Douglas--Lloyd V. (Commercial Education Faculty; Business Education Faculty)
Displaying 1 - 50 of 335 in reverse chronological order
# | Title | Date | Summary |
1 | Institutional evaluation and administrative change A Century of Leadership and Service 2:0, p.17 |
The college receives accreditation from the North Central Association; President Latham organizes publicity, research, alumni services, and placement; institution of the Faculty Senate and changes in faculty governance; the role of religion; photo. | |
2 | The impact of World War II A Century of Leadership and Service 2:0, p.111 |
President Price manages the college during the War; effects of the WAVES and the Army Air Corps; the effects of the returning veterans; photo. | |
3 | Curriculum and related matters, 1940-1950 A Century of Leadership and Service 2:0, p.132 |
Detailed coverage of curriculum change, especially the movement to reformulate general education. | |
4 | Northern Iowa information management students honored at annual spring banquet. Public Relations News Release 1988:411, p.1 |
Recipients of scholarships named. | |
5 | Northern Iowa information management students honored at spring banquet. Public Relations News Release 1988:411, p.1 |
Darla Eggers is presented with the Lloyd V. Douglas Memorial Scholarship for a business teaching major. | |
6 | Jim Luhrs--a rarity in the insurance field Alumnus 66:1, p.28 |
Profile of president of Equitable Life; photo. | |
7 | Dr. Lloyd V. Douglas Alumnus 63:3, p.28 |
Died July 12, 1978. | |
8 | Grace Douglas Alumnus 58:2, p.13 |
Died December 14, 1972. | |
9 | Business profs publish book Northern Iowan 69:19, p.6 |
Professors Douglas and Blanford publish revision of their business education textbook. | |
10 | News briefs Northern Iowan 68:27, p.5 |
Lloyd Douglas wins regional award. | |
11 | UNI emeritus prof receives award Public Relations News Release 1972:234, p.1 |
Lloyd V. Douglas was recently awarded the first North-Central Business Education Association (N-CBEA) Distinguished Service Award at the 74th annual convention in Des Moines. | |
12 | UNI 1970 Year-End Story Public Relations News Release 1970:274, p.1 |
Summary of 1970: faculty, budget, course and curriculum changes, students and fees, special academic programs, visiting artists and lecturers, general events and projects, minority group education, and building programs. | |
13 | For Immediate Release Public Relations News Release 1969:737, p.1 |
Myra Ann Graves, has been named recipient of the third Lloyd V. Douglas Business Educator Award at UNI. | |
14 | Douglas presented award Northern Iowan 66:62, p.1 |
Professor Douglas receives plaque from business fraternities; UNI chapter of Phi Beta Lambda honored; photo. | |
15 | Business education banquet Thursday Northern Iowan 66:62, p.6 |
Professor Weber will speak; Professors Douglas and Keefe will be honored. | |
16 | UNI Department Head Wins National Honors Public Relations News Release 1969:676, p.1 |
Dr. Douglas was awarded an honorary membership plaque by Phi Beta Lambda and Future Business Leaders of America. Six UNI students also won awards. | |
17 | Regents name new UNI department head Public Relations News Release 1969:606, p.1 |
Edwin J. Weber is the new head of the department of Business Education and Office Administration. His appointment will be effective at the beginning of the 1970 fall semester. | |
18 | Douglas to retire in Aug. Northern Iowan 66:57, p.16 |
Will be replaced by Edwin Weber. |
19 | Recognition breakfast planned to honor retiring, resigning UNI staff Public Relations News Release 1969:588, p.1 |
The twlefth annual retirement breakfast is scheduled. Staff members invited to attend. Tickets are available at the Business Office. | |
20 | Cutline Public Relations News Release 1969:568, p.1 |
Professor Douglas is shown here presenting the Pi Omega Pi national honorary society in business education awards to Larry De Bower and Carol Fitzgerald. | |
21 | Cutline Public Relations News Release 1969:566, p.1 |
Professor Douglas presents the National Business Education Association Professional Award to Beverly Nedved. | |
22 | Cutline Public Relations News Release 1969:565, p.1 |
Professor Douglas is shown here presenting the Pi Omega Pi national honorary society in business education awards to Ken Joos and Barb Hall. | |
23 | Cutline Public Relations News Release 1969:571, p.1 |
