Buffum--Hugh Straight (Education Faculty)

Displaying 151 - 200 of 287 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
151 Pi Tau Phi
Old Gold 0:0, p.285
Sponsor, patronesses, chaplain, and sorores in college; photos.
152 Chi Alpha Omega Circle of Westminster Foundation
Old Gold 0:0, p.259
Members and pledges; photos.
153 Department of Education
Old Gold 0:0, p.24
Aims of the department; photos.
154 College professors join local chapter of university profs
College Eye 21:20, p.1
Twenty-five faculty are members of the newly-organized AAUP chapter; ISTC is one of ten teachers colleges admitted to membership.
155 The recently organized Cedar Falls chapter
Public Relations News Release 1929:228, p.1
AAUP now has twenty-five members; roster of members.
156 Boy Scouts
Alumnus 14:1, p.15
Four hundred scouts visit campus.
157 Ninety students at Iowa State Teachers College
Public Relations News Release 1929:88, p.1
Students will take part in a religious pageant called "The Heavenly Host."
158 Khaki will reign over campus Sat. on Boy Scout Day; representatives will be present from Wapsipinicon area to join in program
College Eye 21:11, p.1
Schedule of events for the first Scout Day.
159 Boy Scouts boast of new quarters in Aud. Building
College Eye 21:11, p.8
Professor Buffum leads troop.
160 Westminster Foundation plans breakfast
College Eye 21:11, p.5
News about upcoming activities.
161 Westminster Foundation
College Eye 21:3, p.5
All women on campus invited to a tea; Virginia Havens will lead Christian Endeavor on September 29; Mrs. Buffum will lead the first meeting of the Chi Alpha Omega Circle.
162 Religious council to give certificates
College Eye 21:2, p.1
For students who study religious preparatory classes.
163 Department of Education
Old Gold 0:0, p.23
Aims of the department; photos.
164 Square and Compass Club
Old Gold 0:0, p.212
Brief description, officers, and members; photo.
165 Cedar Falls Boy Scout to make trip abroad
College Eye 20:31, p.1
One Scout will attend jamboree in England.
166 Pi Tau Phi
College Eye 20:21, p.8
Hold winter formal and theatre party.
167 Tutors win debate from Upper Iowa by two to one vote; critical audience decision
College Eye 20:21, p.1
168 Mrs. Hugh Buffum
College Eye 20:17, p.5
Recovering from an attack of the flu.
169 Wesley Foundation
College Eye 20:17, p.5
Study church music.
170 Pi Tau Phi
College Eye 20:17, p.6
Illness and member home visits.
171 Hugh Buffum ill
College Eye 20:16, p.5
Recovering from the flu and sinus inflammation.
172 Pi Tau Phi
College Eye 20:10, p.6
Pledges announced; alumni return.
173 Westminister Foundation of Iowa meeting
College Eye 20:3, p.5
Hugh S. Buffum attends nominating meeting.
174 Return from motor trips
College Eye 20:1, p.8
Many faculty traveled during the summer.
175 Professor H. S. Buffum and family
College Eye 19:46, p.8
Visited former home in LeRoy, Iowa.
176 Department of Education
Old Gold 0:0, p.26
Department roster; photos.
177 Square and Compass Club
Old Gold 0:0, p.197
Club officers; purpose; brief history; photo.
178 Mr. and Mrs. Buffum
College Eye 18:53, p.7
Entertained the school administration and supervision classes.
179 Prof. and Mrs. Hugh S. Buffum
College Eye 18:52, p.8
Entertained at a breakfast for Mr. Buffum's School Administration classes.
180 Faculty golf stars are near finals; third round is nearly finished with eight professors going strong
College Eye 18:49, p.1
Results of recent play.
181 Department of Education
Old Gold 0:0, p.24
Brief overview of the staff; staff photo.
182 Pi Tau Phi
Old Gold 0:0, p.264
Roster of honorary members, patronesses, members, pledges and sponsor; photo.
183 The Westminster Foundation
Old Gold 0:0, p.173
Brief overview of the foundation; roster of officers and the local foundation board; photo.
184 Another of the May morning
College Eye 18:42, p.8
Methodists hold breakfast.
185 Mrs. Hugh Buffum
College Eye 18:34, p.5
Attended the Better Homes Convention in Des Moines.
186 Pi Tau Phi
College Eye 18:31, p.8
Seventeen couples attended a formal dinner, followed by a program.
187 Pi Tau Phi
College Eye 18:23, p.8
Entertained at the home of Mrs. H. S. Buffum.
188 Last Wednesday evening
College Eye 18:20, p.3
Professor Buffum entertained his school administration class.
189 Field work of the extension staff
College Eye 18:19, p.5
Schedule of Extension work.
190 Lambda Gamma house wins decoration
College Eye 18:15, p.1
Roster of Homecoming prize winners.
191 Pi Tau Phi
College Eye 18:14, p.8
Entertained at Golda Long's home; will entertain at a Homecoming luncheon.
192 We have a lively Epworth League
College Eye 18:1, p.8
Roster of officers for summer term.
193 Pi Tau Phi
Old Gold 0:0, p.288
Members, brief history; organized in 1926; photo.
194 Faculty
Old Gold 0:0, p.24
195 Pi Tau Phi
College Eye 17:43, p.8
Entertained at breakfast.
196 Pi Tau Phi
College Eye 17:39, p.8
Mrs. Buffum holds emblem ceremony.
197 Pi Tau Phi
College Eye 17:37, p.8
Held tea for rushees.
198 Official notice
College Eye 17:35, p.2
Professor Buffum explains the choice of speakers for the Washington's birthday religious service.
199 6-Mar
College Eye 17:35, p.3
Study centers will be held in Iowa Falls, Centerville, Grinnell, Boone, Le Mars, Jefferson, and Gladbrook.
200 Pi Tau Phi
College Eye 17:27, p.8
Professor and Mrs. Buffum sponsor new sorority.