Carpenter--Jennette (English Faculty)

Displaying 151 - 200 of 210 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
151 Miss Laura Bowman
Normal Eyte 19:14, p.222
Entertained faculty who have visited Europe.
152 Photographs of faculty and staff
Old Gold 0:0, p.14
153 Miss Carpenter's literature students
Normal Eyte 18:23, p.366
Enjoyed talk on travels to Italy.
154 Women's oratorical
Normal Eyte 18:18, p.275
Took place with representatives of each women's literary society; account of the competition; Mabel Wheelock won.
155 The English literature classes
Normal Eyte 18:14, p.216
Professor Carpenter spoke about literary places she has visited in England and Scotland.
156 Miss Carpenter
Normal Eyte 18:2, p.18
Spent her summer vacation at Spirit Lake.
157 The English Department
Old Gold 0:0, p.12
Faculty assignments and brief description of department; photo.
158 The Old Gold staff
Old Gold 0:0, p.6
Roster of Old Gold staff with their responsibilities; Julian Gist was editor-in-chief; Thomas Conley was business manager.
159 Y. W. C. A.
Old Gold 0:0, p.135
Recent happenings in the YWCA; cabinet members; photo.
160 October
Old Gold 0:0, p.273
Chronological look at school year month by month.
161 Miss Jennette Carpenter
Normal Eyte 17:4, p.63
Enjoying trip to Germany.
162 Young Women's Christian Association
Pedagog 0:0, p.106
525 women are members; several representatives attended conferences; photo.
163 Members of the I. S. N. S. faculty, 1905-6
Pedagog 0:0, p.11
Roster of faculty with academic credentials and years of service at ISNS.
164 Miss Carpenter
Normal Eyte 16:33, p.529
Left for New York and will sail to Europe.
165 Miss Thornton and Miss Curtiss
Normal Eyte 16:32, p.510
Entertained Jennette Carpenter, who will sail for Europe.
166 Last week Miss Call
Normal Eyte 16:19, p.303
Entertained Tuesday Club; Jennette Carpenter spoke on Boston.
167 Iowa State Normal School. Faculty 1905-06.
Normal Eyte 16:4, p.62
Roster of faculty with their local addresses.
168 Miss Carpenter
Normal Eyte 16:1, p.7
Collected slides for her American literature classes while in Nebraska, Maine, New York, and Boston.
169 Members of the I. S. N. S. faculty, 1904-1905
Normal Eyte Annual 0:0, p.12
Roster of faculty and administrative staff, with years of service and academic preparation; photo.
170 Normal's Young Women's Christian Association
Normal Eyte Annual 0:0, p.59
Follows the advancements of the YWCA since it began at ISNS in 1886; photo of cabinet members.
171 One pleasing bit
Normal Eyte 15:30, p.478
Annual will feature word picture of campus created by Jennette Carpenter.
172 Mrs. Frink
Normal Eyte 15:19, p.303
Has been visiting Jennette Carpenter.
173 Monday, the advanced class in English Lit.
Normal Eyte 15:19, p.302
Were treated to a solo by Miss Carpenter.
174 Miss Carpenter
Normal Eyte 15:5, p.78
Visited friends.
175 Elon P. Frink
Normal Eyte 15:4, p.63
Visiting cousin Jennette Carpenter.
176 Miss Carpenter
Normal Eyte 15:4, p.62
Returned to work.
177 Miss Carpenter's mother dies
Normal Eyte 15:3, p.48
Died after surgical operation.
178 Miss Jennette Carpenter
Normal Eyte 14:35, p.564
Will represent ISNS at Cornell College anniversary.
179 Ossoli
Normal Eyte 14:19, p.296
The Ossolis delivered a Dutch program in the Auditorium.
180 Among the most popular
Normal Eyte 14:18, p.285
The Ossolis present their program at an open session.
181 The Parlor Reading Circle
Normal Eyte 14:14, p.222
Miss Jennette Carpenter led the Circle's study.
182 Among the N. E. A. visitors
Normal Eyte 14:1, p.15
Professors attend National Education Association meeting.
183 One of the pleasant social events of the year
Normal Eyte 13:14, p.221
YWCA advisory board entertained women of Cedar Falls.
184 Society oratorical contest; three men's societies contest for points--Orio five points--Aristos four points--Philos one point--an interesting program
Normal Eyte 13:11, p.164

Account of the contest; score sheet.

185 Carrie Deckes
Normal Eyte 13:10, p.155
Visited Professor Carpenter.
186 Mr. and Mrs. Frink
Normal Eyte 12:35, p.555
Visited Jennette Carpenter.
187 At the Y. W. C. A. meeting
Normal Eyte 12:24, p.380
Executive Committee installed.
188 Miss Carpenter
Normal Eyte 12:20, p.315
Visited Stanwood.
189 Miss Carpenter
Normal Eyte 12:12, p.187
Has entertained several groups recently.
190 Miss Hearst and Miss Carpenter
Normal Eyte 12:10, p.157
Served as delegates to YWCA convention.
191 Wm. A. Dinwiddie's funeral
Normal Eyte 12:9, p.131
Description of the ceremonies honoring Major Dinwiddie; photo.
192 The following is the list of delegates
Normal Eyte 12:9, p.142
Roster of those who will attend the YWCA convention in Cedar Rapids.
193 Three rhetorical divisions have been organized
Normal Eyte 12:3, p.41
Placed in charge of Professors Simmons, Carpenter, and Gist.
194 Mrs. and Miss Carpenter
Normal Eyte 11:34, p.835
Entertained friends.
195 Mrs. Frink
Normal Eyte 10:18, p.437
Visited Professor Carpenter.
196 Mrs. Arey
Normal Eyte 10:18, p.437
Entertained friends.
197 Miss Carpenter
Normal Eyte 10:16, p.380
Recovered from illness.
198 A series of talks
Normal Eyte 10:13, p.312
To be sponsored by YWCA; aimed at women.
199 Normal's representatives in the state teachers convention
Normal Eyte 10:12, p.283
Many faculty and alumni participated in the meeting.
200 Miss Carpenter's mother
Normal Eyte 10:7, p.153