Charles--John Wesley (Education Faculty)

Displaying 401 - 416 of 416 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
401 Professors judge high school debate
College Eye 9:21, p.8
Debated whether the government should have permanent ownership of the railroads; Professors Eells, Mitchell, Charles, Fagan, Cable, and Buffum were the judges.
402 Professors judge high school debate
College Eye 9:21, p.8
Debate was between East and West Waterloo schools.
403 Study Centers
College Eye 9:9, p.3
Schedule of faculty at study centers and institutes.
404 Study Centers
College Eye 9:8, p.2

Roster of faculty for October 27.

405 Iowa State Teachers Association
College Eye 9:4, p.3
Roster of faculty representing Teachers College.
406 Study Centers
College Eye 9:3, p.3

Schedule of faculty and the study centers and institutes where they work.

407 Extension Service
College Eye 9:2, p.3

Roster of faculty members who conducted study centers.

408 The prodigal nation
College Eye 9:2, p.4
Compares World War I to the parable of the prodigal son.
409 Y. M. C. A. Bible study
College Eye 9:2, p.1
Bible studies are run by members of the college faculty.
410 Department of Education
Old Gold 0:0, p.34
Brief profile of the professors in the Department of Education; photo.
411 Miss Myrtle Munref
College Eye 8:25, p.1
Myrtle Munref visits her sister, Mrs. Charles.
412 Y. M. C. A. class reorganization; special program given
College Eye 8:16, p.1
Professor Charles gives address.
413 Study Centers, Nov. 11
College Eye 8:9, p.7

List of people at study center meetings.

414 Untitled
College Eye 8:7, p.7
John Wesley Charles joins faculty; photo.
415 New members of the Department of Education
College Eye 8:3, p.3
Brief profiles of Professors Charles and Paul.
416 New members of the faculty
College Eye 8:2, p.3
Roster of new faculty members.