Curtis--Dwight K. (Laboratory School Faculty)
# | Title | Date | Summary |
1 | Graduate work at the Teachers College A Century of Leadership and Service 2:0, p.185 |
The College establishes the framework for graduate study; photo. | |
2 | Administrative changes and departmental reorganization A Century of Leadership and Service 2:0, p.311 |
Detailed look at the break-up of the old, large departments into smaller, more discrete units; list of those who headed the old and new departments; photo. | |
3 | Capital improvements, 1950-1970 A Century of Leadership and Service 2:0, p.333 |
A survey of new and renovated classroom, administrative, dormitory, and service buildings; new art on campus; the Lechay painting; the NAR; photo. | |
4 | Curriculum and related matters, 1940-1950 A Century of Leadership and Service 2:0, p.132 |
Detailed coverage of curriculum change, especially the movement to reformulate general education. | |
5 | Regents approve transactions Northern Iowan 70:3, p.4 |
Architectural services for UNI-CUE; purchase house from Anna Curtis; replace library roof. | |
6 | Ross Nielsen named director of Price Laboratory School College Eye 56:31, p.1 |
Professor Nielsen will fill vacancy left by death of Dwight Curtis; Guy Wagner has been interim head. | |
7 | NAST honors Dr. Dwight Curtis posthumously College Eye 52:21, p.4 |
Receives award for distinguished service. | |
8 | Curtis honored at Student Teaching convention Public Relations News Release 1960:234, p.1 |
The Association for Student Teaching recognizes the work of the late Professor Dwight K. Curtis at their annual convention in Chicago. Professor Thomas D. Horn confers the award. | |
9 | Curtis honored for distinguished service Public Relations News Release 1960:233, p.1 |
Professor Thomas D. Horn honors the late Professor Dwight K. Curtis at the National Association of Student Teaching annual convention in Chicago. Curtis was director of the Price Laboratory School and head of the department of teaching. | |
10 | Posthumous award to Dr. Curtis Alumnus 46:1, p.8 |
National Association for Student Teaching honors Dr. Curtis. | |
11 | ISTC round-up for 1960 Public Relations News Release 1960:169, p.1 |
Among the year's decisions by the Board of Regents are the movement of a non-teaching liberal arts program request to legislature, the integration of non-commerical KTCF programming, and the placement of new department heads. |
12 | Dr. Wagner is temporary Teaching Department head Alumnus 45:4, p.6 |
Professor Guy Wagner succeeds Professor Curtis. | |
13 | Teaching Department head, Dr. Curtis, dies at 54 Alumnus 45:4, p.6 |
Died September 21, 1960; photo. | |
14 | Curtis memorial fund set up College Eye 52:6, p.4 |
In memory of Dwight Curtis, who died September 21. | |
15 | Dr. Guy Wagner appointed temporary teaching head College Eye 52:4, p.1 |
Will replace Dwight Curtis. | |
16 | Wagner to direct Laboratory School Public Relations News Release 1960:49, p.1 |
Professor Guy Wagner is appointed head of the department of teaching and director of Price Laboratory School with the death of Professor Dwight Curtis. Wagner takes the responsibilities of his new office in addition to those of head of the curriculum lab. | |
17 | Curtis memorial planned Public Relations News Release 1960:38, p.1 |
The Iowa State Teachers College Foundation accumulates funds for a permanent memorial for the late Professor Dwight Curtis. Curtis was the director of the Price Laboratory School, as well as the department of teaching since 1945. | |
18 | Dr. Dwight Curtis dies of coronary occlusion Wed. College Eye 52:2, p.1 |
Died September 21, 1960; had been head of PLS since 1945. | |
19 | Professor Dwight K. Curtis dies of coronary occlusion Public Relations News Release 1960:34, p.1 |
Professor Dwight K. Curtis, director of the Price Laboratory School, dies of coronary occlusion after arriving at Sartori Hospital. Curtis was head of the department of teaching, and president of the Association of Student Teaching. | |
20 | Teaching Department has Eight Student Teacher Centers Northern Iowan 0:0, p.107 |
The Teaching Department has five training schools that arrange for student teachers to learn on site. A new one added to the list was the Iowa Braille and Sight Saving School in Vinton. | |
21 | Faculty Pen; Price Laboratory School advances teacher education College Eye 51:19, p.3 |
Discusses the benefit of the Price Laboratory School in teacher education. | |
22 | Music workshop starts today College Eye 51:2, p.7 |
Hosting third annual music workshop. | |
23 | Teaching Department Conducts Electronics Seminar Old Gold 0:0, p.113 |
The Electronics Seminar for physical science, which was an experiment, was conducted; the Iowa Braille and Sight Saving School at Vinton was an added student teaching center; photo. | |
24 | TC Campus School dedicated in honor of Dr. Malcolm Price College Eye 50:21, p.1 |
