
Displaying 401 - 410 of 410 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
401 Colegrove's book won; named by official reading circle board on Tuesday in Des Moines; "The Teacher and the School" receives honored selection
Normal Eyte 21:20, p.346
Professor Colegrove's latest book has been widely acclaimed by the Iowa state reading circle board.
402 New book appears; Miss Buck is writer of "Guide to the teacher's mastery of tests"
Normal Eyte 19:13, p.197
Work by Professors Cummins and Dickey also featured in book.
403 Prof. Colegrove's new work
Normal Eyte 18:31, p.490
Review of Professor Colegrove's new book on school management.
404 The Blithedale Romance
Normal Eyte 17:7, p.98
Book review, The Blithedale Romance by Hawthorne
405 Value of college education
Normal Eyte 13:34, p.534
Brief review of book by R. T. Crane.
406 Books for teachers
Normal Eyte 9:33, p.782
Recommended reading.
407 Book review
Normal Eyte 9:7, p.159
Review of unnamed book.
408 In the library
Normal Eyte 3:4, p.25
Library has some new books despite the difficult financial circumstances; reviews of a few new titles.
409 In the library
Normal Eyte 2:32, p.243
Review of books on ancient literature, mythology, and archeology.
410 In the library
Normal Eyte 2:28, p.212
New books have been added lately; review of some of them.