Class Attendance
Displaying 51 - 100 of 219 in reverse chronological order
# | Title | Date | Summary |
51 | Option rule to test responsibility Alumnus 42:1, p.4 |
Optional class attendance experiment to be tried in spring semester; will apply to all except freshmen and student teachers. | |
52 | Obiter Scripta College Eye 49:17, p.2 |
New class cut system makes no sense. | |
53 | To try system of unlimited cuts College Eye 49:16, p.1 |
Will operate on trial basis for all except student teaching students. | |
54 | Freedom. . . Of a sort College Eye 49:16, p.2 |
Approves of trial 'unlimited cut' system, but must freedom be stated in another rule? | |
55 | Maturity . . . result or stimulus College Eye 49:12, p.2 |
Cut system can be a measurement by which to judge maturity. | |
56 | Splitting an infinity College Eye 49:8, p.2 |
Unhappy with the cut system, suggestions for new elective courses. | |
57 | Cutting is not a crime College Eye 47:37, p.2 |
Claims that it is better for a student to cut class than to daydream during it. | |
58 | We approve of parking College Eye 47:26, p.2 |
Suggests the construction of new parking lots to keep off-campus students and professors from being late to morning classes. | |
59 | Cut the quirks! College Eye 47:25, p.2 |
Discusses the inconsistencies in the cut system. | |
60 | No change needed? College Eye 46:31, p.2 |
Students split on whether or not to change current cut system. | |
61 | SLB announces fund-raising policy; discusses cut system College Eye 46:27, p.3 |
62 | Hold cut system poll this week College Eye 46:27, p.9 |
Students will express opinions on class attendance policy. | |
63 | Cut system investigated College Eye 46:27, p.2 |
Students will have a say in how to address absences. | |
64 | Committee asks vote on cutting College Eye 46:26, p.1 |
Lengthy summary of current policy on class attendance. | |
65 | Roving Reporter College Eye 46:9, p.2 |
Opinions from around the campus on class attendance. | |
66 | Unlimited cuts build character College Eye 45:30, p.2 |
Examines the policy concerning the number of times a student may cut class. | |
67 | Is cut plan adequate? College Eye 45:19, p.2 |
Discusses the policies concerning class attendance. | |
68 | Second SAC panel discusses cut system College Eye 44:11, p.6 |
Aimed at getting students and faculty into a discussion of the cut system. | |
69 | Second SAC panel will be November 9 College Eye 44:10, p.6 |
Will sponsor dinner and discussion of cut system. | |
70 | Moskowitz calls for new SLB constitution, optional attendance system, book exchange College Eye 44:1, p.2 |
Also cites need for student book exchange and restrictions on fraternity hazing. | |
71 | No cuts are allowed in classes next week College Eye 43:41, p.1 |
72 | Required attendance begins on May 28 College Eye 43:31, p.1 |
No cuts allowed. | |
73 | Required attendance College Eye 43:30, p.5 |
No-cut period runs from May 28 through June 4. | |
74 | TC cut system challenged College Eye 43:20, p.2 |
Asks for more consistency in policies regarding absence. | |
75 | No cuts are allowed in classes next week College Eye 41:38, p.6 |
Those students graduating will not be required to attend classes Friday morning following Commencement. | |
76 | Classes meet July 3 College Eye 41:33, p.1 |
Double cuts will be tallied. | |
77 | Nelson gives facts of cut system College Eye 41:22, p.2 |
Rules for cutting class are given. | |
78 | 'No change in cut system', says Price College Eye 40:24, p.8 |
Two absences for each quarter hour of credit are allowed. | |
79 | Unlimited cuts at Teachers College is old idea says research bureau College Eye 40:20, p.1 |
Optional class attendance policy was in effect in 1937. | |
80 | As I see it College Eye 40:11, p.2 |
Professor Pendergraft gives his pet peeves about students. | |
81 | Student opinion shocks prof College Eye 40:7, p.2 |
Professor Fox is surprised that a majority of students want rules governing the number of cuts they may take; believes it is a voluntary restriction of individual freedom. | |
82 | Survey of Campus Opinion College Eye 40:6, p.2 |
Students comment on the cut system at the Teachers College. | |
83 | Cut system for profs, too? College Eye 39:19, p.2 |
Reminds students that professors don't get to have a day off from class to sleep an extra hour. | |
84 | No changes in cut system, says Campbell College Eye 39:5, p.1 |
Contrary to campus rumor. | |
85 | Campus Commentary College Eye 38:24, p.3 |
Discuses the World Student Service Funds, teachers allowing students to cut classes, Flanagan's critics, a new book store, and student of the week; photo. | |
86 | Campus Commentary College Eye 38:18, p.3 |
Discuses the upcoming spring play, student of the week, and the cut system for students. | |
87 | Can you cut or can't you? Here's what the rules say College Eye 37:23, p.2 |
Feels that too many people are cutting classes. | |
88 | Student discusses attendance system College Eye 36:24, p.2 |
Gives the positive aspects of optional attendance. | |
89 | Is present system of attendance satisfactory College Eye 36:23, p.2 |
Students and faculty tell what they like and dislike about the current class attendance policy. | |
90 | Optional attendance permitted College Eye 36:22, p.2 |
Discusses attendance policies. | |
91 | Here's the lowdown on our cut system College Eye 36:19, p.2 |
Rules and procedures for class attendance. | |
92 | Optional attendance permissible College Eye 36:1, p.2 |
Discusses the grade based attendance policy. | |
93 | Optional attendance is possible to students with superior grades College Eye 35:33, p.2 |
Students are reminded of attendance policies. | |
94 | Absences slice grades College Eye 32:35, p.1 |
Student finds correlation between class attendance and grades. | |
95 | Excused absences extended College Eye 32:25, p.1 |
Rules for cut system modified. | |
96 | Dean explains faculty stand on cut system College Eye 32:21, p.1 |
Current system adopted to curb abuses but to allow some freedom. | |
97 | A complaint against T. C. professors! College Eye 32:20, p.5 |
A student complains that TC professors aren't welcoming to students if they are late to class. | |
98 | Student-faculty bull session on cut system College Eye 32:20, p.1 |
99 | Student Council, 1000 students to petition cut system revision College Eye 32:18, p.1 |
Will also investigate organization of Tutor Ticklers. | |
100 | Students present views on cut system at bull session College Eye 32:17, p.1 |