Chapel Exercises

Displaying 201 - 250 of 552 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
201 Our attention has been called
College Eye 3:3, p.52
Encourages seniors to attend chapel to show their school spirit.
202 Dr. Winship
College Eye 2:28, p.7
Dr. Winship, Boston, spoke at chapel.
203 Mr. John C. Parish
College Eye 2:25, p.7
Spoke at chapel.
204 The Schillerverein
College Eye 2:22, p.5
A German play was presented in chapel.
205 Lincoln Day program; best program of its kind in years--senior professor speaker of day
College Eye 2:21, p.1
Holiday program speaker was Professor Wright.
206 Great interest has been shown
College Eye 2:19, p.6
Pictures show the school is growing in every department.
207 The students who were absent
College Eye 2:19, p.6
Students skipping chapel received a pleasant surprise.
208 Mrs. Fox
College Eye 2:18, p.5
Mrs. Fox, New York City, visited chapel.
209 Dr. Hughes
College Eye 2:17, p.6
Dr. Hughes spoke at chapel.
210 This year the advisory board
College Eye 2:17, p.4
Order your Old Gold at Chapel.
211 Every year criticisms are handed to the senior class
College Eye 2:17, p.4
Be proud that you are graduating; wear your cap and gown.
212 Rev. Paul Corbin
College Eye 2:16, p.6
Paul Corbin spoke at chapel.
213 Mr. Brickman
College Eye 2:16, p.6
Mr. Brickman led chapel services.
214 Rev. George H. Vollmer
College Eye 2:15, p.7
George Vollmer visited College Hill.
215 Secretary Every
College Eye 2:14, p.6
Secretary Every visited chapel.
216 Varsity football men honored; loyal support made possible the presentation of fine sweaters; second team also recognized
College Eye 2:14, p.1
Presentation of the football emblems.
217 Rev. Holmes of Algona
College Eye 2:14, p.7
The Reverend Holmes led devotional exercises and spoke at chapel.
218 Jesse McLaughlin
College Eye 2:12, p.6
He is a missionary in the Philippine Islands conducted chapel exercises on campus.
219 Rev. Burgess
College Eye 2:12, p.6
Visiting Mrs. G. F. Wilson, his sister.
220 Prof. Wright
College Eye 2:11, p.5
Spoke at the Congregational Church.
221 The students are enjoying the new pipe organ
College Eye 2:10, p.5
Dr. George Whitfield Andres will give the opening concert on the new organ.
222 Rev. Paul D. Albert
College Eye 2:7, p.4
Visited and conducted chapel exercises.
223 Rev. R. A. Hoffman
College Eye 2:7, p.7
Spoke to students at chapel on Wednesday.
224 Rev. Chassell
College Eye 2:5, p.5
Visited his daughters and conducted chapel exercises.
225 We cannot stop
College Eye 2:5, p.4
Nicknames should not be used during chapel time.
226 When people attend a theater or lecture
College Eye 2:5, p.4
Students need to take chapel exercises more seriously and be more enthusiastic about them.
227 Prof. W. J. Grinstead
College Eye 2:4, p.6
Visited campus.
228 Miss Houk
College Eye 2:3, p.7
Sang at chapel on Wednesday.
229 Untitled
Old Gold 0:0, p.292
"Chapel Accompanist."
230 Rev. Charles S. Medbury
College Eye 1:26, p.5
Is pastor at the Drake University church in Des Moines; will deliver a lecture in the Christian Church in Cedar Falls on Monday.
231 Mr. Broyles
College Eye 1:23, p.6
Led the devotional exercises on Friday.
232 Prof. D. S. Wright
College Eye 1:22, p.5
Reported in chapel about the annual convention of religious workers that he attended.
233 Dwight F. Breed
College Eye 1:20, p.5
Visited campus and conducted chapel exercises.
234 Mr. P. E. McClenahan
College Eye 1:19, p.7
The State Inspector of High Schools led the devotional exercises in chapel on Thursday.
235 Mr. Roger Leavitt
College Eye 1:18, p.6
Gave a short address at chapel on Wednesday.
236 Reverend Day
College Eye 1:17, p.5
Gave an address at chapel.
237 Rev. E. B. Haskell
College Eye 1:16, p.7
Gave an interesting address in chapel on Tuesday.
238 Prof. Newton
College Eye 1:15, p.7
Gave a talk in chapel on Friday.
239 Dr. David Fahs
College Eye 1:9, p.5
Talked at chapel about his trip to the Grand Canyon.
240 Official Notes
College Eye 1:8, p.8
Portrait of Professor Parish presented in chapel; news of Des Moines schools controversy.
241 Father Donlon
College Eye 1:8, p.7
Gave an inspiring talk in the Chapel.
242 The chapel talks
College Eye 1:4, p.7
Schedule of topics at chapel talks for the week.
243 Untitled
College Eye 1:4, p.1
Glenn Davis gave presentation in chapel about why students should purchase a football season ticket; Professor Cable is in charge of student sellers.
244 Memorial services
College Eye 1:11, p.188
Professors Gist and Arey spoke at chapel exercises about their experience in the Civil War; GAR attends..
245 Houstman tells of plans
College Eye 1:11, p.191
The new staff of the College Eye gave an outline of their plans, during chapel, for the paper for the upcoming year.
246 New Library formally dedicated
College Eye 1:10, p.168
Many important people spoke at the dedication of the new library on May 18, 1911.
247 Jubilee at Chapel
College Eye 1:8, p.139
At Chapel the topic of discussion was the victories at the recent debates. The men of the debate teams were presented with medals.
248 As nice spring days arrive don't fail to attend the debate and track meet
College Eye 1:7, p.125
Cartoon encourages students to attend the debate and track meets.
249 The chapel exercises
Normal Eyte 21:20, p.349
Led by Marjorie Melcher.
250 Tuesday morning at chapel hour
Normal Eyte 21:18, p.323
Ames debate medals were presented to the members of the debate team.