Computer Laboratories
Displaying 51 - 100 of 116 in reverse chronological order
# | Title | Date | Summary |
51 | Students are not helped by registration proposal Northern Iowan 90:59, p.3 |
Setting aside computer lab for registration is not the answer. | |
52 | UNI needs to plan for the digital age Northern Iowan 90:45, p.7 |
Wants UNI to develop communications and computer infrastructure. | |
53 | Communication Studies Department to combine computers with classrooms Northern Iowan 90:35, p.2 |
Adds two new computer labs to meet student needs. | |
54 | Computer geeks unite! Northern Iowan 90:27, p.7 |
Humorous look at Christmas lights and computer labs. | |
55 | 'Computer geek' defends internet, UNI computing Northern Iowan 90:26, p.2 |
Outlines benefits of Internet; believes ISCS does the best that it can with the funds available. | |
56 | 'Computer geeks' wasting valuable computer space Northern Iowan 90:24, p.6 |
Dislikes waiting for access to a computer while others play around. | |
57 | Computer "Monkey Virus" infects UNI campus Northern Iowan 90:23, p.1 |
Can lead to complete loss of data on diskettes. | |
58 | That time again . . . . Northern Iowan 89:57, p.1 |
Students wait to use crowded computer lab; photo. | |
59 | Students question VAX system usage Northern Iowan 89:54, p.3 |
Increasing numbers of students who use system for recreation interfere with students who need access to do schoolwork. | |
60 | Computing across the curriculum Campus News Network 3:10, p.1 |
Benefits of the student computer fee. | |
61 | 'Tis the season Northern Iowan 89:28, p.1 |
Students at work in computer lab; photo. | |
62 | Lack of victim support corrected Northern Iowan 89:27, p.2 |
Believes university has begun to take steps to secure computer labs and to show concern for crime victims. | |
63 | Three UNI students assaulted in Redeker; Cedar Rapids man terrorizes computer lab Sunday morning in the nude Northern Iowan 89:22, p.1 |
Nude man assaults three students; captured by officers; charged with simple assault. | |
64 | Report spurs question, concern Northern Iowan 89:22, p.2 |
Believes recent assault in computer lab was incorrectly reported; cannot understand why men in lab did not aid female student. | |
65 | Macintosh computer lab now open in SEC Northern Iowan 89:7, p.1 |
Lab with sixteen new Macs open in Schindler. | |
66 | ISCS director offers apology for late opening Northern Iowan 88:39, p.2 |
Mr. Yohe apologizes and offers suggestions for future problems. | |
67 | Student employee accepts constructive criticism, not 'shots' Northern Iowan 88:38, p.2 |
Did not find recent complaint about computer lab useful. | |
68 | Student cannot accept temporary computer lab delay Northern Iowan 88:36, p.2 |
Angry that computer lab opened an hour late. | |
69 | Redeker Computer Center open all night in response to student demand Northern Iowan 88:30, p.6 |
70 | Computer centers help alleviate stress for many college students Northern Iowan 88:24, p.8 |
Students talk about the strengths and weakness of computer labs. | |
71 | Redeker computer center adds overnight and weekend hours Northern Iowan 88:22, p.1 |
Will be open twenty-four hours a day through finals week. | |
72 | UNI expands student access to CD-ROM Northern Iowan 88:12, p.1 |
Access to databases will soon be available in computer labs. | |
73 | Student Computer Center Attendants define their job Northern Iowan 88:8, p.2 |
Lab attendants outline their duties; respond to recent complaint. | |
74 | Computer labs need adjustment Northern Iowan 88:6, p.2 |
Outlines problem with using BASIC. | |
75 | Student Government announces support for UNI troops; resolution passes unanimously Northern Iowan 87:32, p.5 |
Resolution gives support to troops in war. Other business included 24 hour computer area, Union recycling program, and increasing minority recruitment. | |
76 | Area banks, Apple Computer contribute to state-of-the-art laboratory for University of Northern Iowa business students Public Relations News Release 1990:146, p.1 |
UNI business students benefit from the gifts of Iowa banks and Apple Computer. | |
77 | Computer hours extended to help students, faculty Northern Iowan 86:48, p.6 |
