Department of English

Displaying 151 - 200 of 267 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
151 Department of English
Old Gold 0:0, p.23
Roster; photo.
152 The Commencement play
College Eye 16:33, p.4
Urges students to attend Commencement play, "The Pharaoh's Daughter."
153 New instructors for summer term
College Eye 16:33, p.8
Fifty-seven new professors to join faculty for summer term.
154 On Tuesday
College Eye 15:21, p.8
Language department had a luncheon.
155 There are five new members
College Eye 15:4, p.8
New English Department members.
156 "Dulcy" proves marked success; play draws capacity house
College Eye 14:55, p.1
Review of play, "Dulcy," put on by the members of Theta Alpha Phi.
157 "Dulcy"; a comedy in three acts; by George S. Kaufman and Marc Connelly
College Eye 14:54, p.1
Play preview.
158 Mr. James' work in Commencement play highly commended
College Eye 14:48, p.1
Review of Dwight James' performance in "Jeanne D'Arc".
159 News and editorial comments
College Eye 14:48, p.1
Brief campus news notes.
160 English
Old Gold 0:0, p.33
Photos of the current faculty members; photo.
161 From a conversation
College Eye 14:26, p.4
Students chat about English courses.
162 Department of English
Old Gold 0:0, p.28
Description of department, faculty; photo.
163 Miss Bertha Martin
Alumni News Letter 6:2, p.6
Professor Bertha Martin presents "Suppressed Desires" for the Cedar Falls Women's Club. The English Department's Hazel Strayer directs.
164 Report from the English Department
College Eye 13:28, p.8
Professor Barnes has been active in debate work.
165 Report for English Department
College Eye 13:25, p.2
English Club meets and enjoys programs of lectures.
166 English Department; movies for the spring term
College Eye 13:25, p.5
Schedule of movies.
167 Report for the English Department
College Eye 13:23, p.2
Professor Lynch attends oratory contest.
168 Report for English Department
College Eye 13:22, p.5
Professor Falkler has been sick; Professor Gist has written an article on the battle of Franklin in the Civil War.
169 English Department
College Eye 13:20, p.2
English Club met; news about faculty.
170 English Department
College Eye 13:19, p.2
News about English faculty; Professor Gist is candidate for commander of Iowa GAR.
171 English Department
College Eye 13:17, p.2
News notes on faculty activities.
172 English Department
College Eye 13:14, p.5
News about faculty and upcoming events.
173 English Department
College Eye 13:10, p.10
English Club met; Professor Hogrefe spoke on her thesis on Browning.
174 English Department
College Eye 13:8, p.1
College Eye article on spelling contained many spelling errors.
175 English Department
College Eye 13:7, p.3
News about faculty activities.
176 English Department
College Eye 13:6, p.5
News about faculty members and their activities.
177 English Department
College Eye 13:5, p.5
Hazel Strayer is new faculty member; Professor Gist spoke to veterans group; Professor Falkler will move to a new house; English Club met.
178 Oratorical declamatory contest
College Eye 13:5, p.1
Initial round will be open to all; final seven will compete for cash prizes.
179 English Department
College Eye 13:3, p.2
Professor Hogrefe replaced Professor Benedict; Charlotte Bockenthien appointed in dramatic work; Anna Marie Sorenson appointed for other work.
180 Jeanette Carpenter
Alumni News Letter 5:3, p.4
Professor Jeanette Carpenter takes a leave of absence from her duties to the Department of English, visiting the Congressional Library of Washington, D. C.
181 Dr. W. W. Gist
Alumni News Letter 5:3, p.4
Professor W. W. Gist, professor of English and Chaplain in Chief of the Grand Army of the Republic, is elected delegate at large by the state encampment.
182 Department of English
Old Gold 0:0, p.23
Roster of English and Mathematics faculty; photo.
183 Dr. W. W. Gist parts with relic
College Eye 13:1, p.2
Presents group portrait of American authors to Department of English.
184 English Department
College Eye 12:24, p.7
News notes.
185 English Department
College Eye 12:19, p.7
News notes on the department.
186 English Department
College Eye 12:18, p.6
News notes from the department.
187 English department
College Eye 12:14, p.5
News notes about faculty and students.
188 English Dept.
College Eye 12:11, p.7
Professor Martin is coaching the oratory contestants.
189 English department
College Eye 12:9, p.3
News notes on students and faculty.
190 English Department
College Eye 12:5, p.8
Oratorical contest to be held in six weeks.
191 English department
College Eye 12:4, p.3
News of the department; Professor Lynch held dinner party.
192 English Department
College Eye 12:3, p.2
News of those in the department.
193 Department of English
Old Gold 0:0, p.27
Department of English faculty members; photo.
194 Department of English
Old Gold 0:0, p.28
Department of English faculty members; photo.
195 Forensic League
Old Gold 0:0, p.152
Goals of the organization; photo.
196 English Department
College Eye 11:31, p.3
News from the Department of English.
197 English Department
College Eye 11:30, p.3
News from the Department of English.
198 English Department
College Eye 11:29, p.5
News from the Department of English.
199 English Department
College Eye 11:27, p.5
News from the Department of English; oratory contest proceeding.
200 English Department
College Eye 11:26, p.5
Occurrences in the Department of English.