Cowan--Clay William (Class of 1921)

Displaying 51 - 79 of 79 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
51 Football team, 1918
Old Gold 0:0, p.178
Team photo; individual photos with captions; photo.
52 Sophomore
Old Gold 0:0, p.101
Humorous sayings and jokes; photo.
53 Personnel
Old Gold 0:0, p.163
Personnel roster for the Student Army Training Corps.
54 Visitors win in first game for home team; Pete Jorgensen pitches strong eleven inning game; Coe College wins thriller two - zero
College Eye 10:25, p.1
Iowa State Teachers College lost the opening game of the baseball season to Coe College, 2-0.
55 Ancient rivals pitted versus new Teachers College nine; Coe College nine opens season on local diamond with Dickinson's men
College Eye 10:24, p.1
Who's playing where in the baseball game against Coe College; should be a good battle.
56 Schedule first game with Coe April twenty-sixth
College Eye 10:22, p.1
For the first baseball game of the season, Teachers College will play Coe College.
57 Arthur Dickinson coaches Teachers College nine
College Eye 10:21, p.6
Coach Dickinson just returned from military service; will coach baseball team.
58 Cowan leads mates in basketball points; captain of 1919 Basket Tossers excels star forward by one point
College Eye 10:19, p.6
Captain Glenn Cowan scored the most points on the team. He is closely followed by other team members.
59 Diamond artists eager and ready for harness; star twirler, Jorgenson, and others of last year nine in good form. Much new material.
College Eye 10:19, p.1
Baseball team getting ready for season.
60 Inter-Society basketball Philos versus Aristos; Aristos win game from Philos 24 to 14
College Eye 10:18, p.1
On Monday night the Philos and the Aristos played a game of basketball; the Aristos won, 24-14. All five Aristo players were varsity men while the Philos used only one varsity man.
61 Upper Iowa takes measure of Cedar Falls; our five in no condition to play basketball after the tilt with Coe. Score 26-6
College Eye 10:17, p.4
Teachers College team was still tired from the game against Coe; Teachers College won the preliminary game against the Cyclones, 23-21.
62 Detailed summary of the Teachers-Coe game Friday
College Eye 10:17, p.1
Detailed play-by-play of the basketball game.
63 Purple and Gold defeat Coe five in brilliant game; comeback is staged; Coe in lead once--final score 19-16
College Eye 10:17, p.1
ISTC finally defeated Coe College after several years; every man played for the team.
64 Basketball tourney presents big problem
College Eye 10:17, p.1
Not enough room to accommodate the people who will be attending the event.
65 Men's intersociety basketball probable; all three societies will have good teams.-tough struggles expected
College Eye 10:16, p.1
Intramural basketball season preview.
66 Des Moines Tigers defeat Teachers College tossers; McKinstry stars in defeat of Teachers by Des Moines.- score 31-20.
College Eye 10:16, p.1
Teachers College basketball team showed lack of spirit; lost to Des Moines Tigers on Thursday, 31-20.
67 Basketball five clash with rival Coe outfit Friday; keen battle is expected; both the teams strong- winner in doubt
College Eye 10:16, p.1
Everyone wants to win this game, but it will be tough.
68 Football men receive Teachers College monograms
College Eye 10:16, p.6
Football players receive college letters.
69 Teachers lose by one point to Grinnell; local squad outplays the Scarlets but breaks went to Grinnell
College Eye 10:15, p.1
Teachers College lost close basketball game to Grinnell, 18-17.
70 Coe College wins basketball game from Teachers College 26-13; fast game but intermingled with much holding on Coe's part. -gymnasium too small
College Eye 10:14, p.1
The game was rough on Teachers College; Coe had an unfair advantage on its home turf.
71 They're lining up for a good season
College Eye 10:9, p.7
Detailed description of the current players on the men's basketball team.
72 College S. A. T. C. to demobilize Dec. 15; government issues order to disband all units; many men plan to remain in college
College Eye 10:8, p.1
President Seerley receives orders from the War Department; description of the activities of the unit.
73 Teachers 19; Camp Dodge 0; S. A. T. C. football team outplays visitors; McCreery and Cowan stars
College Eye 10:6, p.1
I. S. T. C. SATC team defeated Camp Dodge. Clay Cowan and Otis McCreery were the leading scorers.
74 Athletics
Old Gold 0:0, p.183
Illustration of a football player; letter winners for the 1917-1918 athletic season.
75 Shake Aristo
Old Gold 0:0, p.215
Illustration of an owl in a dark forest; Shake presidents and roster provided; Aristo roster provided; description of the two societies; memorial page for Arnold Arends; photos.
76 Freshmen
Old Gold 0:0, p.113
Class roster; class officers provided; photos.
77 Interest keen in military drill; work progresses
College Eye 9:3, p.1
Roster of men in Company A and men who have been appointed officers.
78 Photo
Old Gold 0:0, p.165
Aristotelian Literary Society members; photo.
79 The Training School
College Eye 4:1, p.5
News from the Training School; enjoying new school building; accounts of end of year ceremonies and celebrations.