Displaying 351 - 400 of 431 in reverse chronological order
# | Title | Date | Summary |
351 | Helen Huus and Allison Aitchison will speak Public Relations News Release 1946:133, p.1 |
Women's league convocation to hear speakers. | |
352 | Baum sets theme at convocation College Eye 37:28, p.1 |
Professor Baum will perform. | |
353 | Convocation introduces officials to new Bartlett Hall residents College Eye 37:24, p.3 |
New residents meet important officials. | |
354 | College Quartet presents program at Wednesday's convocation; Holst, Birkhead, De Jonge, Fratzke sing opera, folk, popular, classic music College Eye 37:19, p.3 |
355 | C. H. Munson to speak at convocation Public Relations News Release 1945:292, p.1 |
Superintendent of schools at Whiting, Iowa will speak on "Rural Education's Role in Securing the Peace". | |
356 | F. T. A. sponsors rural education convocation College Eye 37:10, p.1 |
357 | C. H. Munson to speak at student convocation on Tuesday morning College Eye 37:9, p.1 |
Convocation sponsored by FTA. | |
358 | E. Stanley Jones spoke Wednesday at convocation College Eye 37:9, p.7 |
Excerpts from address on the atomic bomb. | |
359 | Student convocation stresses democracy College Eye 37:3, p.1 |
Groups explain purposes of campus governance organizations. | |
360 | Student League plans college convocation College Eye 37:2, p.1 |
Will explain purpose of SLB. | |
361 | Convocation assembly in college auditorium College Eye 37:1, p.1 |
Professor Bodein will speak at Matriculation Convocation. | |
362 | Convocation to mark the beginning of fall classes Public Relations News Release 1945:216, p.1 |
Vernon P. Bodein will be the speaker at a matriculation convaocation on the first day of classes. Martin J. Nelson will preside and President Price will greet the student body. | |
363 | Education key to safety in homes, Aud. speakers say College Eye 36:40, p.3 |
Brief excerpts from addresses. | |
364 | Safety education topic July 16 of 5 Aud speakers College Eye 36:39, p.1 |
Will address convocation. | |
365 | Matriculation convocation activities announced Public Relations News Release 1945:147, p.1 |
Following freshman registration for the summer session, Vernon P. Bodein will address the students on the subject, "The Odyssey of Faith". Lecture schedule announced. | |
366 | Responsibilities of women graduates seen by speakers College Eye 36:31, p.3 |
Brief excerpts from addresses at Women's League convocation and induction ceremony. | |
367 | Four college women in symposium for Women's League convocations College Eye 36:30, p.1 |
Will include students from several colleges; Ann Garver will represent ISTC. | |
368 | League convocation planned for May 2 College Eye 36:29, p.1 |
Will feature four speakers. | |
369 | Russell Baum to present a program of piano music in a special convocation Public Relations News Release 1945:92, p.1 |
College auditorium to be the site of a special convocation. | |
370 | Baum to present program of music at Convocation College Eye 36:27, p.1 |
Performance program; photo. | |
371 | All college assembly begins 1944-1945 year College Eye 36:1, p.1 |
372 | Tutor Timetable College Eye 36:1, p.4 |
Campus events and activities. | |
373 | Dedication of year to be autumn event College Eye 35:42, p.1 |
Description of the Matriculation convocation. | |
374 | Prof. Fagan tells how to be happy College Eye 35:36, p.4 |
Excerpts from Professor Fagan's address on his philosophy. | |
375 | Miss Hilda Beal tells of education in British schools College Eye 35:7, p.1 |
376 | Opening convocation held Alumnus 27:4, p.19 |
Formal matriculation convocation called by President Price; first in a planned series. | |
377 | Boost rural teachers' wages Alumnus 27:4, p.1 |
In campus convocation, D. E. Lindstrom suggests raising wages in order to keep up quality of instruction. | |
378 | 'Are you worthy of an education?' Dr. Knoff asks students in assembly College Eye 35:2, p.3 |
Excerpts from Matriculation Convocation address. | |
379 | Convocation held Friday for all student, faculty College Eye 35:1, p.1 |
A look at the ceremony; will be first of series of convocations. | |
380 | 'Catch step' says Dr. Price College Eye 35:1, p.1 |
President Price welcomes freshmen to ISTC; photo. | |
381 | Noted psychiatrist speaks here; Sadler to talk to assembly College Eye 34:40, p.1 |
William S. Sadler will be here for child health workshop. | |
382 | Professionalizing of teaching aired at all-college assembly College Eye 34:40, p.1 |
Hear about professional education associations. | |
383 | Education's war problems is theme of convocation College Eye 34:39, p.1 |
Will give students an opportunity to learn about educational associations; photo. | |
384 | Rural teacher paychecks should be biggest, says Dr. Lindstrom College Eye 34:39, p.1 |
385 | Senior men and women honored at assembly College Eye 34:30, p.1 |
Arthur James Todd speaks. | |
386 | Recognition Day program is scheduled for May 12 College Eye 34:29, p.1 |
Will honor students who have done well. | |
387 | Orientation begins this week; committee is carrying on special plans College Eye 34:1, p.1 |
Quick look at orientation activities; freshmen will not wear beanies due to shortage of material. | |
388 | Price urges clear thinking College Eye 33:14, p.1 |
President Price talks about the effects of war on the college and the country; women will be called to handle new jobs. | |
389 | French to speak at convocation; students urged to take part College Eye 32:25, p.1 |
Will French will speak. | |
390 | Hall to speak at Armistice Convocation College Eye 32:9, p.1 |
W. Earl Hall will speak; description of ceremony. | |
391 | Suggestions and criticisms invited at open Student Council meeting College Eye 32:2, p.1 |
Convocation scheduled; statement of purpose for Student Council. | |
392 | Rabbi Freund will speak at convocation College Eye 31:39, p.1 |
Will speak on Jewish contributions to civilization. | |
393 | Tuberculosis is topic of program College Eye 31:36, p.1 |
C. W. Kammeier will speak. | |
394 | Tuberculosis topic of convocation College Eye 31:35, p.1 |
C. W. Kammeier will speak. | |
395 | Terms Abe truly great College Eye 31:20, p.1 |
Professor Fahrney speaks on Abraham Lincoln. | |
396 | War President's birthday will be celebrated in convocation College Eye 31:19, p.1 |
Convocation will honor Abraham Lincoln. | |
397 | Reninger discusses 'The Rights of Men' College Eye 31:13, p.5 |
Excerpts from address at recent convocation. | |
398 | Sage appointed as assembly director College Eye 31:13, p.1 |
Professor Sage appointed to new post; will preside and present speakers at all-college assemblies. | |
399 | A social 'I' College Eye 31:2, p.3 |
Social events and happenings on campus. | |
400 | Principal convocation speaker College Eye 31:1, p.1 |
President Latham works on his convocation speech; photo. |