
Displaying 901 - 950 of 1355 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
901 Fight breaks out in playoff game due to disqualification
Northern Iowan 85:41, p.13
Emotions run wild in the game.
902 Fraternities seek suspects in vandalism incidents
Northern Iowan 85:34, p.6
Greeks report recent incidents of vandalism.
903 Lots made safer by telephones
Northern Iowan 85:32, p.6
Telephones have been installed in several parking lots on campus.
904 Thief thanked
Northern Iowan 85:31, p.2
Plant stolen from Hera lounge.
905 Booksitting urged
Northern Iowan 85:29, p.3
Informs students that thieves are out to steal books.
906 Library doesn't tolerate theft
Northern Iowan 85:28, p.17
Doug Hieber talks about the library's security system.
907 Student stabbed in tavern Friday
Northern Iowan 85:28, p.1
Man arrested after he apparently stabbed another man at The Stein.
908 Vandalism creates problems on the Hill
Northern Iowan 85:25, p.1
Hill merchants talk about the problem; photo.
909 Business combat shoplifting
Northern Iowan 85:25, p.1
Local merchants talk about what they do about shoplifting.
910 Cars burglarized, valuables stolen
Northern Iowan 85:22, p.1
Thirty-three cars burglarized in October; several thieves arrested; photo.
911 Arrest process for OWI is illustrated
Northern Iowan 85:17, p.1
Interviews with police and court officials.
912 Wallet lost, stolen; photo irreplaceable
Northern Iowan 85:12, p.2
Needs photo back.
913 Date violence at UNI
Northern Iowan 85:12, p.5
Professor Crew talks about his research.
914 Bike thefts up on campus
Northern Iowan 85:9, p.1
Four thefts reported this semester.
915 UNI student assaulted in alley
Northern Iowan 85:6, p.1
Student raped in alley next to UBS.
916 Be afraid of the dark
Northern Iowan 85:6, p.2
Believes there are many dangerous places on campus.
917 Missing bikes available at Public Safety
Northern Iowan 84:57, p.7
Have about twenty bikes on hand.
918 Exhibitionist seen in Hagemann, Dancer
Northern Iowan 84:51, p.1
Students report seeing man in halls.
919 Exhibitionist wandering campus
Northern Iowan 84:43, p.4
Several reports of exhibitionist in Noehren and Hagemann Halls.
920 $2000 stolen from Noehren residents in recent months
Northern Iowan 84:43, p.4
Cash and personal possessions stolen.
921 UNI student robbed near Dome Monday
Northern Iowan 84:39, p.1
Robbed at gunpoint in Hudson Road underpass.
922 Students incur several thefts during break
Northern Iowan 84:32, p.1
Several apartments burglarized.
923 Theft not local problem
Northern Iowan 84:32, p.3
A look at the trend for stealing milk crates.
924 Stereos stolen, cars vandalized; 18-year-old charged with burglary
Northern Iowan 84:24, p.1
Investigation continues; photo.
925 VCR taken from CAC
Northern Iowan 84:24, p.4
Machine stolen from classroom.
926 Mailbox vandalized
Northern Iowan 84:23, p.8
Mailbox at 27th and Ohio Streets stolen; recovered unopened in Rider Hall.
927 Campus lights improve; areas of concern remain
Northern Iowan 84:19, p.11
Year long project nears end.
928 Dancer has safety program
Northern Iowan 84:19, p.3
Volunteer students work as night assistants after paid assistants were cut from budget three years ago.
929 Survey measures dorm safety
Northern Iowan 84:17, p.1
Brief look at security in the dorms.
930 Parking space dispute leads to knife incident
Northern Iowan 84:14, p.1
Student claims someone threatened him with a knife in disagreement over parking space.
931 Debate awards stolen during college tourney
Northern Iowan 84:11, p.5
Bill Henderson talks about the theft.
932 Shoars plans safety program changes; new director has 'inside view'
Northern Iowan 84:11, p.12
Dean Shoars outlines program for safety and security on campus.
933 Escorts increase campus safety
Northern Iowa Today 16:1, p.6
Shull Hall Escort Service continues the work it began in 1981; outline of training and record of service; photo.
934 An ounce of prevention . . .
Northern Iowan 83:45, p.1
A student works with Public Safety to mark valuables in her dorm room.
935 New lighting in sight for outdoor campus
Northern Iowan 83:36, p.4
Will go from white mercury vapor to high pressure sodium lighting.
936 Students help stop vandalism
Northern Iowan 83:34, p.6
Bruce Trameri talks about a program which will check people into Dancer Hall at night.
937 T.V. promotes silence
Northern Iowan 83:27, p.3
Feels that television urges victims of violent crime to keep quiet.
938 UNI students campaign to improve campus lighting
Northern Iowan 83:22, p.3
Women's Action League will write letters, conduct lighting survey, and create map.
939 Donation seekers spur suspicions
Northern Iowan 83:19, p.1
Men went from door to door seeking donations for a children's home.
940 UNISA surveys campus for unlighted areas; expresses opposition to U. S. Contra aid
Northern Iowan 83:19, p.9
Believes students have concern for safety.
941 Computer piracy and vandalism policy updated
Northern Iowan 83:18, p.5
Text of the policy; faculty cite concerns over potential breaking of copyright law; survey finds that men use the lab twice as often as women; senior students use it more often than underclassmen.
942 Poor lighting, parking, may lead to attacks
Northern Iowan 83:16, p.2
Feels students are forced to park in dangerous areas.
943 UNI woman attacked in parking lot Tuesday
Northern Iowan 83:13, p.1
Threatened with knife but not badly injured.
944 Lot construction may threaten safety
Northern Iowan 83:12, p.3
Believes that landscaping of new lot at 27th and Hudson may obscure view of criminal activity in the area.
945 Escorts provide safety at night
Northern Iowan 83:11, p.11
Brief history and description of services provided by Shull Hall Escorts.
946 Reward offered
Northern Iowan 83:5, p.6
$3000 reward offered for August 25 rapist.
947 How safe is UNI?
Northern Iowan 83:3, p.12
Students respond to the question: "How safe is UNI?"; photo.
948 Workshop for assault victims
Northern Iowan 82:52, p.4
Judson House will sponsor activity.
949 Problem of missing children profiled in awareness week
Northern Iowan 82:51, p.11
American Marketing Association will sponsor activities.
950 Decreased crime rate
Northern Iowan 82:42, p.9
Shull Hall Escorts and Public Safety Escorts help to lower the University crime rate.