Catholic Student Association

Displaying 101 - 150 of 348 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
101 Church groups
College Eye 34:10, p.3
News about campus religious organizations.
102 Church groups
College Eye 34:9, p.3
News about campus religious groups.
103 Church groups
College Eye 34:8, p.3
Campus religious news.
104 Church groups
College Eye 34:7, p.3
News from campus religious groups.
105 Religious organizations meet
College Eye 33:32, p.3
106 Army privates ruled the campus in World War I, 1917
Alumnus 26:2, p.4
Brief history of SATC on the ISTC campus during World War I; photo.
107 Foundation notes
College Eye 32:8, p.2
News from campus religious centers.
108 Religious foundations plan full Homecoming schedule
College Eye 32:7, p.4
Schedule of campus religious center activities.
109 Foundation notes
College Eye 32:6, p.2
News from campus religious centers.
110 Religious activities
College Eye 32:4, p.3
News from campus religious centers.
111 Catholic Students' Association
Old Gold 0:0, p.234
Brief description of the group and list of members; photo.
112 New officers elected by Catholic students
College Eye 30:3, p.3
List of officers.
113 Church groups
College Eye 29:37, p.3
Schedule of activities.
114 Followers of the old faith
Old Gold 0:0, p.226
Brief description of the group and list of members; photo.
115 Catholic students
College Eye 29:13, p.2
Will sponsor Christmas party.
116 Catholic students
College Eye 29:5, p.3
Agnese Dunne elected president; list of officers.
117 C. S. A. elects
College Eye 28:37, p.3
List of Catholic Student Association officers.
118 Catholic Students' Association
Old Gold 0:0, p.111
Activities, officers, and members; photo.
119 C. S. A. plans party
College Eye 28:8, p.2
120 Catholic association of students meets
College Eye 28:6, p.5
Adopts program of study.
121 Court Hussey to favor dancers at last dance of summer term
College Eye 27:10, p.3
Campus social calendar.
122 Yellow game room reserved by C. S. A.
College Eye 27:7, p.3
For meeting.
123 National holiday lures students from campus and studies today
College Eye 27:6, p.3
Campus social calendar.
124 C. S. A. theater party
College Eye 27:5, p.3
Will go to theater in Waterloo.
125 Eventful week promised students; weddings take share of interest
College Eye 27:4, p.3
Campus social calendar.
126 Paul Wadle elected president of C. S. A.
College Eye 27:3, p.3
List of officers.
127 Catholic Students' Association
Old Gold 0:0, p.152
Activities, officers, and members; photo.
128 Inter-frat dance and women's party top weekly calendar
College Eye 27:30, p.3
Campus social calendar.
129 George Barry led the C. S. A. team to its first victory
Public Relations News Release 1935:548, p.1
Barry has now scored twenty-six points.
130 Andrew Roeder led his team to its first victory against Phi Tau Theta
Public Relations News Release 1935:544, p.1
Roeder has scored a total of seven points in two games.
131 Vernon Leach came back to score nine points and lead his C. S. A. team to victory
Public Relations News Release 1935:542, p.1
The contest was a second round game in the intramural basketball tournament.
132 The Phi Tau Theta basketball team gave the C. S. A. five its biggest score of the season
Public Relations News Release 1935:541, p.1
Joseph Stone scored ten points.
133 Terry Olin led his Phi Sigma Epsilon team to an easy victory over the Catholic Student Association
Public Relations News Release 1935:493, p.1
Olin scored three points for his team.
134 Alfred Comito and Axel Anderson figured in the easy triumph of Phi Sigma Epsilon over the C. S. A.
Public Relations News Release 1935:486, p.1
Comito scored eight points and Anderson scored four.
135 Harlan Calhoun was the defensive star of the Phi Sigma Epsilon team against the C. S. A.
Public Relations News Release 1935:480, p.1
The game was a first round contest in the annual intramural basketball tournament.
136 Leonard St. Clair led his team to an easy victory over the Catholic Student Association
Public Relations News Release 1935:494, p.1
St. Clair was the high scorer with ten points.
137 Dan Barry jumped into the lead in the scoring race in the intramural basketball tournament
Public Relations News Release 1935:504, p.1
Barry scored thirteen points.
138 Plans complete for first week after holidays; formal dance, class dinner will initiate new year on campus
College Eye 27:25, p.3
Campus social calendar.
139 Tutor Tickler main acts picked; six student organizations enter 1936 Vaudeville frolic; to name entrée acts soon
College Eye 27:24, p.1
Roster of vaudeville acts selected.
140 Catholic students to be entertained
College Eye 27:16, p.3
141 Students and departments have dinners honoring special guests
College Eye 27:53, p.3
Campus social calendar.
142 First week after holiday filled to brim with social activities
College Eye 27:48, p.3
Campus social calendar.
143 Loyola Wear elected president at C. S. A. meeting last Sunday
College Eye 27:46, p.3
List of officers.
144 Catholic Students Association
Old Gold 0:0, p.199
Founded in 1897; purpose, officers, and members; photo.
145 Catholic students have discussion
College Eye 26:33, p.3
At dinner in Commons.
146 Inter-sorority squabble and drama slated for weekend entertainment
College Eye 26:31, p.3
Campus social calendar.
147 Larry Baldus led the C. S. A. team to its first victory
Public Relations News Release 1935:543, p.1
Baldus has scored eight points in two games to become the third high scorer on the team.
148 Sigma Tau Delta elects candidates
College Eye 26:27, p.3
Roster of new candidates.
149 Programs for the Campus Leaders dinner contain the 1934 edition of "Who's Who" among student leaders
Public Relations News Release 1934:631, p.4

Program for the event.

150 Club elections, college dance, engage campus society folk
College Eye 26:14, p.3
News from student organizations and reports on social activities; list of officers.