College Band

Displaying 101 - 150 of 292 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
101 Music groups have busy summer
Alumnus 18:4, p.11
Symphony Orchestra, College Band, and Orchestra Club present concerts.
102 South campus scene of tonight's party
College Eye 26:12, p.3
Opportunity for students to get acquainted.
103 Commencement band concert program to feature clarinet duo
College Eye 26:10, p.1
Performance program.
104 S. A. Lynch has been chosen to address the summer term graduates
Public Relations News Release 1934:574, p.1
Profile of Professor Lynch, and program for Commencement activities.
105 Two hundred and twelve students will graduate on August 23
Public Relations News Release 1934:580, p.1
Schedule of Commencement activities throughout the week.
106 College Band to play Thursday, August 23
College Eye 26:9, p.1
Will perform at summer Commencement.
107 College Band concert is postponed a week
College Eye 26:8, p.1
108 Band, Glee Clubs to aid music festival
College Eye 26:7, p.3
Chorus of four hundred voices expected.
109 Evening music festival to be at Tutor field; College Band invited to play in Cedar Falls music meet
College Eye 26:5, p.1
Iowa State Music Festival to be held in Cedar Falls.
110 Russell to direct at College Band concert
College Eye 26:5, p.1
Performance program.
111 Dorothy Oelrich will be presented in a piano recital
Public Relations News Release 1934:536, p.1
Program for the recital.
112 Students and teachers are appearing in a series of broadcasts over the radio in connection with the Cedar Falls music festival
Public Relations News Release 1934:531, p.1
Program for each broadcast.
113 The Iowa State Teachers College band will perform on July 10
Public Relations News Release 1934:528, p.1
Program for the event
114 College Band concert postponed for week
College Eye 26:3, p.1
115 Commencement week activities begin with a reception for graduates, alumni, and faculty
Public Relations News Release 1934:506, p.3
Programs for various events happening throughout the week.
116 Reception for graduates ushers in Commencement; extensive program ready; band concert, ball game, play, dinner, dance are on schedule
College Eye 25:44, p.1
Lengthy description of the ceremonies.
117 Campus fetes 300 mothers; musical festival of 1300 voices, with orchestra and band, opens program today
College Eye 25:42, p.1
Schedule of activities; photo.
118 Mothers will be represented on the toast program at the Mother's Day luncheon
Public Relations News Release 1934:470, p.1
Registration will begin at 5:00 on Friday. The May fete will begin Saturday at 10:00. On Sunday there will be a special church service honoring the mothers. Students need to invite their parents, because the college will not be sending invitations.
119 Music festival will be May 11; Professor C. A. Fullerton to direct spectacle in Men's Gym
College Eye 25:41, p.1
Will use Professor Fullerton's massed choir technique.
120 Eight hundred hear College Band play
College Eye 25:34, p.1
Plays for area high schools.
121 Invitations sent to high schools for band concert
College Eye 25:33, p.1
To be played by combined Men's and Women's Bands.
122 Band to play winter concert; picked band will offer high school contest selections
College Eye 25:32, p.1
Will serve as demonstration for high schools.
123 Frosh, gridders, band, pepsters, coaches to dine
College Eye 25:23, p.1
Program for the banquet.
124 'Welcome, grads' is keynote of Homecoming; show, dance, banquets, and game are highlights of festivities
College Eye 25:19, p.1
Homecoming preview and schedule; photo.
125 Band looks grand, give 'em a hand!
College Eye 25:17, p.1
Will wear new overcoats.
126 Music organizations elect term officers
College Eye 25:15, p.4
List of officers in Symphony Orchestra, College Band, and Orchestra Club.
127 All-college pep meeting; everyone come!
College Eye 25:13, p.1
College Band will play.
128 College Band concert
College Eye 25:8, p.3
Senior students will assist in conducting.
129 Students to assist in conducting band concert on July 26
College Eye 25:7, p.1
Performance program.
130 College Band plays at union services
College Eye 25:7, p.1
Performance program.
131 Band gives first summer concerts
College Eye 25:4, p.1
132 Fifty-seventh annual commencement exercises
Public Relations News Release 1932:317, p.1
Approximately 370 students are expected to receive diplomas and degrees on Monday May 29, 1933.
133 Untitled
College Eye 24:20, p.2
Washington's Birthday will feature a band concert.
134 College Band plans concert for next week; date of program will be announced on bulletin board
College Eye 24:18, p.1
Performance program.
135 College band is divided into two separate groups
College Eye 24:13, p.1
Will allow more students to participate.
136 Band, cheerleaders will conduct first pep rally tonight
College Eye 24:4, p.1
137 Band elects Boshart president; three seek post of drum major
College Eye 24:3, p.1
Sixty-two men have signed up for the band; list of officers.
138 Speaker outlines education value; Dr. G. F. Zook addresses graduates at summer commencement
College Eye 24:1, p.2
Summary of the August 1932 Commencement exercises.
139 Freshmen to be honored tonight; reception for newcomers is scheduled for 7:30 P. M.
College Eye 24:1, p.1
Student Council will greet freshmen in front of the Library; College Band will play.
140 Commencement plans comprise varied activities; arrangements for week to include concert, dinner, and reception
College Eye 23:54, p.1
Schedule of activities.
141 Music groups to offer programs here next week; band and string quartet will play Wednesday and Thursday
College Eye 23:52, p.1
Performance program.
142 Commencement exercises are now arranged; Dr. G. F. Zook will address summer graduates August 18
College Eye 23:52, p.1
Speaker profile.
143 College Band to present second summer concert; four student and faculty soloists are to appear
College Eye 23:51, p.1
Performance program.
144 Band gives first summer concert
College Eye 23:50, p.2
Large audience attended.
145 College Band to present concert Tuesday night; clarinet students will be soloists; Myron Russell will direct
College Eye 23:49, p.1
Performance program.
146 College Band will appear in concert Tuesday, July 12th
College Eye 23:48, p.1
Following weekly "sing".
147 College Band to present concert in two weeks; student soloists play with band under direction of Myron Russell
College Eye 23:47, p.1
Performance program.
148 Pep meeting tonight features vaudeville
College Eye 23:20, p.1
Rally will include three acts.
149 Untitled
College Eye 23:14, p.1
Tryouts for drum major to be held soon.
150 Three hundred and twenty students
Public Relations News Release 1930:513, p.1
Receive degrees at summer session Commencement.