Campus School

Displaying 51 - 100 of 336 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
51 Classes will not be held Friday, April 27, for elementary pupils in the Campus school
Public Relations News Release 1950:332, p.1
Thomas Horn, elementary principal, announced that the 12-week teacher-parent conferences, rather than regular classes, will be scheduled that day. Arrangements will be made for parents who can't come between the appointed hours.
52 A program of vocal and instrumental music will be presented Friday night by the combined junior high grades of the Campus Laboratory school
Public Relations News Release 1950:329, p.1
The public is invited to the program which begins at 7:30 p.m. in the Campus high school auditorium. Mildred Luce, Charles Hansford and Vincent Malek are in charge of the program which will feature American folk music.
53 About 75 persons registered for today's, April 20, Conference for Elementary School Principals at the college
Public Relations News Release 1950:322, p.1
A one-and-one-half hour observation period in the campus laboratory elementary school preceded the morning general session. Silbert S. Willey gave the main address following a welcome by J. W. Maucker.
54 Foreign music, dances set for presentation
College Eye 42:27, p.2
At Campus School.
55 Dr. Edward Kurtz was honored Tuesday night, April 17, at a dinner party given by fellow musicians and music faculty
Public Relations News Release 1950:320, p.1

The 69-year-old violinist, composer and conductor will retire at the end of the summer quarter. He has been head of the music department since 1934, and a member of that department since 1924.

56 The Iowa Association of Elementary School Principals will meet Friday, April 20, at the college
Public Relations News Release 1950:308, p.1
The conference will feature three discussion groups, observation in the campus laboratory school, and an address by Gilbert S. Willey, superintendent of schools, Winnetka, Illinois.
57 A triple slate of conferences is scheduled for the week end, April 13-14
Public Relations News Release 1950:304, p.1
The audio-Visual conference is on Friday. Observation of campus school classes in session and tours of the campus to observe audio-visual materials and facilities will be part of the program.
58 Carolyn Hill and Marilyn Russell, seniors at Teachers college high school, will present a recital Thursday, April 12, at 8 p.m.
Public Relations News Release 1950:288, p.1
The recital will be held in the campus school auditorium. Carolyn, daughter of Frank W. Hill, is a soprano. Marilyn, a pianist, is the daughter of Myron E. Russell.
59 The Campus school playground at the College won't be deserted this summer.
Public Relations News Release 1950:283, p.1
An eight-week elementary school term starting Monday, June 18, and a nine-week high school term starting Wednesday, June 13, were announced today by Dwight Curtis, head of the college's teaching department. The terms will end August 10 and 15, respectivel
60 Week-end events will include the campus high school band concert Friday (March 30) and the spring recital of the Junior and Senior Orchesis
Public Relations News Release 1950:280, p.1
A drum duet, a brass sextet, and a saxaphone quartet will be featured at the spring band concert conducted by Vincent Maleck of the Campus school music staff. Jean burgess and Barbara Wlaz will be in charge of the dance recital.
61 Integrated music program planned
College Eye 42:23, p.8
Children will sing, dance, and play.
62 Campus High Operetta
College Eye 42:21, p.7
Will present "The Count and the Coed".
63 The entertainment calendar for the next week at Iowa State Teachers college is pretty heavily booked
Here's what's coming up:

