Controversial Speakers Committee
Displaying 301 - 347 of 347 in reverse chronological order
# | Title | Date | Summary |
301 | Ide offers facts to Carl College Eye 63:44, p.3 |
Attempts to aid the search for arguments against Rockwell's recent speech. | |
302 | Inadequate facilities limit opportunity, Thorne says College Eye 63:44, p.8 |
Comments on crowd at recent speech by George Rockwell. | |
303 | Norman Rockwell protests letter College Eye 63:44, p.3 |
The artist protest the wrongful confusion of his name with that of the American Nazi Party leader. | |
304 | No letter yet College Eye 63:43, p.2 |
As of the printing deadline, the paper received no rebuttal from Dave Carl about George Lincoln Rockwell's claims. | |
305 | Long quotes on Negroes College Eye 63:43, p.4 |
Counters racist remarks made by Rockwell. | |
306 | The Duke got the message College Eye 63:43, p.3 |
Refuses to speak at SCI because it could be dangerous to his health. | |
307 | Advocates use of Men's Gym College Eye 63:43, p.3 |
Calls for a larger space to hold the speakers. | |
308 | Advocates discussion period for controversial speakers College Eye 63:43, p.3 |
Contends that a discussion of the speakers' viewpoints would help audience members hold a stronger position of their own. | |
309 | Thank you for star College Eye 63:43, p.2 |
Shows appreciation for those who wore the Star of David to the Rockwell lecture. | |
310 | Would like Dr. Eiklor to speak College Eye 63:43, p.4 |
Proposes having Dr. Eiklor to speak in opposition to Rockwell. | |
311 | Carl to prove Rockwell wrong with quotation College Eye 63:42, p.9 |
Will attempt to prove assertion made at Rockwell speech. | |
312 | Local citizens to speak about homosexuality College Eye 63:42, p.8 |
Panel will be part of Controversial Speakers Committee program. | |
313 | Focus on Smith - College Eye 63:42, p.6 |
Interview with ISU student body president Don Smith; photo. | |
314 | Questions Rockwell College Eye 63:42, p.4 |
Discusses the inherent problems of the American Nazi's ideologies. | |
315 | Rockwell at SCI College Eye 63:42, p.7 |
Excerpts from presentation by George Rockwell; 800 turned away from full Auditorium; photo. | |
316 | Rockwell, American Nazi leader, speaks today at 3 College Eye 63:41, p.1 |
Profile of George Rockwell. | |
317 | Nazi Rockwell will speak College Eye 63:39, p.1 |
318 | Thanks programs supporters College Eye 63:36, p.3 |
Praises the work of the those who support the Controversial Speakers program. | |
319 | Ministers express views on speakers programs College Eye 63:34, p.2 |
Commends the discussion on homosexuality; contends that it is important to discuss such issues openly. | |
320 | Disappointed in Eye answer College Eye 63:34, p.3 |
Comments that the Eye editor lowered himself to the Courier writers' level in a countering editorial. | |
321 | Society breakdown apparent College Eye 63:32, p.2 |
Contends that Christianity could easily deal with homosexuality. | |
322 | Invite Courier editor to speak? College Eye 63:31, p.2 |
Sarcastically proposes asking the editor to be a part of the controversial speakers program. | |
323 | Controversial Speakers Committee congratulated College Eye 63:31, p.2 |
Praises the efforts of the committee; chides writers in the Courier. | |
324 | Quality, not physical form important says Steinecker College Eye 63:30, p.1 |
Paul Goldman and David Stienecker speak on homosexuality. | |
325 | 'They need more smarts' College Eye 63:30, p.2 |
Reprinted 'Courier' article expresses discontent with the Controversial Speakers Program. | |
326 | Courier hits new low College Eye 63:30, p.2 |
Condemns a recent editorial in the local newspaper. | |
327 | Untitled College Eye 63:30, p.3 |
Makes humorous remark about the controversial speakers program. | |
328 | Students ask questions and listen College Eye 63:30, p.4 |
Six photos taken during the Friday program; photo. | |
329 | Students react favorably to homosexuality speeches College Eye 63:30, p.5 |
Students express opinions on recent speakers. | |
330 | Controversial Speakers will host homosexuals College Eye 63:29, p.1 |
Paul Goldman and David Stienecker will speak. | |
331 | Jones-Davis asks "bury civil rights, not praise it" College Eye 63:26, p.5 |
Excerpts from remarks by Michael Gaines and Gwen Jones-Davis. | |
332 | SS launches two major projects this past year College Eye 60:57, p.5 |
Begin student discard card program and controversial speakers program; will consider faculty evaluation further. | |
333 | Time for 'great conversation' on controversial speakers College Eye 60:54, p.2 |
Encourages students to voice their opinions on what speakers and topics should be chosen. | |
334 | Controversial speakers Alumnus 51:2, p.8 |
James Farmer and Ross Barnett speak on civil rights. | |
335 | Mr. Ross Barnett states 'misuse of power-tragedy' College Eye 60:44, p.1 |
Excerpts from speech; photo. | |
336 | 'Truth--there is civil rights crisis' says Mr. Farmer College Eye 60:43, p.1 |
Excerpts from speech by James Farmer. | |
337 | Ross Barnett to speak on civil rights issue College Eye 60:43, p.1 |
Profile of Ross Barnett. | |
338 | Barnett to talk on civil rights Wednesday College Eye 60:42, p.1 |
Ross Barnett will speak. | |
339 | James Farmer to speak Friday on civil rights College Eye 60:41, p.1 |
Profile of James Farmer; photo. | |
340 | Mr. Farmer gives speech in Auditorium College Eye 60:39, p.4 |
James Farmer will speak. | |
341 | Controversial speakers' plan in final stage College Eye 60:35, p.1 |
James Farmer and Ross Barnett are scheduled. | |
342 | Jorgensen opens meeting 'Examine Yourself, Motives' College Eye 60:20, p.1 |
Discuss possible discount plan among local merchants; seeking participants for controversial speakers program.. | |
343 | Speakers coordinating committee needed College Eye 59:26, p.2 |
Establish committee that will bring in speakers with topics that appeal to wide portion of student body; believes radical speakers tend to get small audiences. | |
344 | SLB in discussion of controversial speakers College Eye 59:24, p.8 |
Committee set up to work on matter. | |
345 | SLB asks for reversion to former Commons policy College Eye 59:14, p.3 |
Urge restoration of furniture to original locations; also consider Gilbert Green as controversial speaker. | |
346 | Service fraternities named to conduct book exchange College Eye 59:11, p.5 |
Tomahawk and Alpha Phi Omega will take over book exchange from Purple Arrow; survey shows that students would be interested in controversial speakers. | |
347 | Controversy acceptable if properly sponsored College Eye 59:9, p.6 |
Regents to allow speakers, who have controversial viewpoints, to speak on campus; President Maucker or a committee will be responsible. |