Crumley--Richard D. (Mathematics Faculty)

Displaying 1 - 16 of 16 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Daane, Crumley resignations announced
Alumnus 47:2, p.3
Both move on to other positions.
2 2 faculty members resign; absence leaves granted to 4
College Eye 56:25, p.3
Professors Daane and Crumley resign; Professors Winsberg, Yager, Wagner, and Winsberg will be on leave.
3 Two and two are still four--but . . . .
Alumnus 46:4, p.1
Professor Crumley discusses the new math; recounts history of achievements of Math Department; photo.
4 President urges students to attend honors meeting
College Eye 53:4, p.1

Students from St. Olaf College will talk about their honor system.

5 Local teachers study new math ideas at ISTC
Public Relations News Release 1960:99, p.1
Area mathematics educators attend an in-service mathematics institute sponsored by the National Science Foundation. The institute is directed by Professors Glenadine Gibb and Richard Crumley. Professors Augusta Schurrer acts as a consultant to attendees.
6 Regents approve promotions for ISTC faculty
College Eye 51:27, p.1
Roster of those who were promoted.
7 Math Department Maintains Contact With High Schools
Old Gold 0:0, p.107
The Mathematics Department aims to attract and keep students of high quality, and maintain contacts with the public schools of Iowa; the department sponsored Kappa Mu Epsilon and the Math Club; photo.
8 Math Club, Kappa Mu Epsilon Further Mathematics Program
Old Gold 0:0, p.176
The Math Club is open to all who are interested in furthering their knowledge in mathematics; also, Kappa Mu Epsilon is a national honor fraternity that helps undergraduates appreciate the beauty of mathematics and its important role in our world; photo.
9 Sigma Theta Epsilon Helps Buy Hospital in India
Old Gold 0:0, p.201
Sigma Theta Epsilon is the local chapter of the national Methodist men's service fraternity; they helped with the Kappa Phi pledge banquet, donated blood as a group, and raised money individually in order to help buy a hospital in India; photo.
10 Pi Theta Pi Holds Varied Activities to Promote Sisterhood
Old Gold 0:0, p.211
Pi Theta Pi had a Mother's Day Brunch, and a Christmas Party with Sigma Tau Gamma; a pledge with the highest gpa is given a necklace to be worn for one year; a pledge with the second highest gpa is given a bracelet for the remainder of the year; photo.
11 Math Department Maintains Contact With High Schools
Old Gold 0:0, p.107
The mathematics Deparment, headed by Mr. Haroldl Trimble, has two primary aims¿.to attract and keep students of high quality and to maintian contacts with the public schools of Iowa. Mrs. Ina Silvey experimented with film-strips
12 Outing highlights Pi Thets' year
Old Gold 0:0, p.253
Cooperation in activities empasized their motto, "We give to girls the devotion of girls"; photo.
13 Department of Mathematics
Old Gold 0:0, p.49
A National Mathematics Institute was held on campus, the first to be held on any teachers college campus in the United States; the department is experimenting to see if students can obtain as much from larger classes as they can from smaller ones; photo.
14 Kappa Mu Epsilon Sees Beauty in Math
Old Gold 0:0, p.209
The motto of Kappa Mu Epsilon is to develop an appreciation of the beauty of mathematics; they also hold biennial national conventions that are attended by students and regional conventions during alternating years; photo.
15 Mathematics Club Applies Principles
Old Gold 0:0, p.237
The Mathematics Club meets once a month and usually has a speaker who is often a professor or a student; in the fall and spring, picnics are held with Kappa Mu Epsilon; photo.
16 Pi Thets Vacation at Clear Lake
Old Gold 0:0, p.251
Pi Theta Pi honored the alumnae at Homecoming with the Sorority Sip, had a Father's Day coffee hour, a Mother's Day brunch, and frequent coke dates and parties with Sigma Tau Gamma; they challenged Pi Tau Pi in a game of flag football in the fall; photo.