Displaying 951 - 1000 of 1425 in reverse chronological order
# | Title | Date | Summary |
951 | Letter to the editor College Eye 38:25, p.4 |
Discuses the recent editorial comments concerning the "Contemporary Affairs" class at I.S.T.C. | |
952 | Roger's Rambling Remarks College Eye 38:24, p.2 |
Offers criticism and suggestions for improvements in the contemporary affairs class. | |
953 | Appoint safety education supervisor Alumnus 31:1, p.14 |
Bert L. Woodcock resigns position with state program to head new driver training and safety education curriculum | |
954 | MacKenzie visits campus; lectures on curricula College Eye 38:13, p.4 |
Gordon MacKenzie speaks to a number of groups. | |
955 | Announce plans for new catalog College Eye 38:11, p.6 |
Will outline curricular changes. | |
956 | First classes held in Safety Education at Teacher College College Eye 38:1, p.5 |
Professors Palmer and Woodcock will supervise program; driver training range planned for area south of campus. | |
957 | Teachers College inaugurates safety course Alumnus 30:3, p.8 |
Safety education will be offered as a teaching minor; driving course will be developed south of campus. | |
958 | Faculty members work on design for education College Eye 37:36, p.2 |
Five faculty appointed to state secondary education design group. | |
959 | Safety education program endorsed College Eye 37:34, p.3 |
Will offer minor course of study this fall. | |
960 | Contemp, short but tough, causes grade-point slump College Eye 37:32, p.3 |
Professor Thompson talks about modifications and improvements in the Contemporary Affairs class. | |
961 | A plea for better living Alumnus 30:1, p.16 |
Speaker Stewart B. Hamblen believes that schools can help people raise their standard of living. | |
962 | Special six-week session for veterans Alumnus 30:1, p.6 |
Courses selected to meet veterans' needs. | |
963 | Should we teach sex here? College Eye 37:3, p.2 |
Question is raised, should TC teach a class on sex? | |
964 | Earth Science offered since 1913 College Eye 36:37, p.3 |
Subject of article written by Professors Uttley and Aitchison. | |
965 | Radio classes learn by experience as they attend KXEL classroom College Eye 36:33, p.3 |
A look at some of the work done in the radio survey class. | |
966 | Students submit report on curriculum College Eye 36:32, p.5 |
Full text of department-by-department recommendations for improvement in the curricula. | |
967 | E. P. C. invites students to discuss problems at Wednesday meeting College Eye 36:31, p.1 |
Will be second meeting regarding curricular problems. | |
968 | Submit ideas for new curriculum College Eye 36:24, p.1 |
Major study groups should turn in recommendations to Student-Faculty Relations Committee. | |
969 | Common problems College Eye 36:22, p.2 |
EPC hears students' complaints about their studies and college life. | |
970 | Common problems need discussion College Eye 36:21, p.2 |
Discusses current problems faced by both students and faculty. | |
971 | Riding classes offered in spring schedule College Eye 36:20, p.4 |
972 | Common problems under discussion College Eye 36:20, p.2 |
Discusses problems faced by both faculty and students. | |
973 | Enthusiastic students discuss curriculum College Eye 36:18, p.1 |
Students involved in department discussions. | |
974 | New basic skills program adopted College Eye 36:18, p.1 |
Faculty define basic skills areas in curricular reform. | |
975 | Students can help with curriculum College Eye 36:18, p.2 |
Discusses the changing of the education curriculum. | |
976 | What do you want in new curriculum College Eye 36:18, p.2 |
Students voice opinions. | |
977 | What do you want in new curriculum College Eye 36:17, p.2 |
Students voice opinions. | |
978 | Curriculum to be discussed; student body suggestions are invited College Eye 36:17, p.1 |
Housing groups and student organizations will take part in the discussion. | |
979 | Skiing supplies credit for fun loving co-eds College Eye 36:15, p.3 |
Professor Short teaches a winter sports class. | |
980 | Earlier training courses discussed College Eye 36:10, p.1 |
Student League makes suggestions for curriculum revision. | |
981 | 'Three R's' may appear in curriculum changes College Eye 36:10, p.1 |
Curriculum group considering revisions. | |
982 | Students acquire release in skills College Eye 36:5, p.6 |
Students may test out of certain skills courses. | |
983 | Editorial College Eye 35:41, p.2 |
Applauds idea of curricular change, but believes there should also be a strong focus on developing the individual student. | |
984 | Students now broadcast, write scripts College Eye 35:40, p.1 |
Several students in the Radio Practice class participate in the operation of KXEL. | |
985 | Integration of subjects needed in colleges says Dr. M. J. Nelson College Eye 35:37, p.4 |
Dean Nelson talks about curricular trends. | |
986 | Football class held in spite of numbers College Eye 35:36, p.3 |
PE class on football offered by Coach Starbeck. | |
987 | Radio practice, survey courses now in curriculum College Eye 35:32, p.5 |
Description of the new courses. | |
988 | Rural trainees like four quarter plan College Eye 35:29, p.6 |
Description of the four quarter rural education training program. | |
989 | Departmental group meetings offer means of student expression College Eye 35:28, p.4 |
Four departments have met to discuss problems. | |
990 | New radio survey course provides workshop training College Eye 35:26, p.5 |
Description of the new radio survey course; photo. | |
991 | Campus speaks College Eye 35:26, p.2 |
Survey on question of the value of learning a second language. | |
992 | Radio course added to college curricula Alumnus 28:2, p.9 |
In new radio survey course, students will visit KXEL studio and transmitter; Mr. Hake is planning a radio practice course, as well. | |
993 | Course begins for those interested in radio procedure College Eye 35:25, p.4 |
Radio survey class will visit KXEL studio and transmitter. | |
994 | Will speed-up courses be maintained? College Eye 35:24, p.2 |
Several students and faculty discuss accelerated courses as part of post-war education. | |
995 | Faculty committee considers changes in K. P. curriculum College Eye 35:22, p.5 |
Group has been meeting since last fall. | |
996 | New radio courses offered students gives actual experience in radio College Eye 35:19, p.1 |
Radio survey course will be taught by those professionally involved in radio work. | |
997 | Teachers College wages war on home front Alumnus 27:2, p.16 |
Survey of college efforts on campus to train, serve, and raise money to aid in the war effort includes military drilling, Red Cross work, bond drives, and keeping up morale; curriculum turned to war effort; photo. | |
998 | New course to replace Foods II in home economics College Eye 34:10, p.1 |
New course will be Principles of Foot Preparation. | |
999 | Revised military survey course offered for credit College Eye 34:10, p.1 |
Art Dickinson describes new course. | |
1000 | Suckow, Hearst join teaching staff; pair will assist in teaching course of creative writing College Eye 34:9, p.1 |
Professor Reninger explains the new way that the course will be taught. |