
Displaying 351 - 400 of 431 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
351 Helen Huus and Allison Aitchison will speak
Public Relations News Release 1946:133, p.1
Women's league convocation to hear speakers.
352 Baum sets theme at convocation
College Eye 37:28, p.1
Professor Baum will perform.
353 Convocation introduces officials to new Bartlett Hall residents
College Eye 37:24, p.3
New residents meet important officials.
354 College Quartet presents program at Wednesday's convocation; Holst, Birkhead, De Jonge, Fratzke sing opera, folk, popular, classic music
College Eye 37:19, p.3
355 C. H. Munson to speak at convocation
Public Relations News Release 1945:292, p.1
Superintendent of schools at Whiting, Iowa will speak on "Rural Education's Role in Securing the Peace".
356 F. T. A. sponsors rural education convocation
College Eye 37:10, p.1
357 C. H. Munson to speak at student convocation on Tuesday morning
College Eye 37:9, p.1
Convocation sponsored by FTA.
358 E. Stanley Jones spoke Wednesday at convocation
College Eye 37:9, p.7
Excerpts from address on the atomic bomb.
359 Student convocation stresses democracy
College Eye 37:3, p.1
Groups explain purposes of campus governance organizations.
360 Student League plans college convocation
College Eye 37:2, p.1
Will explain purpose of SLB.
361 Convocation assembly in college auditorium
College Eye 37:1, p.1
Professor Bodein will speak at Matriculation Convocation.
362 Convocation to mark the beginning of fall classes
Public Relations News Release 1945:216, p.1
Vernon P. Bodein will be the speaker at a matriculation convaocation on the first day of classes. Martin J. Nelson will preside and President Price will greet the student body.
363 Education key to safety in homes, Aud. speakers say
College Eye 36:40, p.3
Brief excerpts from addresses.
364 Safety education topic July 16 of 5 Aud speakers
College Eye 36:39, p.1
Will address convocation.
365 Matriculation convocation activities announced
Public Relations News Release 1945:147, p.1
Following freshman registration for the summer session, Vernon P. Bodein will address the students on the subject, "The Odyssey of Faith". Lecture schedule announced.
366 Responsibilities of women graduates seen by speakers
College Eye 36:31, p.3
Brief excerpts from addresses at Women's League convocation and induction ceremony.
367 Four college women in symposium for Women's League convocations
College Eye 36:30, p.1
Will include students from several colleges; Ann Garver will represent ISTC.
368 League convocation planned for May 2
College Eye 36:29, p.1
Will feature four speakers.
369 Russell Baum to present a program of piano music in a special convocation
Public Relations News Release 1945:92, p.1
College auditorium to be the site of a special convocation.
370 Baum to present program of music at Convocation
College Eye 36:27, p.1
Performance program; photo.
371 All college assembly begins 1944-1945 year
College Eye 36:1, p.1
372 Tutor Timetable
College Eye 36:1, p.4
Campus events and activities.
373 Dedication of year to be autumn event
College Eye 35:42, p.1
Description of the Matriculation convocation.
374 Prof. Fagan tells how to be happy
College Eye 35:36, p.4
Excerpts from Professor Fagan's address on his philosophy.
375 Miss Hilda Beal tells of education in British schools
College Eye 35:7, p.1
376 Opening convocation held
Alumnus 27:4, p.19
Formal matriculation convocation called by President Price; first in a planned series.
377 Boost rural teachers' wages
Alumnus 27:4, p.1
In campus convocation, D. E. Lindstrom suggests raising wages in order to keep up quality of instruction.
378 'Are you worthy of an education?' Dr. Knoff asks students in assembly
College Eye 35:2, p.3
Excerpts from Matriculation Convocation address.
379 Convocation held Friday for all student, faculty
College Eye 35:1, p.1
A look at the ceremony; will be first of series of convocations.
380 'Catch step' says Dr. Price
College Eye 35:1, p.1
President Price welcomes freshmen to ISTC; photo.
381 Noted psychiatrist speaks here; Sadler to talk to assembly
College Eye 34:40, p.1
William S. Sadler will be here for child health workshop.
382 Professionalizing of teaching aired at all-college assembly
College Eye 34:40, p.1
Hear about professional education associations.
383 Education's war problems is theme of convocation
College Eye 34:39, p.1
Will give students an opportunity to learn about educational associations; photo.
384 Rural teacher paychecks should be biggest, says Dr. Lindstrom
College Eye 34:39, p.1
385 Senior men and women honored at assembly
College Eye 34:30, p.1
Arthur James Todd speaks.
386 Recognition Day program is scheduled for May 12
College Eye 34:29, p.1
Will honor students who have done well.
387 Orientation begins this week; committee is carrying on special plans
College Eye 34:1, p.1
Quick look at orientation activities; freshmen will not wear beanies due to shortage of material.
388 Price urges clear thinking
College Eye 33:14, p.1
President Price talks about the effects of war on the college and the country; women will be called to handle new jobs.
389 French to speak at convocation; students urged to take part
College Eye 32:25, p.1
Will French will speak.
390 Hall to speak at Armistice Convocation
College Eye 32:9, p.1
W. Earl Hall will speak; description of ceremony.
391 Suggestions and criticisms invited at open Student Council meeting
College Eye 32:2, p.1
Convocation scheduled; statement of purpose for Student Council.
392 Rabbi Freund will speak at convocation
College Eye 31:39, p.1
Will speak on Jewish contributions to civilization.
393 Tuberculosis is topic of program
College Eye 31:36, p.1
C. W. Kammeier will speak.
394 Tuberculosis topic of convocation
College Eye 31:35, p.1
C. W. Kammeier will speak.
395 Terms Abe truly great
College Eye 31:20, p.1
Professor Fahrney speaks on Abraham Lincoln.
396 War President's birthday will be celebrated in convocation
College Eye 31:19, p.1
Convocation will honor Abraham Lincoln.
397 Reninger discusses 'The Rights of Men'
College Eye 31:13, p.5
Excerpts from address at recent convocation.
398 Sage appointed as assembly director
College Eye 31:13, p.1
Professor Sage appointed to new post; will preside and present speakers at all-college assemblies.
399 A social 'I'
College Eye 31:2, p.3
Social events and happenings on campus.
400 Principal convocation speaker
College Eye 31:1, p.1
President Latham works on his convocation speech; photo.