College Eye

Displaying 401 - 450 of 2298 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
401 College Eye Informs Campus
Old Gold 0:0, p.162
The College Eye is the campus newspaper and is dedicated to meat every Thursday deadline at the print shop. A six page issue is released every Friday and help inform the student body of both campus events and school happenings. The college paper is also a great why for students to see advertisements from local businesses.
402 Gridiron Dinner
Old Gold 0:0, p.38
The Cedar Falls Woman's Club was the site of the annual Gridiron Dinner, sponsored by Alpha Phi Gamma. The dinner was attended by members of the Old Gold and the College Eye. The Traveling Oil Can, the highest award, was presented to Sylvia Geurink and Ron Muilenburg by Jim McNeal; Photos.
403 A year of editorial comment . . . .
College Eye 51:31, p.8
The College Eye reviews the year.
404 An editor's farewell . . . .
College Eye 51:29, p.8
Jim Daman bids farewell to his readers.
405 Board names summer staff
College Eye 51:29, p.1
Connie Stimpson will be executive editor; Lynda Krueger will be managing editor.
406 Summer staff positions open on Eye
College Eye 51:26, p.6
407 Untitled
College Eye 51:25, p.1
The College Eye prints its annual April Fool's Day issue.
408 Gridiron dinner honors journalists
College Eye 51:24, p.1
409 Public misunderstands poor relative's debts
College Eye 51:24, p.6
Criticizes an article, printed in the College Eye, concerning our national debt.
410 Myrna Pierce named editor for 1960-'61
College Eye 51:24, p.5
List of other staff members; photo.
411 Catholicism cannot and will not divide America
College Eye 51:23, p.2
Analyzes the article, printed in the Eye, concerning Catholicism and education.
412 Church division unnecessary . . .
College Eye 51:22, p.8
Responds to the essay, printed in the Eye, concerning Catholicism and education.
413 Hollow challenge . . . .
College Eye 51:21, p.6
Challenges the College Eye's claim that TC is cut off from the outside world; lists the various scientists who have recently visited campus.
414 Sitting on eternity
College Eye 51:21, p.1
Two supposed College Eye staff members rest with empty bottles in their hands; photo.
415 College Eye staff applications for next year due March 18
College Eye 51:21, p.3
416 Christianity gives purpose to student for learning and gaining talents
College Eye 51:20, p.1
Challenges remarks made by Josef Fox and the College Eye concerning religion.
417 Religion too alive as meaningless doctrines abound
College Eye 51:20, p.2
Challenges statements made by the College Eye concerning religion.
418 Ever wonder what goes on behind the scenes?
College Eye 51:19, p.6
Features the College Eye staff working on the paper; Harvey Riker, of Holst Printing Co., prints the paper; photo.
419 Students show sluggish mentality . . .
College Eye 51:19, p.8
Criticizes students for not responding when the College Eye asked for intellectual, well-written essays.
420 College Eye staff meeting Monday night
College Eye 51:18, p.5
Seeking new staff members.
421 Offer publication of intellectual contributions
College Eye 51:17, p.8
Encourages students to write thoughtful and philosophical essays and submit them to the College Eye for publication.
422 Responsible paper credited to readers' demands
College Eye 51:16, p.6
The College Eye reviews its performance this semester.
423 'Eye' published early next week
College Eye 51:12, p.1
Due to Christmas vacation.
424 Mirror on the Mob
College Eye 51:11, p.8
Comments on Christmas, Thanksgiving, and the College Eye staff.
425 Mirror on the Mob
College Eye 51:9, p.8
Comments on the absence of the editor, the snow fences, Thanksgiving, and the Soviet Union.
426 So, what's education?
College Eye 51:8, p.8
Disagrees with an editorial printed in the Eye that claimed that good teachers should not be promoted to administrative positions.
427 CE meeting Mon. night
College Eye 51:4, p.1
428 Attention journalists
College Eye 51:1, p.1
Seeking staff members for College Eye.
429 Subscription rates info clarified
College Eye 51:1, p.1
Mailed copies will cost $1 per semester.
430 Blue nose or libertine
College Eye 50:38, p.2
Advice on being an advisor to a student newspaper.
431 Boards Govern Communications
Old Gold 0:0, p.144
The Board of Control of Student Publications select the executive staff for the OLD GOLD and the COLLEGE EYE, and make sure that the staffs function properly; they are the governing department of all the student publications; photo.
432 College Eye Covers Campus
Old Gold 0:0, p.148
The COLLEGE EYE keeps the student body up to date on the latest and last word in news and views in and around TC; advertisements also help students know when and where to buy what; staff members are selected by the Governing Board of Publications; photo.
433 Free subscriptions a thing of the past
College Eye 50:32, p.3
Everyone other than students and faculty must subscribe.
434 New editors chosen for next year
College Eye 50:28, p.5
Jim Daman will be College Eye executive editor; Myrna Pierce will be managing editor; Helen Knickman will be executive editor of the Old Gold; Michael O'Brien will be associate editor; list of other staff members; photo.
435 Oil Cans are awarded to journalists
College Eye 50:28, p.5
Sylvia Guerink and Ron Muilenburg receive big oil can; list of others who were honored; photo.
436 Need summer staff
College Eye 50:28, p.1
For College Eye.
437 Journalists plan annual blowout
College Eye 50:26, p.1
Planning Gridiron Dinner.
438 Thanks
College Eye 50:23, p.10
College Eye thanks candidates.
439 Problems in the platform
College Eye 50:22, p.2
Contends that the SLB president does not automatically have the right to a column in the student newspaper.
440 Untitled
College Eye 50:20, p.4
Shows disgust for all aspects of the college except the paper.
441 Deep thought . . . .
College Eye 50:20, p.4
Student is concerned over the lack of vital national issues in the paper.
442 Untitled
College Eye 50:19, p.2
Appreciates the content of a recent editorial.
443 Snip Cat-"T"
College Eye 50:19, p.2
Commentary about campus life.
444 More education comment . . . .
College Eye 50:18, p.2
Announces the formation of a new series of articles by TC alumni.
445 Untitled
College Eye 50:18, p.3
Agrees with the need for more controversy in the paper.
446 Editor too harsh . . .
College Eye 50:18, p.2
Criticizes a recent editorial about certain courses.
447 Untitled
College Eye 50:17, p.2
Encourages the paper to be more controversial.
448 Notice
College Eye 50:17, p.1
College Eye seeking staff members.
449 Confusion . . . .
College Eye 50:17, p.7
Discusses issues on facing a new semester.
450 Mostly on . . . .
College Eye 50:16, p.7
Discusses the week in sports and other campus events.