Cedar Falls

Displaying 801 - 850 of 1488 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
801 Untitled
Northern Iowan 66:44, p.2
Superman Senator is called to save Cedar Falls from the leftist students.
802 Beer ordinance passes final vote
Northern Iowan 66:38, p.1
Ordinance allowing sale of beer by the drink passes; tied to new zoning code.
803 UNI class designs window displays for Parkade shop in Cedar Falls
Public Relations News Release 1969:370, p.1
The UNI retail advertising and display class will design a series of exhibits in the spring for two display windows in the "Shod Shop" in the downtown parkade.
804 Dialogue allows exchange of views; climax of moratorium
Northern Iowan 66:12, p.1
Highlights of discussion at City Hall.
805 City and university join in dialogue
Northern Iowan 66:11, p.1
Moratorium will conclude with discussion at City Hall.
806 We should follow the city's example
Northern Iowan 66:6, p.2
Praises decision of Cedar Falls City Council to make the City Hall available for discussion; urges students to make efforts to engage faculty in discussion.
807 Can use city hall to discuss Vietnam
Northern Iowan 66:6, p.1
City Council approves use of facilities for discussions among students and citizens.
808 Local bus service
Northern Iowan 66:2, p.7
Bus service will take students to downtown Cedar Falls and Waterloo.
809 Beer controversy coming to head; council receives petitions
Northern Iowan 66:2, p.1
Applications for beer permits from Tony's and Campus Que on file with city; petitioners oppose applications.
810 Local paper praises student actions
Northern Iowan 65:56, p.1
Applauds students; has fewer good things to say about General Assembly.
811 Find construction is illegal
Northern Iowan 65:48, p.12
Cedar Falls zoning officials contend that campus building plans need to submitted to them.
812 Lauds councilmen, mayor
Northern Iowan 65:38, p.2
Appreciates support on funding issues.
813 Councilmen, mayor support student goals
Northern Iowan 65:38, p.4
Support increased appropriations and oppose anti-riot bill.
814 Senate appeals for support
Northern Iowan 65:38, p.2
Wants to petition in downtown Cedar Falls on current issues.
815 Council hears Johnson
Northern Iowan 65:36, p.5
Bob Johnson addresses Cedar Falls City Council on the budget, the anti-riot bill, and the voting age.
816 Free bus service available to downtown Cedar Falls
Northern Iowan 65:25, p.12
Chamber of Commerce offers service.
817 Students serving community gain experience
Northern Iowan 65:25, p.1
Students participate in volunteer service; community attend UNI on special programs.
818 Northern Iowa cultural, economic boon to area
Northern Iowan 65:22, p.12
Brief look at UNI payroll and construction spending in community.
819 How lucky!
Northern Iowan 65:19, p.2
Believes relationship between UNI and Cedar Falls has been mutually beneficial.
820 Campus-community relations; a superficial look
Northern Iowan 65:18, p.2
Believes community is unwilling to accommodate UNI students; has false picture.
821 Untitled
Northern Iowan 65:18, p.2
A wall exists between the university and the community.
822 Northern Iowans distribute leaflets at Cedar Falls High
Northern Iowan 65:15, p.4
Six UNI students handed out leaflets Friday advising the high school students of possible ways to respond to their new dress code.
823 Northern Iowa voters endorse beer on Hill
Northern Iowan 65:12, p.8
Students and faculty voted in favor of proposal that the Student Senate approach the Cedar Falls City Council regarding a change in zoning regulations to allow sale of beer on College Hill.
824 Beware--Enemy Territory!
Northern Iowan 64:59, p.2
NU High and Cedar Falls students invade College Hill.
825 Cheating ring squelched?
Northern Iowan 64:22, p.1
Disciplinary action against eight students.
826 Cedar Falls policeman involved in cheating ring
Northern Iowan 64:21, p.1
Officer dismissed from department.
827 Sell contraceptives by machine?
Northern Iowan 64:7, p.2
Comments on recent confiscation by Cedar Falls police of machine which dispensed contraceptives.
828 Is a traffic 'summons' legal?; questions officials
College Eye 64:1, p.2
Outlines objections to recent parking ticket.
829 Local residents remiss
College Eye 63:58, p.2
Believes the residents of Cedar Falls should look to see if there are adequate leisure facilities for its youth.
830 Residents protest 'teenagers' on Hill
College Eye 63:57, p.1
Residents talk about problems with noise and disturbances on College Hill; photo.
831 Board of Regents selects 'Iowa Northern University'
College Eye 63:29, p.9
Also approve plan to purchase power from Cedar Falls Utilities; approve $6.2 million budget for Towers Complex.
832 Promotion Day by merchants is tomorrow
College Eye 63:1, p.11
Cedar Falls merchants provide free bus service for students who want to shop downtown.
833 City proposes enlarged hill business area
College Eye 60:62, p.1
Business zoning would extend to 20th Street.
834 TKE's will help Cedar Falls Police
College Eye 60:53, p.4
Will assist with car safety check.
835 Untitled
Alumnus 51:2, p.8
Professor Douglas gives award to Merle Anderson; photo.
836 Free rides Saturday to Cedar Falls
College Eye 60:25, p.5
Will take students downtown for shopping.
837 SDA sound idea, profits both merchants, students
College Eye 60:23, p.2
Encourages students to support the Student Discount Association because it benefits both students and local merchants.
838 Student Discount Association offers 5%-40% discounts
College Eye 60:23, p.1
A look at merchants who will be participating in the discount program.
839 Cedar Falls Promotion Day is tomorrow
College Eye 60:2, p.1
Free bus service offered.
840 Cedar Falls Promotion Day is Saturday
College Eye 60:1, p.1
Free bus service to downtown.
841 AMRH discusses political make-up, street drainage
College Eye 59:26, p.4
842 Block of football tickets sold to local SCI fans
College Eye 59:3, p.3
Lee Miller and businessmen buy tickets; plan to attend games and cheer together.
843 Brawl indication of general moral attitude
College Eye 58:25, p.2
After incidents near Bartlett Hall and fights near Holiday Inn, claims SCI students don't have a sense of moral responsibility.
844 Cable links SCI, Cedar Falls power plants
College Eye 58:13, p.3
New cable and switches installed to be used when the college needs more power than it can generate.
845 Area students may live in dorms beginning '63
College Eye 57:14, p.8
Had originally asked local students to stay at home, if possible, until 1964; 50% of rooms have extra occupant; will go to 75% next year.
846 Local women students asked to live in own homes
Alumnus 47:1, p.9
Women's dorms are seriously over-crowded.
847 CF-Waterloo women asked to live at home next year
College Eye 56:16, p.3
Seek to cut down on dorm overcrowding.
848 Street commission asks help with snow removal
College Eye 56:12, p.5
Cedar Falls announces parking regulations to make snow removal easier.
849 Foreign films to be seen at Regent Theater
College Eye 56:8, p.3
Schedule of eight films.
850 Paul Harvey of ABC News to speak at Cedar Falls
College Eye 52:39, p.3
Will speak at Bible Conference; photo.