Department of English

Displaying 1 - 50 of 267 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Dr. Grammar back on UNI campus
Public Relations News Release 2010:97, p.1
Dr. Grammar, a free writing resource service is available to the public. Linda Adkins, an English instructor, is the new Dr. Grammar. Students are encouraged to visit the website with their questions, however large or small they may be.
2 Apples, cheese and comedy featured at Sept. 19 ACRE event
Public Relations News Release 2009:49, p.1
The Cedar Falls Annual Community Read for the Environment will be at Hartman Reserve Nature Center. Attendees can sample apples from local orchards, help make apple cider and learn to make cheese from professor Jack Yates.
3 UNI student group receives international award
Public Relations News Release 2009:31, p.1
The Center for Inquiry International (CFI), headquartered in Amherst, N. Y., presented the award to the Iowa Freethinkers and Inquirers (UNIFI). The CFI board decided that of all the events held by their 200-plus campus groups, the UNI event was the best.
4 UNI Department of English Language and Literature awards and scholarships for 2009
Public Relations News Release 2008:540, p.1
The Department of English Language and Literature presented 42 students with awards and scholarships at a recent recognition ceremony. Students listed.
5 UNI faculty, staff receive 2008 Regents Excellence Awards
Public Relations News Release 2008:271, p.1
The awards are presented annually to faculty and to staff members in the professional and scientific ranks, and biennially to a member of the supervisory/confidential merit personnel, who have demonstrated outstanding professional contributions.
6 UNI Department of English Language and Literature awards and scholarships for 2008
Public Relations News Release 2007:667, p.1
Thirty-six students were presented with awards and scholarships at a reception. Student names are listed.
7 Romanian poet to address audience at the University of Northern Iowa April 25
Public Relations News Release 1987:387, p.1
Romanian poet and magazine editor, Anghel Dumbraveanu, appears in Sabin Hall to recite some of his work and discuss modern Romanian poetry. Professor Robert Ward has translated Dumbraveanu's writings after meeting him through the Fulbright Program.
8 UNI faculty to conduct workshops to strengthen UNI humanities program for new general ed requirements
Public Relations News Release 1987:11, p.1
Professors from the departments of philosophy and English work together to enhance the humanities program to meet new course requirements. The workshop is led by Professors Ken Baughman, Roy Sandstrom, and Ed Amend.
9 Applications now available for UNI Pettit scholarships in journalism
Public Relations News Release 1987:202, p.1
Students planning a career in communications with a journalism minor begin applying for two-hundred dollar Pettit scholarships. Applicants require six hours of credit in journalism, and must submit samples of their work.
10 English Department's "Student as Critic" contest
Public Relations News Release 1986:194, p.1
The English Department sponsored a writing contest for high school and college students. Participants were allowed to write on any subject, and were eligible to win prizes of up to one-thousand dollars across several divisions.
11 1987 Inner Weather staff chosen at UNI
Public Relations News Release 1987:90, p.1
Seven new members were inducted to the staff of 'Inner Weather', a university magazine that publishes student work. The magazine accepts works of poetry, fiction, non-fiction, and artwork.
12 Winners announced in UNI's 1986 'Iowa student as critic' essay competition
Public Relations News Release 1986:375, p.1
High school and college students and high school English teachers received awards; some high school winners won UNI scholarships, others won monetary awards.
13 Workshops to develop critical thinking, reading, writing skills featured at Iowa student as critic conference at UNI April 11
Public Relations News Release 1986:320, p.1
There will be sixteen workshops with a number of different topics offered at the sixth annual conference; all but five of the workshops are taught by UNI professors; evening activities include a reception, a lecture, and an awards ceremony.
14 UNI to offer course on 'bubble gum fiction'
Public Relations News Release 1981:6, p.1
Announcement of a four-week course, taught by Professor Klinkowitz; description of books to be read in course.
15 Three UNI English professors writing competency exam at Dallas meeting
Public Relations News Release 1980:568, p.1
Professors Evelyn Wood, Charlene Eblen, and Barbara Lounsberry presented a session on the Writing Competency Program at the Conference on College Composition and Communication held in Dallas, Texas.
16 UNI to offer course on detective, mystery stories
Public Relations News Release 1980:303, p.1
The course "Popular Literature: Detective, Mystery and Crime Fiction" will be offered as three credits for students.
17 Three Members of UNI English Faculty Named NCTE Judges
Public Relations News Release 1971:653, p.1
Jewell, Erikson and Hovet have all been appointed regional judges for the National Council of English Achievement Awards.
18 Winners of UNI Essay Contest Announced
Public Relations News Release 1971:632, p.1
The winners of the "Student as Critic" conference essay contest have been announced and Marguerite Phelps of UNI won the first prize.
19 UNI to host prize essay conference
Public Relations News Release 1971:552, p.1
The conference is being hosted by the English department on campus. The topic wil be "The Student As Critic".
20 UNI Prof to Speak on Traditional Grammar
Public Relations News Release 1970:359, p.1
Dr. Stageberg will present the lecture, "The Scandal of Traditional Grammar" in the Union on Feb. 9.
21 UNI Schedules Fourth Workshop on the High School Newspaper
Public Relations News Release 1970:29, p.1
High school newspaper staffs and their faculty advisers from Iowa schools will be attending the workshop on Saturday, Sept. 26th.
22 Black History and Culture Workshop at UNI
Public Relations News Release 1969:681, p.1
A three-week workshop will be held on campus to extend elementary and secondary students' knowledge of black history and culture; list of participating instructors
23 'Funny Stuff' to be Presented at UNI Poetry Hour
Public Relations News Release 1969:315, p.1
Carl Childress will be presenting the program in the UNI Union.
24 Class at UNI for Persons whose Native Language is not English is Free
Public Relations News Release 1969:284, p.1
UNI offers free English class for non-native speakres.
25 UNI Announces Class for Persons Whose Native Language is Not English
Public Relations News Release 1969:275, p.1
English class for non-native speakers to be offered.
26 Poet Galway Kinnell to Read His Works at UNI
Public Relations News Release 1969:126, p.1
Poetry reading.
27 Black Educator to Discuss the Black Novel
Public Relations News Release 1969:53, p.1
"The Black Novel in the Sixties" by Dr. Charles Nilion of the University of Colorado.
28 Area English teachers to meet at T. C.
Public Relations News Release 1960:275, p.1
Professor John Cowley and Ms. Margaret Divelbess sit on the planning committee for the biannual meeting of northeast Iowa English educators held on the Teachers College campus. Participants will discuss college writing preparation in high school courses.
29 ISTC to conduct lay reader experiment
Public Relations News Release 1960:60, p.1
Professor John Cowley conducts research on the use of lay readers in the evaluation of Freshman students of English. Lay readers will evaluate student papers and spend time with students in conference.
30 Special to: The Mason City Globe Gazette
Public Relations News Release 1951:199, p.1
Maybelle Adelsman, Mason City, has had a poem accepted for publication in the Annual Anthology of College Poetry. Adelsman is a senior student majoring in English. The poem to be printed is "Green Pastures."
31 Two more performances of the ISTC fall play, "The Heiress," will be presented tonight (Oct. 27) and Saturday night at the college auditorium.
Public Relations News Release 1950:89, p.1
The setting for the play, under the direction of Hazel B. Strayer, is a house on New York's Washington square about a century ago. Written by Henry James, "The Heiress" was successively a novel, a stage play, and a movie.
32 TC students to present play, "The Heiress"
Public Relations News Release 1950:83, p.1
Successful as a novel, stage production and movie, "The Heiress" is author Henry Jemes' version of New York fashion society about a century ago. The play, sponsored by the English and speech department, has a cast of nine.
33 Dr. H. W. Reninger, head of the English department at Iowa State Colege, will speak Oct. 14
Public Relations News Release 1950:47, p.1
Reninger will speak in Minneapolis at the University of Minnesota's second fall conference for college teachers of language and literature. His topic will be "Theme Assignments in Freshman Composition."
34 English
Old Gold 0:0, p.28
Brief description of the department; photo.
35 English
Old Gold 0:0, p.33
Every student gets acquainted with the rooms on the first floor of the Auditorium building, and the speech department has new requirements to insure a more thorough coverage of the many activities of this field; photo.
36 English
Old Gold 0:0, p.89

