Campus School
Displaying 1 - 50 of 336 in reverse chronological order
# | Title | Date | Summary |
1 | Remember when Northern Iowa Today 94:2, p. |
Old laboratory school classrooms in Sabin Hall; photo. | |
2 | Teaching Department has Eight Student Teacher Centers Northern Iowan 0:0, p.107 |
The Teaching Department has five training schools that arrange for student teachers to learn on site. A new one added to the list was the Iowa Braille and Sight Saving School in Vinton. | |
3 | Former lab school principal dies College Eye 50:26, p.1 |
Cyril Jackson died April 9, 1959. | |
4 | Malcolm Price Lab School dedication set for Monday College Eye 50:24, p.1 |
Brief schedule of ceremony; photo. | |
5 | Department of Education and Psychology Old Gold 0:0, p.44 |
The Department of Education and Psychology, in cooperation with the Department of Teaching, is workng on motion pictures to replace the many observations normally made at the Campus School; photo. | |
6 | Department of Business Education Old Gold 0:0, p.43 |
The Business Education Department was formerly housed on the third floor of the Administration Building, and has now moved to the Old Campus School; new remodels and better working conditions were included in the Department of Business Education; photo. | |
7 | Governor Hoegh with President Maucker Old Gold 0:0, p.225 |
Governor Hoegh and President Maucker on a visit to the campus elementary school; photo. | |
8 | Teaching Supervises Student Teachers Old Gold 0:0, p.93 |
Description of the role that the teaching department takes during the training of new teachers. Also, there are photos of the faculty and locations of the schools where the students are trained; photos. |
9 | Parents follow kids to kindergarten College Eye 46:21, p.3 |
At Campus School work night. | |
10 | Campus School dads lecture to junior and his classmates College Eye 46:12, p.5 |
Fathers of students come to class for discussions. | |
11 | PTA entertains student teachers College Eye 46:4, p.7 |
At Campus School. | |
12 | Kindergartners peddle lemonade College Eye 45:40, p.1 |
Raise money for trip to Island Park. | |
13 | Lattin is new head of campus school College Eye 45:35, p.1 |
Will replace Jack Hall. | |
14 | College Eye Bulletin Board College Eye 44:31, p.6 |
News from campus organizations. | |
15 | 'Defense office' resents Spillalley's works College Eye 44:31, p.2 |
Campus School graduate defends the school. | |
16 | Spring fever College Eye 44:28, p.1 |
Campus school students perform acrobatics on the lawn; photo. |
17 | College Eye Bulletin Board College Eye 44:27, p.9 |
News about campus organizations. | |
18 | Campus School to give concert this afternoon College Eye 44:13, p.7 |
Will present light Christmas music. | |
19 | Sitters will sit College Eye 44:7, p.6 |
Campus School students will baby-sit for Faculty Dames meeting. | |
20 | Foreign educators visit Ingawanis College Eye 44:7, p.3 |
Observe Campus School outdoor education program. | |
21 | Teaching Old Gold 0:0, p.162 |
Brief description of the department with photos of the faculty and of students in a classroom; photo. | |
22 | Perry Grier, was re-elected president of the Black Hawk County Education association for the 1952-53 year Public Relations News Release 1951:562, p.1 |
Other association officers elected were Ruth Ridenour, vice-president; Robert Wrider, secretary; and August Lukes, re-elected treasurer. Dr. Leonard C. Murray, educational director of the state department of health, discussed "How Strong is America." | |
23 | Mary Pickett Caldwell, 63, assistant professor of teaching, died Friday morning in her office at the college Campus School Public Relations News Release 1952:506, p.1 |
Attending physician said the cause of death was a cerebral hemorrhage. Caldwell joing the staff in 1922 as a critic of teaching. She received a kindergarten diploma in 1910, a critic certificate in 1918 and a bachelor of arts degree in 1919. | |
24 | Special To: The Daily Record Public Relations News Release 1951:282, p.1 |
The new year finds the college 75 years young, looking forward to the inquguration of its graduate program in the summer of 1952. A major curriculum revision for degree students began during the 1951 summer session. | |
25 | Parents of children enrolled in elementary grades of the Campus School will be able to visit the school to discuss their children's progress Public Relations News Release 1951:119, p.1 |
Perry Grier, elementary principal at the Campus School, said half-hour conferences between parents and room supervisors of student teaching have been scheduled during free periods and after school Monday through Thursday Nov. 12-15. | |
26 | During the 1952 summer session, no classes in grades eight through twelve will be offered in the Campus School Public Relations News Release 1951:107, p.1 |
Registrar Marshall R. Beard said decreased enrollments in those grades at the School during recent summers resulted in the decision. Summer classes in grades one through seven will be held. | |
27 | The third weekly meeting of the second annual retail sales training clinic will be held Wednesday, October 24, at 8 o'clock in Gilchrist Hall chapel Public Relations News Release 1951:90, p.1 |
Leonard Keefe of the business education department will be the featured speaker. He will discuss "An Autopsy of a Lost Sale." Next week's speaker will be Art Brayton. Herbert V. Hake will present a chalk-talk during the dinner meeting. | |
