Concert Band
Displaying 151 - 200 of 279 in reverse chronological order
# | Title | Date | Summary |
151 | The 84-piece Concert Band will perform in 11 northern Iowa and southern Minnesota communities during the annual spring tour Public Relations News Release 1952:549, p.1 |
Tour itinerary is as follows: March 16 - Radcliffe and Britt; March 17 - Fertile, Clear Lake, and Lake Mills; March 18 - Spring Valley, Minn., Chatfield, Minn., and Cresco; March 19 - Luther college in Decorah, Harmony, Minn., and Postville. | |
152 | Piersol back to conduct band concert College Eye 43:13, p.1 |
Frank Piersol will conduct Concert Band. | |
153 | Karl M. Holvik announces that the concert band will play eleven compositions on Sunday, January 13th Public Relations News Release 1951:304, p.1 |
Frank A. Piersol, director of bands at Iowa State College, Ames, and former Waterloo West high school band director, will be guest conductor. | |
154 | Eleven compositions comprise the program to be played by the 90-piece concert band in its concert here Sunday, January 13th Public Relations News Release 1951:305, p.1 |
The program, announced by Band Conductor Karl M. Holvik, will open with the march "Semper Paratus" by Capt. F. S. Van Boskerck, U.S.C.G. Dean Olson, senior student from Ft. Dodge, will be featured as trombone soloist playing an arrangement of "Adagio." | |
155 | Frank A. Piersol will conduct four compositions during the concert program, Sunday Jan. 13 Public Relations News Release 1951:297, p.1 |
The 90-piece concert band will present the concert in the college auditorium. Piersol has served as judge of high school music contests in Iowa, South Dakota, Minnesota, Colorado and Arkansas; he has been guest conductor and advisor for many bands. | |
156 | Frank A. Piersol's appearance as guest conductor at the college band concert will not bring a stranger to the Waterloo-Cedar Falls area. Public Relations News Release 1951:296, p.1 |
Piersol, assistant professor of music and director of bands at Iowa State College, Ames, was band director at Waterloo West High School from the fall of 1944 through the spring of 1948. | |
157 | Concert Band tryouts to begins on Monday College Eye 43:7, p.7 |
158 | "Seventy-five Years of Teacher Education" is the theme of the 1951 Homecoming. The first event is "Diamond Dates," a panorama of student life Public Relations News Release 1951:98, p.1 |
Homecoming "I" Queen Dixie LaVonne Laughery, Charles City, will be presented at the variety show and dance. A full day of varied activities is planned for Saturday, Oct. 27. A hockey game between alumnae and senior girls is planned. | |
159 | Paul F. Bender, general chairman of the Homecoming committee, announced the program for the three-day Homecoming weekend Public Relations News Release 1951:64, p.1 |
The theme for Homecoming will be "Seventy-Five Years of Teacher Education." It will be the second in a series of five all-college events in commemoration of the 75th anniversary of the college. After the game there will be informal dancing in the ballroom | |
160 | Two new vocalists will be featured when Harry James and his orchestra present a concert in the auditorium on October 1 Public Relations News Release 1951:43, p.1 |
The two newcomers are Patti O'Connor and Bobby Mack. O'Connor is a show business veteran and sister of movie actor Donald O'Connor. Mack, in 1946, won the national title in the All-American teen-ager band-singer contest at Carnegie Hall in New York City. | |
161 | Sixty papers, 91 candidates Public Relations News Release 1951:41, p.1 |
There are 91 candidates trying out for the bands. The marching band will make its first appearance at the Drake-Teachers College football game October 6 at Des Moines, according to Karl Holvik, director. | |
162 | The annual summer concert of the Iowa State Teachers college Concert band will be presented Tuesday (August 7) at 6:30 p.m. Public Relations News Release 1951:8, p.1 |
The concert will be in the courtyard just outside Bartlett hall's Green Lounge. In case of rain the concert will be presented in the college auditorium. William P. Latham, assistant professor of brass instruments, will direct. | |
