Displaying 1 - 50 of 371 in reverse chronological order
# | Title | Date | Summary |
1 | Winter weather survival: vehicles Northern Iowan 115:36, p.1 |
Recommendations for winter weather driving include knowing and checking your vehicle, practicing winter driving, staying home during bad weather, and stocking blankets, food, and water in your car; photo. | |
2 | LTE: a helping hand Northern Iowan 112:41, p.3 |
Professor of mathematics Doug Shaw thanks the student who pushed his car up College Hill. |
3 | "No free tuition" raises valid safety concerns Northern Iowan 112:26, p.5 |
In response to the November 5 article "Hit by a car? No free tuition" and Andrew Heppeard's November 19 column, Atkins argues for increased protection and access for pedestrians on campus. |
4 | Unlocked cars lead to thefts Northern Iowan 111:8, p.1 |
Nineteen car owners reported thefts from their unlocked cars on one night; photo. | |
5 | Safety tips to ensure a warm and safe winter Northern Iowan 108:23, p.7 |
Tips include staying dry, observe sidewalk conditions, and use winter driving skills. Smoke and carbon monoxide detectors should be examined. | |
6 | Under pressure Northern Iowan 108:12, p.5 |
Thoughts shared surrounding the ticketing of a BMW on campus. Even an expensive car does not escape a parking ticket. It was the right thing to do. | |
7 | Rails and space machines Northern Iowan 108:4, p.3 |
A Labor Day trip causes thoughts of a time without petroleum for tires or gasoline. Public transportation needs to be our focus. Believes that trains are much more efficient in reducing congestion and greenhouse gases. | |
8 | UNI transportation offers multitude of services Northern Iowan 107:54, p. |
Panther Shuttle, Metropolitan Transit Authority, and the weekend SafeRide are bus alternatives to driving on or near campus. Parking passes for cars are available from the Department of Public Safety; photo. | |
9 | Message from UNI police Northern Iowan 107:39, p.3 |
Drivers and pedestrians urged to use caution in cross walks on and around campus. Drivers must yield to pedestrians at all times. One out of five killed in traffic accidents are pedestrians. | |
10 | Can you be too old to drive? Northern Iowan 107:39, p.9 |
Statistics show that new teen drivers and elderly drivers are equally dangerous behind the wheel. Elderly people do not want to lose their independence by giving up their driver's license. The elderly are slow to accept change. | |
11 | Drive to survive: Winter weather safety Northern Iowan 107:25, p.8 |
The first snowfall of the winter is forecast for the weekend. Cleaning off windshields, slowing the driving speed, and packing a winter emergency kit are all helpful tips; photo. | |
12 | Don't die Northern Iowan 107:25, p.11 |
Winter driving tips shared; slow down, clear windshields, keep the gas tank above half a tank, and pack a winter survival kit. | |
13 | Snow: yesterday's threat, today's enemy, tomorrow's hope Northern Iowan 107:23, p.10 |
We know that snow in Iowa will happen. Readers warned of the dangers involved with winter driving or walking; urges readers to be extremely careful this winter. | |
14 | I know I can go fast Northern Iowan 107:21, p.17 |
Questions whether NASCAR is a sport or not; photo. | |
15 | UNI to dedicate new Multimodal Transportation Center, Aug. 27 Public Relations News Release 2010:17, p.1 |
A reception and a historical transportation display will be available for viewing after the ceremony. The display will feature vintage cars and photographs depicting historical methods of transportation. | |
16 | Don't Text and Drive, Kids Northern Iowan 106:59, p.3 |
Students, faculty, and staff urged to curtail the use of texting while driving. It is now against the law; photo. | |
17 | Don't text and drive, kids Northern Iowan 2009:59, p.3 |
Students urged to not text while driving. In fact, it is now illegal in Iowa; photo. | |
18 | Variety of transportation options at University of Northern Iowa available to students Northern Iowan 106:54, p. |
Cars, bicycles, walking, and bus service are the major means of getting around the campus and Waterloo/Cedar Falls area; photo. | |
19 | Texts change how we communicate Northern Iowan 106:52, p.5 |
Considers the positive and negative effects of text messaging. | |
20 | Experiences with road rage Northern Iowan 106:49, p.7 |
Believes older drivers who drive at reduced speeds are often the cause of frustration for younger drivers; photo. | |
21 | Hail storm damages property at UNI Northern Iowan 106:48, p.1 |
Hail damages some cars around College Hill; photo. | |
22 | Texting while driving may potentially be banned Northern Iowan 106:33, p.1 |
Iowa lawmakers are considering making texting while driving illegal. Four different bills have been proposed to deal with distractions while driving; photo. | |