Schedule of hours in campus labs. | |
78 | Concerning computer lab hours: students, quit complaining Northern Iowan 86:41, p.2 |
Points out that there are many times when the computer labs are not crowded. | |
79 | New system causes controversy Northern Iowan 86:33, p.1 |
New system links computers; software is shared on network. | |
80 | Computers transforming Iowa schools Public Relations News Release 1989:328, p.1 |
Professor Don Darrow analyzes the use of computers in teaching science, history, mathematics, and language. Darrow states that children retain information more efficiently through computer simulations than lecture. | |
81 | Library staff needs to be reoriented Northern Iowan 86:22, p.3 |
Recounts difficulties in checking out books and in using computer lab. | |
82 | Students generally satisfied with UNI computer facilities Northern Iowan 86:21, p. |
Results and comments on recent survey. | |
83 | Photo survey: What is your opinion and suggestions for improvement in the university computer labs? Northern Iowan 86:21, p.6 |
Students offer brief opinions; photo. | |
84 | Computer facilities stress students Northern Iowan 86:16, p.1 |
Some labs extend hours; students still complain about problems with equipment and staff. | |
85 | Students vote yes Northern Iowan 86:12, p.1 |
Students vote 221-135 in favor of renaming student government | |
86 | Computers are more accessible Northern Iowan 86:2, p.4 |
More computers, fewer hours at computer labs. | |
87 | Computers for college -- necessity or luxury? Public Relations News Release 1989:619, p.1 |
Steve Moon says students who want their own computer should check out campus facilities, if their college or university has adequate facilities, they may not need to purchase one. | |
88 | 'Garbage' on disks from computer virus Northern Iowan 85:57, p.5 |
Virus has hit Mac labs. | |
89 | All Else Aside Northern Iowan 85:53, p.2 |
Praises work of students in computer labs. | |
90 | Students feel the chill Northern Iowan 85:28, p.4 |
Computer labs are cool to safeguard the equipment; Union air circulation system explained. | |
91 | Regents approve contracts Northern Iowan 84:63, p.1 |
Business Building contracts approved; Bill Calhoun approved as Director of Special Gifts and Assistant Vice President for Development. | |
92 | Computer labs to open soon Northern Iowan 84:41, p.8 |
Twelve lap-top units will be available shortly; labs in Educational Media Center and Education Center will be open soon. | |
93 | University of Northern Iowa Library offers portable computers for student use; Computer labs added on campus Public Relations News Release 1987:260, p.1 |
Computer labs are installed into the Education Center, the Commons, and the Industrial Technology Center in addition to three existing labs. Twelve new laptop computers are made available for checkout in the library. | |
94 | Portable computers will be asset Northern Iowan 84:30, p.2 |
Twelve lap-top computers will be available in the Library. | |
95 | Library to offer portable computers Northern Iowan 84:30, p.3 |
Will purchase twelve lap-top computers for use in library; also will purchase eleven new computers for the labs.. | |
96 | Business students asked to use own computers Northern Iowan 84:29, p.2 |
Seerley Hall lab is restricted to business students; other labs are open to all; urges business students to use Seerley lab in order to avoid crowding at other labs. | |
97 | Improvements being made in computer labs Northern Iowan 84:22, p.4 |
Laser printing available in several labs. | |
98 | Computer lab opens in east end of towers Northern Iowan 84:2, p.3 |
New lab will have forty-five Zenith computers; will cost $75,000; other labs located in the Curriculum Lab, Seerley Hall, and the Library. | |
99 | Computer use growing; more labs considered Northern Iowan 83:57, p.4 |
A look at use statistics; 400 sessions per day in Library lab; next labs may be located in Redeker Center or in a college that makes heavy use of computers. | |
100 | Few students using library computer lab Public Relations News Release 83:38, p.1 |
27% of students have used the lab; next lab may be in Redeker Center. |