163 | Green Lounge Court is site for summer band program College Eye 42:40, p.1 |
Program for Concert Band performance; photo. | |
164 | Concert Band Old Gold 0:0, p.114 |
Brief description of the band; photo. | |
165 | The 75th annual Commencement exercises will begin at 9:30 a.m., Saturday, June 2, in the Men's gymnasium Public Relations News Release 1950:385, p.1 |
Of the 498 candidates for graduation, 265 are candidates for the bachelor of arts degree and 233 for the two-year diploma. President J. W. Maucker will confer the degrees and award the diplomas. Candidates listed. | |
166 | The 75th annual Commencement exercises will be held June 2 at 9:30 a.m. in the Men's gymnasium Public Relations News Release 1950:367, p.1 |
President J. W. Maucker will present the traditional Purple and Old Gold awards to graduates outstanding in scholarship and extra-curricular achievement. He'll also name the winners of ten special scholarships. | |
167 | Eighteen organizations will participate in the third annual open air sing Wednesday evening, May 16, at the college Public Relations News Release 1950:364, p.1 |
Baker hall, men's residence hall, has twice won the traveling trophy presented to the winning group. If the Baker men win again this year they will keep the trophy permanently. | |
168 | Soloists named for band concert College Eye 42:29, p.1 |
Joan Eubanks and Vince McCowen will perform. | |
169 | College Concert Band plans for annual tour College Eye 42:28, p.5 |
Will play in six Iowa towns. | |
170 | Emmetsburg will be the evening host Monday, April 30, to the Concert Band Public Relations News Release 1950:334, p.1 |
Conductor David Kennedy's once postponed 1951 tour will include Lattimer and Laurens, also on Monday, and three more concerts at Monson, Humboldt, Webster City on Tuesday. | |
171 | Conductor David Kennedy of the Concert Band figures this winter's blizzards are about over so he's hopefully scheduled a second band tour Public Relations News Release 1950:305, p.1 |
A weekend blizzard forced cancellation of the band's three-day spring tour in Mid-March. The 58-piece band's newest itinerary is listed. All original commitments except one are included in the new itinerary. | |
172 | Week-end events will include the campus high school band concert Friday (March 30) and the spring recital of the Junior and Senior Orchesis Public Relations News Release 1950:280, p.1 |
A drum duet, a brass sextet, and a saxaphone quartet will be featured at the spring band concert conducted by Vincent Maleck of the Campus school music staff. Jean burgess and Barbara Wlaz will be in charge of the dance recital. | |
173 | The weekend blizzards knocked out the annual three-day spring tour of the concert band Public Relations News Release 1950:268, p.1 |
Director David Kennedy said he was trying to reschedule to tour for "the latter part of April." A between-quarters vacation started last Friday and the band members remained on campus until Sunday in the hope the tour would start. | |
174 | Band will begin tour on Sunday College Eye 42:23, p.1 |
Will visit seven Iowa cities. | |
175 | 1951 Spring Concert tour of the College Band Public Relations News Release 1950:260, p.1 |
The complete repertoire is printed on the program. Conductor David Kennedy said the band will play about 11 selections at morning and afternoon concerts and about 13 at evening concerts. Kennedy joined the music staff in September, 1948. Tours listed. | |
176 | ISTC band at Greene on Feb. 27 Public Relations News Release 1950:218, p.1 |
The 70-piece concert band will play a full concert in Greene in the school auditorium.Conductor David Kennedy has announced a 15-number program. Program listed. | |
177 | ISTC band at Greene on Feb. 27 Public Relations News Release 1950:207, p.1 |
The 70-piece concert band will play a full concert in Greene, which is sponsored by the school's Music Mothers association and will be held in the school auditorium. Conductor David Kennedy has announced a 15-number program. Program listed. | |
178 | $500 anonymous gift to ISTC concert fund Public Relations News Release 1950:195, p.1 |