23 | Pedestrians have the right of way, right? Northern Iowan 106:13, p.17 |
National statistics indicate that a pedestrian is killed every one hundred thirteen minutes and injured every eight minutes. Dave Zarifis reports that this has not been much of a problem on campus; photo. | |
24 | Vehicle safety emphasized by UNI Police Northern Iowan 106:13, p.1 |
Eight car burglaries have occurred since January 2009. Dave Zarifis suggests that all valuables be removed from cars or put in the trunk. Recording your name, make, year, and serial number of each item is helpful; photo. | |
25 | Click it or who cares? Northern Iowan 106:8, p.5 |
Using seat belts saves lives. The "Click it or Ticket" campaign of 2006 cost over nine million dollars; raising the use of seatbelts to eighty-two per cent. Was that money well spent? | |
26 | Live for today Northern Iowan 105:22, p.3 |
Life is a precious gift. Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem. Students urged not to take life for granted. Avoid drinking and driving. | |
27 | A new way to 'read' Northern Iowan 105:9, p.9 |
Audio books serve as an alternative to the radio, CDs, and MP3 players for the drive home. | |
28 | Drivers gone crazy Northern Iowan 104:58, p.3 |
Relates personal experiences with bad drivers in the area. | |
29 | Ethanol: someone please do something about this Northern Iowan 104:52, p.8 |
Mileage comparisons using ethanol and regular unleaded fuel. | |
30 | Cars should be equipped with renewable energy sources Northern Iowan 104:45, p.7 |
Thoughts on drastically changed automobiles; getting away from gasoline and diesel power completely; photo. | |
31 | Traffic safety Northern Iowan 104:44, p.10 |
Public urged to support legislation protecting children in motor vehicles. | |
32 | Caution--rough roads ahead Northern Iowan 104:39, p.5 |
Winter weather conditions have caused area roads and streets to be full of potholes; photo. | |
33 | Students warned to keep bikes, cars locked Northern Iowan 104:19, p.3 |
Bike thefts and car break-ins have been on the increase on campus. | |
34 | Culture Corner Northern Iowan 103:38, p.8 |
Dangers of distracted drivers for pedestrians. | |
35 | Cold-weather car care Northern Iowan 103:36, p.1 |
Tips for keeping vehicles running smoothly during the winter months; photo. | |
36 | The Culture Corner Northern Iowan 103:34, p.6 |
Speed and the use of cell phones while driving seems frequent in the area. | |
37 | Everyone stop walking this way Northern Iowan 103:22, p.5 |
Pedestrians need to show some manners in their interactions with automobiles on campus. | |
38 | Slowing it down Northern Iowan 103:22, p.5 |
Students urged to slow down when driving. | |
39 | Driving in Italy a task best left to Italians Northern Iowan 102:49, p.7 |
Talks about dangerous driving in Italy. | |
40 | Art imitates life in car salesman exhibit Northern Iowan 102:44, p.9 |
Art class puts on performance show about cars; photo. | |
41 | Proposed punishment for DUI's Northern Iowan 102:34, p.6 |
Sean Taylor welcomes comments about special license plates for convicted drunk drivers. | |
42 | Student Voices Northern Iowan 102:13, p.11 |
Students respond to the question, "When driving on campus, what is your biggest pet peeve about pedestrians?" | |
43 | Right-of-way issue on both sides of the road Northern Iowan 102:13, p.7 |
Hopes that pedestrians can realize that drivers also have an agenda and should not walk in front of a car whenever they feel like it. | |
44 | Benefits of biking outweigh driving Northern Iowan 102:9, p.5 |
Writers show how riding a bike can save you money and improve your health. | |
45 | My car's a piece of crap . . . and I love it Northern Iowan 102:3, p.7 |
Reflects on the adventures of owning older and less reliable cars. | |
46 | Reap benefits of not driving Northern Iowa Today 101:49, p.5 |
Possible benefits of not driving your car everywhere. | |
47 | Proposed speed limit increase hits roadblock Northern Iowan 101:44, p.1 |
The Iowa legislature is proposing a bill that will raise the speed limit to seventy miles per hour; photo. | |
48 | Modern day wash-off beliefs Northern Iowan 101:43, p.6 |
Concerned with the increase of easily removed magnetic bumper stickers as opposed to the previous more permanent ones. Feels it is a reflection of today's societal beliefs in not remaining committed for longer periods of time. | |
49 | Is our current limit enough? Northern Iowan 101:42, p.5 |
Feels that the speed limit in Iowa should be increased to 70 miles per hour. | |
50 | Adaptability essential in changing business Northern Iowan 101:9, p.5 |
Believes the American auto industry should change with the times and begin producing more environmentally friendly vehicles instead of trying to defeat legislation supporting fuel efficient vehicles. |