Public Relations News Release 1950:244, p.1
Feb. 28, Jazz concert, Commons; March. 1-2, "The Count and the Coed, campus school auditorium;" Mar. 2, Folk Festival, Women's gym; Mar. 3, Soc Hop, Commons; Recital, Pianist Jean Casadesus, auditorium.
64 Disguised count...prexy's daughter
Public Relations News Release 1950:239, p.1
"The Count and the Coed," is jointly presented by the drama and music departments in the campus high school auditorium. Drama directors are Margaret Divelbess and Howard VanderBeek. Mildred Luce is the music director
65 Campus School principal resigns
College Eye 42:16, p.5
Thomas Horn will go to University of Texas.
66 Footings for new campus school at TC being redesigned
Public Relations News Release 1950:285, p.1
Construction of the $920,000 project started early this fall but the general contractor, Viggo Jensen company of Albert Lea, Minnesota, unexpectedly struck water during excavation.
67 Footings for New Campus School at TC Being Redesigned
Public Relations News Release 1950:115, p.1
Construction of the $920,000 project started early this fall but the general contractor, Viggo Jensen Company of Albert Lea, Minn., unexpectedly struck water during excavation.
68 Campus school PTA to hold square dance
College Eye 42:8, p.5
69 Teach fifth-graders about Atomic Science
Public Relations News Release 1950:66, p.1
Iowa's plan is the first statewide attempt in the nation to promote atomic education and will reach grade school, high school, college, and adult education levels. The fifth-graders did study and remember a speaking knowledge of neutrons and fission.
70 High school students exchange council ideas
College Eye 42:4, p.6
Campus School students meet student government leaders from other schools.
71 High school queen revealed tonight
College Eye 42:4, p.8
Campus School will hold pep rally.
72 Campus school plans parent-teacher party
College Eye 42:2, p.3
73 324 are enrolled for elementary in Campus School
College Eye 41:31, p.1
For summer session.
74 State board approves new campus school; first bids will be open in June
College Eye 41:30, p.1
A description of the new facilities.
75 Hold nine weeks summer session in Campus School
College Eye 41:30, p.7
Description of courses offered.
76 Campus School to present concert
College Eye 41:30, p.3
Performance program.
77 Student teachers to direct concert
College Eye 41:29, p.8
Students from the ninth and tenth grade chorus and the senior chorus will participate.
78 Music programs at campus school
College Eye 41:13, p.6
Four separate programs are scheduled.
79 Teachers college predominates in December Midland Schools magazine
College Eye 41:13, p.3
Several T.C. students, faculty, and graduates are pictured in the December issue of Midland Schools.
80 Dodd to be Santa at Yuletide party
College Eye 41:13, p.2
The sixth graders of the Campus School will give a Christmas party for the residents at the Western Home.
81 Many fields are offered at workshops
College Eye 40:39, p.1
Lengthy roster of workshops.
82 Campus School News
College Eye 40:39, p.5
Campus School students visited the Waterloo Courier; students gave puppet shows; Karl Erik Killsholm spoke.
83 Campus School News
College Eye 40:38, p.2
News items concerning students and faculty of the Campus School.
84 Campus School News
College Eye 40:37, p.5
News items concerning students and faculty of the Campus School.
85 Kindergarteners ride on train to Waterloo
College Eye 40:36, p.3
Children visit station and study railroads.
86 Sunset Village visited by kindergarten pupils
College Eye 40:34, p.3
Children are studying construction of different kinds of housing.
87 Campus School News
College Eye 40:34, p.3
News items concerning students and faculty of the Campus School.
88 Excursion made by kindergarten as class project
College Eye 40:33, p.3
May visit pools, dairy, and bakery.
89 Campus School sixth graders start paper
College Eye 40:33, p.3
Roster of staff for "Campus Star".
90 Campus School News
College Eye 40:33, p.3
News items concerning students and faculty of the Campus School.
91 Elementary school has 231 summer enrollees
College Eye 40:32, p.5
List of faculty.
92 Summer classes of Campus School to study Black Hawk County history
College Eye 40:31, p.6
Description of the course of study.
93 Elementary school begins June 6
College Eye 40:30, p.7
Plans for summer at the Campus School.
94 Campus School begins summer session June 6
College Eye 40:29, p.4
A look at the summer curriculum; list of faculty.
95 Untitled
College Eye 40:29, p.2
Encourages students to set an example by obeying the rules set by the Campus School safety patrol.
96 Notice
College Eye 40:28, p.6
Asks ISTC students to obey Campus School safety patrols.
97 Arts plan altered in Campus School
College Eye 40:23, p.8
Attempt to break down barriers between particular arts and industrial arts.
98 'Driving course is popular among high school students,' says teacher
College Eye 40:18, p.7
Forty students are enrolled; Professor Woodcock describes the problem at length.
99 Safety Patrol
College Eye 40:18, p.1
Will watch for cooperation of students and faculty with Campus School safety patrol
100 Turning lathes in Campus School fourth graders master jigsaws
College Eye 40:16, p.8
A look at the work in industrial arts.