President Maucker and Concert Committee Chairman Leland L. Sage expressed appreciation for the donor's action in supporting the concert program which annually brings world-famous artists to the campus and community. | |
179 | Band to present concert Sunday College Eye 42:15, p.1 |
Concert Band program. | |
180 | ISTC Concert Band to play Sunday Public Relations News Release 1950:181, p.1 |
The annual winter home concert of the college concert band will be played in the college auditorium.Director David Kennedy and his 75-musician band will play compositions of such famous composers as Bach, Brahms, Gillette, Gliere, and Tschaikowski. | |
181 | ISTC Concert Band to play January 21 Public Relations News Release 1950:176, p.1 |
Director David Kennedy and his 75-piece concert band will play a home concert in the college auditorium.The concert will be this year's first in this area. The band traveled to Clarion for a full concert last November 20. | |
182 | Senior Recital at ISTC, Tuesday, Dec. 5 Public Relations News Release 1950:148, p.1 |
The first senior recital of the fall quarter will be in Gilchrist hall. Recitalists will be Flutist Jean Hancock, Ottumwa, and Baritone Arnold Willms, Amber. | |
183 | Bandmaster to meet at ISTC, Dec. 4 Public Relations News Release 1950:140, p.1 |
A full day of band music will feature the annual clinic of the Northeast Iowa Bandmasters association. Visiting bandmasters will hear successive half-hour clinics on individual instruments or instrument groups. | |
184 | Band to present Clarion concert College Eye 42:10, p.3 |
About 80 band members will make trip. | |
185 | TC Concert Band Opens at Clarion Public Relations News Release 1950:122, p.1 |
Director David Kennedy said at least 80 players will make the Clarion Trip. Many of the musicians played in the 96-piece marching band which ended its fall season with a performance at the football game here Nov. 4. | |
186 | The "I" Club will present the Queen's attendants before the game and the marching band will parade in special formations during halftime Public Relations News Release 1950:95, p.1 |
Dr. Harold E. Bernhard, director of religious activities, is the Sunday morning Homecoming chapel service speaker. Parade floats and house decorations will pattern the major theme. Final event of the weekend is the Homecoming concert in the auditorium. | |
187 | Try-outs for band to be Oct. 23-28 College Eye 42:5, p.3 |
188 | Concert to end Teachers College Homecoming festivities Public Relations News Release 1950:56, p.1 |
A mixed Homecoming concert by music department faculty members and three students will officially close the 29th annual Homecoming festivities. Two scenes from "The Mikado" will end the concert. | |
189 | Homecoming program announced at Iowa State Teachers College Public Relations News Release 1950:36, p.1 |
A full entertainment slate, from a variety show to a chapel service, is planned for Homecoming visitors on Oct. 13-15. The feature attraction is the football game with the tough Drake University crew at Latham field. The Homecoming Dance is on Friday. | |
190 | Concert band Old Gold 0:0, p.92 |
List of members; photo. | |
191 | Three directors to lead Concert Band on Sunday College Eye 41:26, p.1 |
The selections for the concert are provided. | |
192 | Band starts tour at Iowa State College Eye 41:20, p.1 |
Twelve concerts will be performed in three days. | |
193 | Band will tour eleven Iowa cities College Eye 41:19, p.1 |
Will be performing at eleven high schools within three days. | |
194 | Sweet and Lowdown College Eye 41:18, p.3 |
Events occurring within the Department of Music. | |
195 | Band to give concert Sunday College Eye 41:15, p.1 |
Program will include eleven selections; photo. | |
196 | Band concert to be Tuesday College Eye 40:37, p.1 |
Performance program. | |
197 | Musical Notes College Eye 40:34, p.2 |
Band bus collided with a truck on the way home from a trip to Des Moines; no one seriously injured. | |
198 | Band leaves for D. M. celebration College Eye 40:33, p.1 |
Performance program. | |
199 | Musical Notes College Eye 40:32, p.2 |
Announces upcoming music-related activities on campus. | |
200 | Summer band concerts composed of all types of musical selections College Eye 40:32, p.2 |