Department of Chemistry

Displaying 101 - 150 of 156 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
101 Chemistry taking up marketing? On the move
Northern Iowan 74:39, p.5
Professor McGrew talks about the potential development of a chemistry marketing degree; photo.
102 Are faculty evaluations an indignity? NO
Northern Iowan 74:21, p.2
Professor Chang welcomes what he will learn from evaluation.
103 Mad scientist at work?
Northern Iowan 74:13, p.11
A chemistry student performs an experiment in one of the UNI laboratories; photo.
104 Kavich, McGrew approved
Northern Iowan 73:57, p.1
Professor Kavich will succeed Len Froyen in Educational Psychology and Foundations; Professor McGrew will succeed George Ball in Chemistry.
105 "Second to none"; med students' blessing
Northern Iowan 72:55, p.9
Reactions of current medical and dental students to their undergraduate science degrees from UNI.
106 Marijuana
Northern Iowan 72:23, p.6
Department of Chemistry will present seminar.
107 Simulator regulates energy uses
UNI Century 3:1, p.7
Chemistry faculty present workshops on energy conservation; photo.
108 Chem seminars
Northern Iowan 70:32, p.4
Professor Wehner will speak on student use of programmable computers.
109 Seminar planned
Northern Iowan 70:14, p.5
John Overend will speak.
110 New course offered
Northern Iowan 69:53, p.11
Chemistry Department will offer Socio-Economic Chemistry for one hour credit.
111 Koob to speak on "Vacuum Photolysis of Alkanes"
Northern Iowan 69:10, p.5
Robert Koob will visit Department of Chemistry.
112 Two more areas are accredited
Alumnus 57:3, p.20
Chemistry and speech pathology accredited.
113 Speech path receives accreditation
Northern Iowan 68:57, p.3
Department of Chemistry also accredited.
114 Chemistry seminar
Northern Iowan 68:42, p.3
Ronald Hogue will speak.
115 Chang says his letter was misinterpreted
Northern Iowan 68:15, p.2
Claims that he wants a strong program, not a mediocre program.
116 UNI Student Selected to Participate in Eastman Kodak Summer Program
Public Relations News Release 1971:645, p.1
Charles D. Huss has been selected into the Kodak summer program. He will be assigned working on photochemistry of the film-making process.
117 UNI Chemistry Department Receives Grant from Atomic Energy Commission
Public Relations News Release 1971:616, p.1
A grant of excess nuclear-type equipment has been given to UNI.
118 Chemistry department receives NSF grant
Northern Iowan 67:36, p.8
$55,800 grant seeks to improve the quality of chemistry education.
119 UNI Chemistry Department Receieves National Science Foundation Grant
Public Relations News Release 1971:421, p.1
The grant will be used for the continuation of a project that was started in 1970. The project's aim is to improve instruction in chemistry at 13 two-year colleges in the region.
120 UNI receives Dow Research Grant
Northern Iowan 67:33, p.8
Department of Chemistry seeking funds for magnetic resonance spectrometer.
121 UNI Chemistry Department Receives $1,000 Gift from Dow
Public Relations News Release 1971:370, p.1
The chemistry department has receieved a gift of $1,000 from the Dow Chemical Company in response to a campaign to raise funds for a nuclear magentic resonance spectrometer.
122 Famous chemist on UNI campus today
Northern Iowan 67:19, p.1
Byron Riegel will speak.
123 Noted Chemist to Visit UNI Chemistry Department
Public Relations News Release 1970:195, p.1
Dr. Riegal will be a guest of the UNI chemistry department on Nov. 19 and 20.
124 UNI Chemistry Students to Visit Monsanto Chemical Company
Public Relations News Release 1970:119, p.1
25 student members of the American Chemical Society and three faculty members are scheduled to leave Cedar falls for a weeknd trip to the St. Louis area on Oct. 22.
125 Five UNI chemistry majors awarded '70-71 assistants
Northern Iowan 66:53, p.5
Brief sketches of winners.
126 Regents Approve Establishment of Separate Departments of Physics and Earth Science at UNI
Public Relations News Release 1969:330, p.1
During to its growth, McCollum has suggested that the Department of Physics be separate from the Department of Earth Science.
127 Robert Rosscamp, organic chemistry expert to speak
Northern Iowan 64:39, p.1
Will present series of lectures.
128 Regents appoint Wilson head of chemistry
Northern Iowan 64:32, p.1
Regents make several administrative appointments and title changes.
129 Faculty Senate divides Department of Science
Northern Iowan 64:16, p.1
Science is divided into biology, chemistry, and earth science; considers pass/fail plan.
130 Science Tries Closed Circuit TV
Old Gold 0:0, p.111
Description of the department and the various activities and events that the department took part in; photos.
131 A revised edition of "The Physical Sciences," widely-used college science text, will be published later this month by Prentiss Hall and company
Public Relations News Release 1950:377, p.1
Authors of the book, published in 1940, and the revision are E. J. Cable, Robert W. Getchell, and W. H. Kadesch, all on the emeritus faculty. They are professors of earth science, chemistry, and physics.
132 Officials at the college have announced the appointment of two Missouri Valley residents to supplement the college's 1951 branch summer school staff
Public Relations News Release 1950:355, p.1
They are Mrs. Joe B. Ryan, secretary, and Mattie Scebold, librarian. James Kercheval, of the college's science department, will replace James Ferrell who was originally named to the school's science faculty. Ferrell has been recalled to military service.
133 'Test it' is motto of chemistry lab
College Eye 37:29, p.1
A look at the activities and facilities in the Science Building.
134 Mary J. Read
Alumnus 15:3, p.24
Will attend the University of Chicago this summer and next year. She will pursue advanced study in earth science. She is the daughter of Professor Read of the Chemistry Department at the College.
135 The chemistry department
College Eye 19:46, p.8
Department receives new supplies.
136 The Chemistry Department
College Eye 18:29, p.5
Invoicing equipment and chemicals.
137 Two chemistry students
College Eye 18:28, p.5
Liquefied chlorine gas.
138 Friends of Margaret Hurn
College Eye 18:25, p.5
Margaret was appointed chemistry assistant.
139 The assistants in chemistry
College Eye 16:3, p.8
Roster of assistants.
140 Physical Science
College Eye 12:26, p.7
News notes.
141 Physical Science
College Eye 12:25, p.6
Professor Getchell has article published; Paul Warttman honored.
142 Chemistry Department
College Eye 12:22, p.6
Went to illuminating gas factory in Waterloo.
143 Chemistry Department
College Eye 12:20, p.6
Seminar will meet every Wednesday to discuss matters not reached in class.
144 Departments of Physics and Chemistry
Old Gold 0:0, p.37
Faculty; photo.
145 Classes
College Eye 9:30, p.2
The Chemistry Department will go on a class trip Waterloo to visit the gas and electric plants.
146 Mr. Getchell's classes visit Waterloo gas plant
College Eye 7:19, p.7
Learned practical side of chemistry.
147 Official notes
College Eye 1:29, p.5
Roster of faculty promotions, appointments, leaves, and resignations; Departments of Physics and Chemistry consolidated with Professor Begeman as head.
148 Chemistry Department
Old Gold 0:0, p.28
Illustrates the growth of the department; photo.
149 Given another year's leave of absence
College Eye 1:11, p.189
Professor Page has been granted an extension on his leave of absence. Professor Begeman will be acting head of the chemistry department.
150 New exhibits for chemical museum
College Eye 1:11, p.190
The Department of Chemistry has received new items for its chemical museum.