28 | Three hundred Iowa educators are expected to attend the Fall Educational conference September 28 - 29 Public Relations News Release 1951:38, p.1 |
Featured speaker at the conference will be May Hill Arbuthnot, author of "Children and Books" and nationally recognized as an authority on children's literature. | |
29 | Campus school reports enrollment increase College Eye 43:1, p.6 |
Thirteen more students this year. | |
30 | An increase in enrollment of 13 students on the campus was reported today by Dwight K. Curtis, director of student teaching Public Relations News Release 1951:27, p.1 |
Curtis said the enrollment for the 1951-1952 year at the Campus schools is 668 as compared to 655 enrolled last year. | |
31 | May Hill Arbuthnot will be the main speaker at the Fall Educational conference, Friday and Saturday, September 28 - 29 Public Relations News Release 1951:23, p.1 |
Arbuthnot is the author of "Children and Books" and is nationally recognized as an authority on childrens' literature. The theme for Friday's program is "Improving Teaching Efficiency." | |
32 | News in brief College Eye 42:40, p.2 |
Professor Douglas returns from Northwestern University; Campus School children visit Illinois Central yard and a bank. | |
33 | May Hill Arbuthnot, author of "Children and Books" will be the main speaker at the Fall Educational conference, Sept. 28 - 29 Public Relations News Release 1950:422, p.1 |
The Cleveland, Ohio, writer, formerly associated with Western Reserve University, will speak both days. "Understanding Today's Children and Youth" is the conference theme. Conferees can attend any of three panel discussion sessions. | |
34 | Strangers behold unordinary staff College Eye 42:37, p.3 |
A Campus School student looks at student teachers. | |
35 | Pupil classifies student teachers College Eye 42:37, p.3 |
A Campus School student looks at student teachers. | |
36 | Open season on student teachers College Eye 42:37, p.3 |
Campus School students look at student teachers. | |
37 | Newcomers find T.C.H.S. different College Eye 42:37, p.3 |
A Campus School student looks at student teachers. | |
38 | Traffic division sets up signals College Eye 42:34, p.3 |
In area around Campus School. | |
39 | Three blinker traffic lights have been installed at pedestrian crossings on 27th street, the road cutting the south campus of the college Public Relations News Release 1950:399, p.1 |
A spokesman for the college's traffic committee said twenty miles per hour speed limit signs would also be installed on the 27th Street approaches to the blinker lights. | |
40 | Construction Public Relations News Release 1950:402, p.1 |
The face of the campus also took on changes during the year. A $655,000 expansion of the heating and power plant, begun over a year ago, is still under construction. The project includes new offices for the buildings and grounds department. | |
41 | Elementary figure over last year College Eye 42:33, p.3 |
Summer session enrollment in Campus School reaches 418. | |
42 | Adjustments totaling $122,520, due to delays, were awarded to three firms contracted to build Unit A of a new Campus Laboratory School Public Relations News Release 1950:394, p.1 |
The firms are Viggo Jensen company of Albert Lea, Minnesota; W. A. Peck Company, Des Moines; and Cedar Rapids Electric Company, Cedar Rapids. A Chicago consulting firm made a soil study last fall after construction was stopped due to unstable soil. | |
43 | Auditorium building Old Gold 0:0, p.8 |
Photo. | |
44 | The second campus Baccalaureate service was held Sunday evening for the 37 seniors of the campus laboratory high school Public Relations News Release 1950:385, p.1 |
"Your Life Counts" was the title of Harold E. Bernhard's address to the high school seniors. Rev. Irving Tange, pastor of the Nazareth Lutheran church, read the invocation and benediction. John Anderson, senior class president, gave the scripture reading. | |
45 | This summer's campus elementary school enrollment will exceed the school's normal enrollment, Principal Tom D. Horn announced today Public Relations News Release 1950:376, p.1 |
About 380 pupils, in nursery school through seventh grade, have already registered for the eight-week session which starts Monday, June 18. Present campus elementary school supervisors are listed. | |
46 | Mothers of the sixth grade students at the Iowa State Teachers college campus school will be guests at a May breakfast Tuesday, May 22 Public Relations News Release 1950:372, p.1 |
The students will prepare and serve the breakfast in their home room at the campus school. The teacher in charge is Irvin Ramsey. Committee chairman for the breakfast are Priscilla Hake, Frederick Volker, Tamara Galloway, and Nancy VanEngen. | |
47 | Three orchestras to give concert College Eye 42:30, p.4 |
Young musicians from Campus School will perform. | |
48 | Three of the nation's most unusual orchestras will present a program Sunday, May 13, at 3:30 p.m. in the college auditorium Public Relations News Release 1950:356, p.1 |
They are the separate and complete orchestras of the third, fourth and fifth grades of the campus laboratory school. Each orchestra includes 50 to 55 youngsters playing string, woodwind, and brass instruments. | |
49 | Orchestra plans spring concert College Eye 42:29, p.6 |
50 | The Campus School Alumnus 35:2, p.1 |
Will hold eight-week elementary summer term. |