Cooperative Education

Displaying 101 - 150 of 205 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
101 University of Northern Iowa gives more than 120 students on-the-job experience through summer co-op placements.
Public Relations News Release 1990:705, p.1
List of students participating in the program and where they are working. The UNI co-op program has continues to grow since it began in the fall of 1976, according to UNI cooperative education director Allan Stamberg. Students listed.
102 Co-op education enriches student
Northern Iowan 86:56, p.7
Students talk about their co-op experiences.
103 University of Northern Iowa gives 100 students on-the-job experience through spring co-op placements.
Public Relations News Release 1989:398, p.1
List of those participating in the program and their hometown. Also listed is the position, firm and town the individual is placed.
104 Co-op programs aid students
Northern Iowan 86:13, p.4
Allen Stamberg talks about the benefits of the co-op program.
105 University of Northern Iowa gives 80 students on-the-job experience through fall co-op placements.
Public Relations News Release 1989:156, p.1
List of students by hometown, the position the students will work and where.
106 Co-op pays students to explore their fields
Northern Iowan 86:8, p.8
107 UNI co-op program nationally ranked
Northern Iowan 85:51, p.1
Program nearing top 10% in size nationally.
108 Co-op offers many benefits
Northern Iowan 85:39, p.5
Evelyn Barron talks about cooperative education.
109 Co-op jobs help UNI students get hired
Northern Iowan 85:26, p.3
A look at the success of the program.
110 University of Northern Iowa cooperative education program to provide an 'Oasis' for students in large cities thanks to a $75,000 grant.
Public Relations News Release 1988:161, p.1
Program to encourage the placement of UNI students in large urban areas thanks to a grant from the U.S. Department of Education. Cooperative Education is an educational program integrating academic study with work expierence.
111 What's Up
Northern Iowan 85:18, p.6
Meetings and activities.
112 University of Northern Iowa gives over 80 students on-the-job experience through fall co-op placements.
Public Relations News Release 1988:112, p.1
List of participating students, working with a firm or town. Also listed is their hometown and what position they will hold.
113 Job placement to be discussed at meeting
Northern Iowan 85:9, p.7
Cooperative Education scheduling informational meetings.
114 Workshop to help guidance counselors prepare students for 'new' job market, April 7 at Northern Iowa
Public Relations News Release 1987:338, p.1
High school guidance counselors are invited to a series of workshops on cooperative education and preparing students for the job market. The workshops are held in the Towers Dining Center.
115 Co-op program offers job experience, class credit
Northern Iowan 84:37, p.10
Students talk about their experiences in the program.
116 Necessary experience gained through Co-op
Northern Iowan 84:36, p.9
Allan Stamberg talks about the program, its procedures, and its benefits.
117 Students have opportunity to earn credit from off-campus employment
Northern Iowan 84:31, p.9
Students talk about their co-op experiences.
118 Radio News Network Broadcast Briefs
Public Relations News Release 1987:180, p.1
James Albrecht explains how school districts are avoiding consolidation. Doctor Bruce Plakke speaks on hearing aids. The Offices of Financial Aid and Cooperative Education create one-hundred community jobs. Jane Asimus gives winter weather precautions.
119 100 Northern Iowa students eligible for financial aid to get career-related experience
Public Relations News Release 1987:167, p.1
Students are given job opportunities in their fields of study through the Cooperative Education Program. Employers are required to pay twenty percent of the students' wages, while state funding and the Financial Aid Office pay the remainder.
120 Students find co-op invaluable
Northern Iowan 84:9, p.9
Students talk about their co-op experiences.
121 1987 could be biggest year yet for cooperative education
Northern Iowan 84:9, p.9
Fifty-nine students currently enrolled.
122 Co-op ed. gives job experience
Northern Iowan 84:8, p.5
Allen Stamberg talks about the program.
123 Program gives hands-on experience to qualified, motivated students
Northern Iowan 84:3, p.10
Industrial technology students are participating in cooperative education programs.
