Cummins--Harry Carlton (Class of 1898; Commercial Education Faculty)

Displaying 101 - 150 of 277 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
101 Study centers Feb. 12
College Eye 12:21, p.5
Placements of instructors for the week.
102 Study centers Feb. 5
College Eye 12:20, p.6
Placements of instructors for the week.
103 Study centers for Jan. 22
College Eye 12:18, p.5
Placements of instructors for the week.
104 Study centers Dec. 11th
College Eye 12:15, p.6
Schedule of where professors will be this week.
105 Study Centers for November 20
College Eye 12:12, p.6
Schedule of where professors will be this week.
106 Study Centers Nov. 13
College Eye 12:11, p.6
Schedule of where teachers will be working.
107 Study centers, Oct. 30
College Eye 12:9, p.5
Placements of professors for the week.
108 Study Centers this week
College Eye 12:3, p.2
Gives schedule of when professors will be out.
109 Alumni officers for 1921
Alumni News Letter 4:3, p.2
Alumni officers listed for 1921.
110 Harry C. Cummins
Alumni News Letter 4:3, p.5
Harry C. Cummins spent part of commencement week in Canada, but returned for the alumni reunion.
111 Commercial
Old Gold 0:0, p.115
Class members, advisor, explanation of curriculum, and class photo; photo.
112 Departments of Commercial Education and Art
Old Gold 0:0, p.39
Departments of Commercial Education and Art faculty members; photo.
113 Alumni elect officers
College Eye 12:1, p.
Roster of officers; plan for first Homecoming.
114 Spring Term Commencement 4
Alumni News Letter 3:3, p.3
Alumni breakfast held. Alumni president Robert Fullerton overseas. F. C. Sage was in charge. Anna McGovern welcomed class of 1894 and Ben Robinson responded. Officers were elected. Resolution passed to speed up building of Campanile.
115 Department of Commercial Education
Old Gold 0:0, p.48
Business faculty; photo.
116 Professor and Mrs. Cummings
College Eye 11:35, p.7
Professor Cummings hosted the Commercial classes at his home.
117 Professor Hilgert entertains commercial students
College Eye 10:19, p.6
Played games and enjoyed music.
118 The alumni breakfast
Alumni News Letter 2:3, p.4
Breakfast served to class of 1918. R. D. Daugherty sang alumni song he wrote. Acting president was Henrietta Radell. New class welcomed and report given on building Campanile. Officers elected for next year.
119 Department of Commercial Education
Old Gold 0:0, p.53
Description of department; photos.
120 Study Centers
College Eye 9:9, p.3
Schedule of faculty at study centers and institutes.
121 Study Centers
College Eye 9:8, p.2
Roster of faculty for November 10.
122 Study Centers
College Eye 9:8, p.2
Roster of faculty for October 27.
123 Study Centers
College Eye 9:6, p.2
Roster of faculty.
124 Iowa State Teachers Association
College Eye 9:4, p.3
Roster of faculty representing Teachers College.
125 Study Centers
College Eye 9:3, p.3
Schedule of faculty and the study centers and institutes where they work.
126 Classes
College Eye 9:2, p.6
Roster of class officers and sponsors.
127 Extension Service
College Eye 9:2, p.3
Roster of faculty members who conducted study centers.
128 Department of Commercial Education
Old Gold 0:0, p.70
Profile and photos of the professors in this department.
129 Books by members and ex-members of the faculty
College Eye 8:25, p.2

Bibliography of the work of past and current faculty members.

130 Study Centers November 9
College Eye 8:11, p.8
Following people attended study center meetings.
131 Study Centers, Nov. 11
College Eye 8:9, p.7
List of people at study center meetings.
132 I. S. T. C. faculty members at institute
College Eye 8:5, p.8
Faculty members attend Teachers Institutes.
133 Commercial Education seniors
Old Gold 0:0, p.132
134 Heads of departments
Old Gold 0:0, p.14
135 Commercial Department students
Old Gold 0:0, p.258
136 C. C. C. outing
College Eye 7:1, p.6
Enjoyed picnic.
137 Heads of Departments
Old Gold 0:0, p.53
138 Central Commercial Teachers' Association
College Eye 4:30, p.8
Twelfth annual convention was held in Waterloo.
139 Prof. Cummins honored
College Eye 4:23, p.8
Harry C. Cummins appears on the cover of the Phonographic Magazine.
140 Mrs. H. C. Cummins
College Eye 4:23, p.7
Hosted the Tuesday Club.
141 It has been rumored
College Eye 4:21, p.10
Confusion over telephone.
142 College Commercial Club
College Eye 4:20, p.3
New officers elected; meeting held at the home of Professor Cummins.
143 Prof. Cummins
College Eye 4:15, p.4
Professor Cummins made humorous statement in penmanship class.
144 Alumni day
College Eye 4:1, p.7
Review of Alumni Day events.
145 Commercial Education
Old Gold 0:0, p.42
Photos of faculty members; photo of commercial education students.
146 The Mill
Old Gold 0:0, p.331
Cartoons, jokes, and poems about I. S. T. C. students, faculty, and staff; photos.
147 Prof. H. C. Cummins and Prof. R. V. Coffey
College Eye 3:30, p.504
Attended the Iowa convention of commercial teachers held at Des Moines; Professor Cummins was elected president.
148 Washington's birthday commemorated
College Eye 3:21, p.348
Professor Cummins led devotional meeting.
149 Alumni business meeting
College Eye 3:1, p.6
Announced officers for following year.
150 Department of Commercial Education
Old Gold 0:0, p.89
Class photo, description of department.