Dedication to be held March 23, 1959. | |
25 | Center for one of largest student teaching programs in the country Alumnus 44:1, p.10 |
Description of new facilities and teacher education program; photo. | |
26 | Symphony Orchestra Old Gold 0:0, p.142 |
Description of the orchestra along with a photo located at the bottom of the page; photo. | |
27 | Teaching Begins Education Experiments Old Gold 0:0, p.113 |
New experiments conducted by the Teaching Department, such as Spanish for elementary students and a new math program for the junior and senior high schools; photos. |
28 | New student teachers leave as 89 return to college life College Eye 49:10, p.7 |
Dwight Curtis talks about living conditions for student teachers and the duties of student teaching coordinators. | |
29 | Kappa Delta Phi Hears Guest Speakers Old Gold 0:0, p.208 |
Kappa Delta Phi is a national honorary fraternity in education open to juniors, seniors, and graduate students; guest speakers included: President J. W. Maucker, Dwight Curtis, Herbert Silvey, Philip Jennings, Daryl Pendergraft, and Marshall Beard; photo. | |
30 | Department of Teaching Old Gold 0:0, p.55 |
The Teaching Department established new off-campus teaching centers this year for future use; in the fall of '57, a field house addition to the laboratory school building is expected to be completed; photo. |
31 | Teachers learn of responsibilities at Chicago meet College Eye 47:19, p.1 |
Professors Curtis and Moon are officers of the association. | |
32 | Teaching Supervises Student Teachers Old Gold 0:0, p.93 |
Description of the role that the teaching department takes during the training of new teachers. Also, there are photos of the faculty and locations of the schools where the students are trained; photos. |
33 | Curtis and Moon go to Drake College Eye 46:30, p.8 |
For student teaching conference. | |
34 | Curtis to head national group Alumnus 39:2, p.3 |
Professor Curtis chosen national president of Association for Student Teaching. | |
35 | Hult, Curtis attend ICBE conference College Eye 46:19, p.6 |
36 | Dr. Curtis leads discussion group College Eye 46:13, p.2 |
At social studies conference. | |
37 | Publish book by Dr. Curtis College Eye 46:8, p.6 |
On student teaching. | |
38 | Teaching Old Gold 0:0, p.246 |
List of teaching faculty; photo. |
39 | Students and faculty confer throughout USA College Eye 45:19, p.1 |
Many faculty and students are travelling to other cities for conferences. | |
40 | Campus School students plan full scale move this month College Eye 44:41, p.1 |
Lengthy description of move of elementary students to new building; photo. | |
41 | Graduate council Old Gold 0:0, p.64 |
The Graduate Council makes decisions regarding policies relating to the functioning of the new graduate program; photo. | |
42 | Teaching Old Gold 0:0, p.63 |
The Department of Teaching utilizes six area schools for purposes of student teaching and other experience; photo. | |
43 | Educators and lay leaders attend third annual school P/R workshop Alumnus 36:3, p.2 |
One hundred attend conference; photo. | |
44 | Teaching Old Gold 0:0, p.162 |
Brief description of the department with photos of the faculty and of students in a classroom; photo. | |
45 | Dr. Dwight Curtis speaks in Alabama College Eye 43:24, p.7 |
Serves as consultant to Air Force. | |
46 | Campus school mourns death of instructor Mary Caldwell College Eye 43:23, p.7 |
Mary Pickett Caldwell died March 21, 1952, in her Campus School office. | |
47 | Dwight Curtis, director of student teaching, will deliver a graduation address at Maxwell Air Force base, Alabama, April 4 Public Relations News Release 1952:494, p.1 |
Curtis will address graduating class 52-B of the Academic Instructor course. The class will consist of approximately 120 officers, airmen, and civilians. Plans call for Curtis to serve as a consultant to the instructional program of the Air university. | |
48 | Curtis authors magazine article College Eye 43:22, p.5 |
Dwight Curtis writes about improving teacher laboratory experiences. | |
49 | Mary Pickett Caldwell, 63, assistant professor of teaching, died Friday morning in her office at the college Campus School Public Relations News Release 1952:506, p.1 |
Attending physician said the cause of death was a cerebral hemorrhage. Caldwell joing the staff in 1922 as a critic of teaching. She received a kindergarten diploma in 1910, a critic certificate in 1918 and a bachelor of arts degree in 1919. | |
50 | In the January issue of "Education" appears an article co-authored by Dwight Curtis entitled "The Fredonia Workshop in Teacher Education" Public Relations News Release 1952:405, p.1 |
The article discusses the 1951 workshop of the Association for Student Teaching, held in Fredonia, New York last August. Curtis, director of student teaching and the workshop director, collaborated with Allen Patterson, Lock Haven, Pa., in preparing the a |