Brief description of the department; photo.

37 College drama department receives national recognition
College Eye 37:38, p.1
Three items featured in recent magazine.
38 English
Old Gold 0:0, p.39
Students are taught the importance of literature, writing, and speech at the English department.
39 English Room offers records, books, magazines to students
College Eye 37:30, p.1
Students need to apply for use of the room with a member of the English Department; photo.
40 English staff discusses course requirements
College Eye 37:14, p.1
Discuss majors and minors as well as courses and course outlines.
41 English department presents biography of Carl Sandburg
College Eye 37:4, p.1
As part of "Giants in Our Time" radio series; photo.
42 Dr. Reninger to return as head of English Dept.
College Eye 36:43, p.1
Has been on duty with Navy V-12 program since April 19, 1943.
43 H. Willard Reninger will resume his duties in September
Public Relations News Release 1945:202, p.1
Reninger has been on a leave of absence as commanding officer of the Navy V-12 in Parkville, Missouri. He will return to his duties as head of the English Department.
44 Reading room is solution to many problems of English
College Eye 36:38, p.4
A look at the collection of books and other materials in the room.
45 Teaching Departments--English and Language
Old Gold 0:0, p.41
Professors W. B. Fagan and Ingebrigt Lillehei head the Departments of English and Language; photo.
46 English majors to meet
College Eye 36:30, p.1
Will learn expectations of majors.
47 Air command cites I. S. T. C. for good job
College Eye 35:37, p.1
Commendation cites good work of faculty.
48 English
Old Gold 0:0, p.38
Mention of courses offered in the English Department; photo.
49 Departmental group meetings offer means of student expression
College Eye 35:28, p.4
Four departments have met to discuss problems.
50 Spring edition of student magazine ready for press
College Eye 35:26, p.1
Pen will be printed soon.