell Hemenway died on January 27, 1922. Hemenway was in charge of the bill which created the Normal School in 1876 as a member of the House of Representatives in the 16th General Assembly.
14 Hon I. J. McDuffie
Alumni News Letter 6:2, p.7
Former Board of Trustees member, I. J. McDuffie, recovers from a broken leg suffered In January.
15 Benjamin Franklin Osborn
Alumni News Letter 6:1, p.7
Benjamin Franklin Osborn of the Board of Trustees for the Iowa State Normal School marries Hetti Heater Bailey in Des Moines.
16 Frank W. Mahin
Alumni News Letter 5:3, p.2
Former State Normal School Board of Trustees member, Frank W. Mahin, returns to the United States on vacation from his duties as the United States Consul General at Amsterdam.
17 George Vernon Orr
Alumni News Letter 5:3, p.7
George Vernon Orr is selected as a trustee of Upper Iowa University, Fayette, in their recent commencement.
18 Members of the Boards of the Iowa State Normal School
Alumni News Letter 3:3, p.2
Residences of ex-members of Board of Directors and Board of Trustees.
19 Hon. Roger Leavitt
College Eye 7:1, p.1
Roger Leavitt retires from his position on the school governing board; photo.
20 Alumni banquet
College Eye 7:1, p.1
Alumni tell old stories and enjoy the reunion.
21 Official Notes
College Eye 4:29, p.3
News of important educators and education-related events; rooms are being rented in new dormitory.
22 Program for dedication; will occur at the College Auditorium on Thursday morning
College Eye 1:9, p.156
Dedication of the new Library will take place; will include music and addresses.
23 The year
Old Gold 0:0, p.9
Summary of significant changes during the 1909-1910 school year; name has changed; new governing board.
24 Societies located; Delphians and Eulalians held opening program in new literary hall.
Normal Eyte 20:13, p.218
Brief description of new hall.
25 Trustees' pictures in hall
Normal Eyte 20:8, p.139
Placed in corridor near President Seerley's office.
26 Hon. James H. Trewin and Dr. Frank I. Merchant speak at the college and normal round table.
Normal Eyte 20:7, p.122
James Trewin speaks on the change from the Board of Trustees to the Board of Education; Professor Merchant speaks on the rights and responsibilities of the faculty under the new board.
27 Report of the treasurer of the Alumni Association, year 1908-1909
Normal Eyte 20:4, p.57
Financial report.
28 Official
Normal Eyte 20:3, p.38
Commencement addresses will be published as conclusion of work of Board of Trustees; many alumni are teaching at colleges and universities.
29 Trustees retire
Normal Eyte 20:0, p.2
Board of Trustees ends service, Board of Education take over; brief history of the Board of Trustees; photo.
30 Board of Trustees
Old Gold 0:0, p.18
List of trustees and brief description of new board that will govern the three state institutions; photo.
31 Commencement program; annual event will require six days this year
Normal Eyte 19:31, p.479
Commencement schedule.
32 Trustees in session; board holds three days of meeting--three teachers resign
Normal Eyte 19:28, p.433
Building Committee awards contracts for new Library building; Charles Anthony, Laura Bowman, and Jennie Hutchinson resign; tribute to I. J. McDuffie.
33 The Board of Trustees
Normal Eyte 19:28, p.447
Entertained by President Seerley.
34 Des Moines
Normal Eyte 19:24, p.381
Committee finds no fault with using millage tax money for construction of President's House.
35 W. H. Harwood
Normal Eyte 19:24, p.382
Will serve on Board of Trustees until new unified board takes charge.
36 Association of Contributors to Iowa Education and History
Normal Eyte 19:20, p.311
Officers, objectives, and membership of the new association aimed at collecting and preserving "facts, data, materials, and objects as in any way relate to the origin, growth, and development of education in this state."
37 Advocated single board of regents; Senator W. P. Whipple will introduce bill
Normal Eyte 19:17, p.260
Bill calls for single board of nine members to govern all three Iowa public institutions of higher learning.
38 Seniors busy on book; "Old Gold, '09" is being put together by class--to be elaborate annual
Normal Eyte 19:17, p.259
Will include sixteen color pages in special binding.
39 Association of contributors to Iowa education
Normal Eyte 19:15, p.228
Trustees consider organizing group in Cedar Falls; would collect and preserve information on history and development of education in Iowa.
40 W. H. Harwood
Normal Eyte 19:15, p.235
Appointed to Board of Trustees.
41 Official
Normal Eyte 19:14, p.209
Marshalltown paper defends Normal School; John F. Riggs talks about salaries and efficiencies in schools; Professor Frampton gives recital; Anna Childs spoke to reading circle; Trustees consider new Library and summer session.
42 The Normal Board of Trustees
Normal Eyte 19:13, p.207
Met in several sessions.
43 Miss Elizabeth Hughes
Normal Eyte 19:9, p.134
Board will grant Bachelor of Arts to Elizabeth Hughes.
44 Official: the visit of the veterans
Normal Eyte 19:4, p.49
Members of 3rd Iowa Infantry visit campus; Margaret Baker lecturing in Chicago; new lockers will be added to Gymnasium; NCA has new room; Nan Baldwin is secretary of YWCA; masonry work under way at President's House; Trustees file biennial report.
45 Normal board makes report
Normal Eyte 19:3, p.36
Adopted biennial report; includes requests for appropriations from General Assembly.
46 Official
Normal Eyte 19:1, p.8
Roster of new faculty; President's House under construction; work on Library ended for the year with much first floor work completed; description of duties of Marion McFarland Walker.
47 The Board of Trustees
Old Gold 0:0, p.9
Brief history of the Board, with a roster of members and committee assignments; photo.
48 Normal trustees in sessions
Normal Eyte 18:29, p.453
Trustees consider sidewalks, change in railroad tracks, location of President's House, late registration fees, school seal, museum collection expansion, library instruction, and college hospital.
49 Official
Normal Eyte 18:29, p.452
Bruce Francis will be superintendent in Washington, Iowa; Clarence Steele doing well in Montana; Trustees make decisions on Library and President's House; adopt plan to determine rank and salaries of faculty.
50 Official
Normal Eyte 18:25, p.390
Trustees will meet to plan summer construction on Library; faculty working on curriculum; President Seerley will speak on simplified spelling.