Domestic Abuse

Displaying 51 - 60 of 60 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
51 Silent Witness display
Campus News Network 9:16, p.3
Traveling memorial to victims of domestic abuse will be on display today through April 16 in Union, SEC, Towers Lounge, and WRC.
52 'Silent Witness' remembers victims of violence
Northern Iowan 95:47, p.2
'Silent Witness' traveling memorial honors Iowa women killed in acts of domestic violence; memorial will be on display on campus April 5-9.
53 Traveling domestic violence exhibit visits the University of Northern Iowa
Public Relations News Release 1998:311, p.1
The Silent Witness Initiative Display, a traveling domestic violence exhibit, will visit UNI April 5-16.
54 Alcohol often factor in violence against women
Public Relations News Release 1998:174, p.1
Martin Schwartz, professor of sociology at Ohio University, discusses alcohol and the effect it has on violence against women. Schwartz recently presented a program at UNI.
55 Domestic violence hits close to home
Northern Iowan 94:51, p.12
Help is available to victims of domestic and date violence.
56 Domestic abuse: fear lives on
Northern Iowan 93:32, p.10
PAVE group and others assist victims of domestic abuse.
57 Carnival to benefit battered women's shelter set for Saturday (February 29); Sponsored by Northern Iowa volunteerism class
Public Relations News Release 1991:420, p.1
Battered women's shelter to benefit from carnival sponsored by the volunteerism class. Class members listed.
58 October is declared Domestic Violence Month
Northern Iowan 85:18, p.5
Counseling Center and other services provide assistance.
59 Answer to abuse: separation
Northern Iowan 81:46, p.2
Disagrees with C. E. Berryhill's statement that there is no gain in separating an abusive man from his family.
60 Irritated about wife abuse story
Northern Iowan 81:44, p.2
Criticizes Marilyn Crist's speech on wife abuse.