Chi Pi Theta

Displaying 101 - 150 of 201 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
101 Dances and dinners lead to climax of fall social activity
College Eye 22:9, p.5
Campus social calendar.
102 Officers of the inter-fraternity council at the Iowa State Teachers College
Public Relations News Release 1930:40, p.1
Inter-fraternity Council elects officers for the year.
103 Society plans bigger and better entertainments for old friends
College Eye 22:5, p.5
Campus social calendar.
104 Fraternity pledges help make own laws
College Eye 22:4, p.4
Chi Pi Theta will elect pledge officers.
105 Mr. and Mrs. Claude E. Collins
Alumnus 14:4, p.31
The former Florence A. Shuttleworth, and husband, Claude E. Collins, of West Chester, Iowa, announce the birth of a daughter, Gertrude Ann. Claude is principal of West Chester High School.
106 Everett A. Ludley
Alumnus 14:4, p.24
Ludley is a teacher of physics, journalism, debate, and assistant football coach in the high school at Hawarden, Iowa. He was a member of Chi Pi Theta and was at various times business manager, editor, and sports editor of the College Eye.
107 Pledge lists released here this week by fraternities
Public Relations News Release 1930:21, p.1
Six fraternities release pledge lists; list of men provided.
108 Fraternities and campus organizations
Public Relations News Release 1930:13, p.1
Fraternities and social organizations elect officers for new school year.
109 Rushing activities planned by organizations in first meetings
College Eye 22:2, p.5
Campus social calendar.
110 Chi Pi Theta
College Eye 21:43, p.5
Move to a new house at 2412 Olive Street.
111 New fraternity accepted
Alumnus 14:3, p.17
Chi Pi Theta organized in 1926; now holds membership with other men's social fraternities on Interfraternity Council.
112 Chi Pi Theta
Old Gold 0:0, p.296
Honorary members and members; photos.
113 Chi Pi Theta
College Eye 21:33, p.5
Alumni returned for the spring dance.
114 Fraternity enters Interfrat Council
College Eye 21:32, p.6
Chi Pi Theta organizes and joins council.
115 Spring sports which lead in the men's intramural athletic program
Public Relations News Release 1929:462, p.1
Student organizations form intramural tennis, baseball, and tennis teams.
116 Delta Phi Delta, women's social
Public Relations News Release 1929:377, p.1
Delta Phi Delta and Chi Pi Theta hold initiation ceremonies. AAUW elects new officers. New members listed.
117 Delta Phi Delta
College Eye 21:25, p.3
Delta Phi Delta, Chi Pi Theta, and Phi Sigma Phi announce those who were formally initiated.
118 Spring pledging and the election of officers
Public Relations News Release 1929:350, p.1
Seven organizations elect officers; list given.
119 Chi Pi Theta
College Eye 21:24, p.5
Roster of pledges; news about members.
120 Brief Notes
College Eye 21:23, p.3
Updates on Phi Sigma Phi, Chi Pi Theta, and the Delphian Literary Society.
121 Alpha Chi Epsilon and Chi Pi Theta
Public Relations News Release 1929:298, p.1
Student groups elect officers.
122 Society
College Eye 21:22, p.3
News from campus organizations.
123 Chi Pi Theta
College Eye 21:22, p.3
Roster of officers; Otto Doer and Loring Snook were representatives at other dances.
124 Grapplers from the Xanho fraternity at Iowa State Teacher college
Public Relations News Release 1929:283, p.1
Xanho places first in intramural wrestling; list of results.
125 Chi Pi Theta
College Eye 21:21, p.4
Roster of alumni who attended the dance; Earl Soderstrom visited Pilot Mound.
126 Chi Pi Theta
College Eye 21:20, p.3
Plans finished for upcoming dance; roster of recent visitors.
127 Chi Pi Theta
College Eye 21:19, p.4
News about members.
128 Carnivals, dances, parties on society program for week
College Eye 21:17, p.4
Campus social calendar.
129 Greek letters plan formals and parties for next month
College Eye 21:16, p.4
News from campus organizations.
130 Intramural sports for men
Public Relations News Release 1929:149, p.1
Intramural basketball stars tomorrow. Eleven teams have signed up.
131 Chi Pi Theta
College Eye 21:14, p.5
Richard Dodge visited.
132 Three fraternities at the Iowa State Teachers College
Public Relations News Release 1929:101, p.1
Three fraternities elected new officers. A list is provided.
133 Chi Pi Theta
College Eye 21:12, p.5
Roster of officers and students returning to school
134 Chi Pi Theta
College Eye 21:9, p.5
Held a house party; Eldon Ravlin was the representative at the Lambda Gamma Nu dance;
135 Phi Sigma Phi
College Eye 21:9, p.5
News about members and activities.
136 Chi Pi Theta
College Eye 21:8, p.5
Informal party to be held November 1; roster of intramural managers.
137 Roll call reveals campus celebrities present at banquet
College Eye 21:8, p.1
Roster of student organization leaders.
138 Chi Pi Theta
College Eye 21:6, p.3
Roster of alumni present during Homecoming.
139 Greek letter societies
College Eye 21:0, p.7
News from Greek organizations.
140 Chi Pi Theta
College Eye 21:5, p.9
Roster of pledges.
141 Chi Pi Theta
College Eye 21:4, p.7
News about members and visitors.
142 Chi Pi Theta
College Eye 21:2, p.3
Entertained guest at a smoker; elected officers at recent business meeting; news about visitors.
143 Homecoming 1928
Old Gold 0:0, p.140
144 Chi Pi Theta
Old Gold 0:0, p.282
Active members and pledges; photo.
145 Pi Tau Phi
College Eye 20:34, p.6
Entertain at luncheon, marriage announced, recital, and officers elected.
146 Chi Pi Theta
College Eye 20:34, p.6
Hold spring fever dance; alumni return.
147 Chi Pi Theta
College Eye 20:33, p.6
Spring sport dance planned, visitors, attend Iowa College Press Convention, and home visits.
148 Chi Pi Theta
College Eye 20:31, p.6
Sport dance plans set, visits home, waiting for contracts.
149 Chi Pi Theta
College Eye 20:28, p.6
Formal initiation, pledges announced, home visits, intra-mural preparation, and Finn Eriksen wins A. A. U. wrestling meet.
150 Chi Pi Theta
College Eye 20:26, p.5
Pledges announced; members return from Minnesinger tour, mumps, formal initiation.