Professor Douglas presents the "Outstanding Senior in Business" award to Carol Fitzgerald and Marilyn Campbell. | |
24 | UNI selected as exam center for Certified Public Secretary examination Public Relations News Release 1969:529, p.1 |
UNI will be one of 116 centers for the exam, which approximately 2200 secretaries will take throughout the U. S., Canada, and Puerto Rico. | |
25 | UNI to host conference for Iowa high school students Public Relations News Release 1969:506, p.1 |
Three hundred students and their sponsors from eighteen high schools are expected to attend the 24th annual state conference of the Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA). | |
26 | UNI Business Recognition Dinner Public Relations News Release 1969:485, p.1 |
Nine UNI business students were honored at a banquet to recognize scholastic and business achievement held in the UNI Regents dining center; awards | |
27 | Retiring Department Head Honored Public Relations News Release 1969:85, p.1 |
Phi Beta Lambda and the Future Business Leaders of America have designated 1969-70 as "Lloyd V. Douglas Year". |
28 | Beginning Business Teachers to Meet at UNI Public Relations News Release 1969:77, p.1 |
14th annual Beginning Business Teachers Conference; list of teachers attending. | |
29 | Regents approve department heads Northern Iowan 65:58, p.20 |
Brief sketches of new heads of Sociology and Anthropology, Business Education, Business, Political Science, History, Geography, and Economics Departments. | |
30 | Margaret Rouse receives Lloyd Douglas Award Northern Iowan 64:61, p.8 |
Given to outstanding business education graduate student. | |
31 | Faculty approves Bachelor of Technology degree Northern Iowan 64:55, p.1 |
History of proposal; reactions of Industrial Arts faculty. | |
32 | 500 students, sponsors to attend FBLA Convention Northern Iowan 64:49, p.1 |
Schedule and highlights of program | |
33 | Dr. Lloyd Douglas telephones lectures Northern Iowan 64:39, p.13 |
Speaks to students and teachers in Sioux City. | |
34 | Contrary to best interests of students, staff, school Northern Iowan 64:10, p.3 |
Believe that Hoffmans letter on draft advised young men to break law; urges Northern Iowan not to publish similar material. | |
35 | Dr. Douglas honored Alumnus 52:3, p.23 |
Honored at testimonial dinner; portrait of Professor Douglas by Mrs. Cloy Kent unveiled; photo. | |
36 | Testimonial dinner planned to honor business head College Eye 63:61, p.4 |
Will commission portrait of Lloyd Douglas and establish scholarship fund. | |
37 | Previews College Eye 63:61, p.4 |
Meetings and events planned; summer play tickets on sale. | |
38 | Dinner with prof Tuesday College Eye 63:37, p.8 |
Lloyd Douglas will attend. | |
39 | Untitled Alumnus 51:2, p.8 |
Professor Douglas gives award to Merle Anderson; photo. | |
40 | Department head member of Ad Hoc Committee College Eye 60:39, p.4 |
Lloyd Douglas will be part of USOE group. | |
41 | Visitation team conducts study next week at SCI College Eye 60:14, p.5 |
Will determine whether or not SCI should have a chapter of the business honorary Delta Pi Epsilon. | |
42 | Business classes settled in Seerley College Eye 60:3, p.3 |
Professor Douglas talks about moving his department into Seerley Hall; talks about the new facilities. | |
43 | Faculty publish, win national offices Alumnus 50:3, p.18 |
List of recent faculty achievements and announcements of recent resignations. | |
44 | Blanford, Douglas work together in publishing book College Eye 59:42, p.4 |
Work on new business education textbook. | |
45 | College should be students' final personal molder College Eye 59:29, p.2 |
College should provide not only education, but opportunity for student to mold himself into the person he would like to be. | |
46 | Douglas chosen USOE advisor on vocations College Eye 59:20, p.6 |
Professor Douglas will be one of eight national advisors. | |
47 | Business Education anticipates new home Alumnus 49:4, p.4 |
Department will move into Seerley Hall; curriculum and opportunities; photo. | |
48 | Majors, minors in business meet Monday College Eye 59:11, p.6 |
Will answer questions. | |
49 | 650 in rights demonstration; leaders consider it successful College Eye 58:29, p.1 |
Faculty and students march to post office; offer reactions to demonstration; photo. | |
50 | Lloyd Douglas publishes test, 'Business Education' College Eye 57:16, p.4 |