124 Co-op gives important experience
Northern Iowan 83:10, p.12
Evelyn Barron talks at length about cooperative education.
125 Co-op provides student jobs
Northern Iowan 82:61, p.4
Has placed about 90 students.
126 UNI gives students on-the-job experience through summer co-op placements
Public Relations News Release 1986:471, p.1
Eighty nine students earn money and college credit while working for area firms. Participates must have a 2.5 grade point average, completed their freshman year, and have approval of a designated faculty member. Students listed.
127 UNI ranks top 20 percent in co-op placed jobs
Northern Iowan 82:46, p.10
Class allows students to get on-the-job training and college credit at the same time; photo.
128 UNI alums, students invited to explore careers at UNI Thursday (April 3)
Public Relations News Release 1986:323, p.1
The Spring Career Fair will include chances to talk to potential employers as well as panel discussions on career opportunities.
129 What's up?
Northern Iowan 82:40, p.6
Activities and meetings.
130 Cooperative Education
Northern Iowan 82:39, p.7
Holding orientation meeting.
131 Internships, co-op can open doors
Northern Iowan 82:28, p.19
Evelyn Barron and Allan Stamberg tell how these experiences can benefit students.
132 UNI science students lauded at honors dinner
Public Relations News Release 1985:171, p.1
The program was the thirteenth annual Natural Sciences' Honors Dinner and it was held to honor scholarship and award winners as well as students with outstanding service; honored students are listed.
133 Co-op gives experience
Northern Iowan 82:15, p.18
Allan Stamberg talks about cooperative education.
134 What's Up?
Northern Iowan 81:50, p.6
Meetings and activities planned; Kedron Consort will lecture and perform; Stan Brakhage will show art film.
135 What's Up?
Northern Iowan 81:49, p.5
Meetings and activities planned; Barbara Smith will speak; banquet for recreation majors will be held; Christ for UNI will meet; Ugly Bartender Kick-off Hog Roast will also be held.
136 Co-op: key to experience
Northern Iowan 81:39, p.14
Tina Cook and Mike Hoy talk about their co-op positions; photo.
137 New education co-op jobs
Northern Iowan 81:27, p.5
Information about ten new campus jobs in the Cooperative Education program.
138 Co-op predicts best year ever
Northern Iowan 81:23, p.6
A greater number have applied this year for co-op jobs, doubling the numbers from the last year.
139 Co-op program provides job experience
Northern Iowan 81:5, p.3
Allan Stamberg talks about the program.
140 Cooperative Education gives students competitive edge
Northern Iowan 80:61, p.1
Allan Stamberg talks about the program; photo.
141 Placement potential is shorted
Northern Iowan 80:55, p.10
Allan Stamberg talks about the cooperative program.
142 What's up
Northern Iowan 80:52, p.8
Meetings and activities; UNI Campus Ministries; Christ for UNI; Committee of University Research; Spring Arts and Crafts sale.
143 Cooperative education: on-the-job training
Northern Iowan 80:13, p.8
Cari Davies talks about her co-op experience.
144 Early deadline set
Northern Iowan 80:11, p.3
Allan Stamberg explains why deadlines are necessary.
145 Registration deadline moved up
Northern Iowan 80:9, p.3
Summer Coop Ed deadline is December 5.
146 News Notes . . . . .
Northern Iowan 79:52, p.4
Professor Martin will talk about interracial cooperation in the South.
147 Workshop scheduled
Northern Iowan 79:41, p.8
Workshop on cooperative education.
148 Co-op students
Northern Iowan 79:40, p.4
21 students have been placed.
149 Co-op computers aid students
Northern Iowan 79:31, p.6
Allen Stamberg talks about the ways that computers have improved service in the cooperative education office.
150 Co-op provides experience
Northern Iowan 79:23, p.4
Allen Stamberg describes the program.