Brindley Debate Tournament

Displaying 51 - 70 of 70 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
51 Brindley debaters vie for scholarships here this weekend
College Eye 30:18, p.1
52 Fifteen high schools enter debaters in Brindley Tournament
College Eye 30:17, p.1
53 Fifteen high schools send debaters here
College Eye 29:19, p.1
For Brindley Tournament.
54 Brindley debaters discuss state unicameral legislation
College Eye 29:18, p.1
About twelve teams will participate.
55 Brindley awards go to groups trained by Tutor graduates
College Eye 28:20, p.1
ISTC alumni were advisors to high schools that performed well at the tournament.
56 Debaters come to campus for Brindley meeting
College Eye 28:19, p.1
Students from seventeen high schools will participate.
57 Speakers clash next week in debate tourney
College Eye 28:18, p.1
High school students will come to campus for Brindley Tournament.
58 Debaters get snowbound . . . .
Alumnus 20:2, p.2
Women travel to Denver; men travel to Cuba before debating in South; weather forces cancellation of Brindley Tournament.
59 The Brindley Memorial High School Debate tournament has been cancelled this year
Public Relations News Release 1935:646, p.1
The three four-year scholarships that are awarded at the tournament have also been canceled.
60 Brindley memorial debate cancelled
College Eye 27:32, p.1
Due to bad weather and scheduling conflicts.
61 Debate tournament is postponed one week
College Eye 27:31, p.1
Due to bad weather and travel conditions.
62 Five more high schools have entered the Brindley Memorial debate tournament
Public Relations News Release 1935:589, p.1
Three four-year scholarships will be awarded to the best individual debaters.
63 Debaters from twenty towns to meet here
College Eye 27:30, p.1
For Brindley competition.
64 Two Cedar Falls men will talk before the Cedar Rapids Rotary Club
Public Relations News Release 1934:930, p.1
Phil Connell and Paul Boysen both won scholarships in the 1934 Brindley Memorial Debate Tournament.
65 Three preps win scholarships here
College Eye 26:32, p.1
At Brindley Debate.
66 Preps vie for speech prizes
College Eye 26:31, p.1
Representatives from fifteen Iowa high schools will be on campus for the Brindley event.
67 First Brindley debating meet is held today; ten Iowa high schools are entered in memorial tournament
College Eye 25:31, p.1
First meet held in honor of the late Professor Brindley.
68 Contest named for Brindley
Alumnus 17:3, p.16
Iowa High School Invitation contest will be renamed the Brindley Forensic Tournament.
69 Resolution is made to name high school meet Brindley Tournament; three scholarships will be awarded each year
College Eye 24:33, p.1
Delta Sigma Rho presents recommendation to President Latham.
70 The Brindley Forensic Tournament
Public Relations News Release 1932:314, p.1
In honor of the late W. A. Brindley the annual invitation contest for Iowa high school debaters will hereafter be called the Brindley Forensic Tournament. The petition for the name change came from the Delta Sigma Rho,the honorary speech fraternity.