Douglas--Lloyd V. (Commercial Education Faculty; Business Education Faculty)

Displaying 1 - 50 of 335 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Institutional evaluation and administrative change
A Century of Leadership and Service 2:0, p.17
The college receives accreditation from the North Central Association; President Latham organizes publicity, research, alumni services, and placement; institution of the Faculty Senate and changes in faculty governance; the role of religion; photo.
2 The impact of World War II
A Century of Leadership and Service 2:0, p.111
President Price manages the college during the War; effects of the WAVES and the Army Air Corps; the effects of the returning veterans; photo.
3 Curriculum and related matters, 1940-1950
A Century of Leadership and Service 2:0, p.132
Detailed coverage of curriculum change, especially the movement to reformulate general education.
4 Northern Iowa information management students honored at annual spring banquet.
Public Relations News Release 1988:411, p.1
Recipients of scholarships named.
5 Northern Iowa information management students honored at spring banquet.
Public Relations News Release 1988:411, p.1
Darla Eggers is presented with the Lloyd V. Douglas Memorial Scholarship for a business teaching major.
6 Jim Luhrs--a rarity in the insurance field
Alumnus 66:1, p.28
Profile of president of Equitable Life; photo.
7 Dr. Lloyd V. Douglas
Alumnus 63:3, p.28
Died July 12, 1978.
8 Grace Douglas
Alumnus 58:2, p.13
Died December 14, 1972.
9 Business profs publish book
Northern Iowan 69:19, p.6
Professors Douglas and Blanford publish revision of their business education textbook.
10 News briefs
Northern Iowan 68:27, p.5
Lloyd Douglas wins regional award.
11 UNI emeritus prof receives award
Public Relations News Release 1972:234, p.1
Lloyd V. Douglas was recently awarded the first North-Central Business Education Association (N-CBEA) Distinguished Service Award at the 74th annual convention in Des Moines.
12 UNI 1970 Year-End Story
Public Relations News Release 1970:274, p.1
Summary of 1970: faculty, budget, course and curriculum changes, students and fees, special academic programs, visiting artists and lecturers, general events and projects, minority group education, and building programs.
13 For Immediate Release
Public Relations News Release 1969:737, p.1
Myra Ann Graves, has been named recipient of the third Lloyd V. Douglas Business Educator Award at UNI.
14 Douglas presented award
Northern Iowan 66:62, p.1
Professor Douglas receives plaque from business fraternities; UNI chapter of Phi Beta Lambda honored; photo.
15 Business education banquet Thursday
Northern Iowan 66:62, p.6
Professor Weber will speak; Professors Douglas and Keefe will be honored.
16 UNI Department Head Wins National Honors
Public Relations News Release 1969:676, p.1
Dr. Douglas was awarded an honorary membership plaque by Phi Beta Lambda and Future Business Leaders of America. Six UNI students also won awards.
17 Regents name new UNI department head
Public Relations News Release 1969:606, p.1
Edwin J. Weber is the new head of the department of Business Education and Office Administration. His appointment will be effective at the beginning of the 1970 fall semester.
18 Douglas to retire in Aug.
Northern Iowan 66:57, p.16

Will be replaced by Edwin Weber.

19 Recognition breakfast planned to honor retiring, resigning UNI staff
Public Relations News Release 1969:588, p.1
The twlefth annual retirement breakfast is scheduled. Staff members invited to attend. Tickets are available at the Business Office.
20 Cutline
Public Relations News Release 1969:568, p.1
Professor Douglas is shown here presenting the Pi Omega Pi national honorary society in business education awards to Larry De Bower and Carol Fitzgerald.
21 Cutline
Public Relations News Release 1969:566, p.1
Professor Douglas presents the National Business Education Association Professional Award to Beverly Nedved.
22 Cutline
Public Relations News Release 1969:565, p.1
Professor Douglas is shown here presenting the Pi Omega Pi national honorary society in business education awards to Ken Joos and Barb Hall.
23 Cutline
Public Relations News Release 1969:571, p.1
Professor Douglas presents the "Outstanding Senior in Business" award to Carol Fitzgerald and Marilyn Campbell.
24 UNI selected as exam center for Certified Public Secretary examination
Public Relations News Release 1969:529, p.1
UNI will be one of 116 centers for the exam, which approximately 2200 secretaries will take throughout the U. S., Canada, and Puerto Rico.
25 UNI to host conference for Iowa high school students
Public Relations News Release 1969:506, p.1
Three hundred students and their sponsors from eighteen high schools are expected to attend the 24th annual state conference of the Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA).
26 UNI Business Recognition Dinner
Public Relations News Release 1969:485, p.1
Nine UNI business students were honored at a banquet to recognize scholastic and business achievement held in the UNI Regents dining center; awards
27 Retiring Department Head Honored
Public Relations News Release 1969:85, p.1

Phi Beta Lambda and the Future Business Leaders of America have designated 1969-70 as "Lloyd V. Douglas Year".

28 Beginning Business Teachers to Meet at UNI
Public Relations News Release 1969:77, p.1
14th annual Beginning Business Teachers Conference; list of teachers attending.
29 Regents approve department heads
Northern Iowan 65:58, p.20
Brief sketches of new heads of Sociology and Anthropology, Business Education, Business, Political Science, History, Geography, and Economics Departments.
30 Margaret Rouse receives Lloyd Douglas Award
Northern Iowan 64:61, p.8
Given to outstanding business education graduate student.
31 Faculty approves Bachelor of Technology degree
Northern Iowan 64:55, p.1
History of proposal; reactions of Industrial Arts faculty.
32 500 students, sponsors to attend FBLA Convention
Northern Iowan 64:49, p.1
Schedule and highlights of program
33 Dr. Lloyd Douglas telephones lectures
Northern Iowan 64:39, p.13
Speaks to students and teachers in Sioux City.
34 Contrary to best interests of students, staff, school
Northern Iowan 64:10, p.3
Believe that Hoffmans letter on draft advised young men to break law; urges Northern Iowan not to publish similar material.
35 Dr. Douglas honored
Alumnus 52:3, p.23
Honored at testimonial dinner; portrait of Professor Douglas by Mrs. Cloy Kent unveiled; photo.
36 Testimonial dinner planned to honor business head
College Eye 63:61, p.4
Will commission portrait of Lloyd Douglas and establish scholarship fund.
37 Previews
College Eye 63:61, p.4
Meetings and events planned; summer play tickets on sale.
38 Dinner with prof Tuesday
College Eye 63:37, p.8
Lloyd Douglas will attend.
39 Untitled
Alumnus 51:2, p.8
Professor Douglas gives award to Merle Anderson; photo.
40 Department head member of Ad Hoc Committee
College Eye 60:39, p.4
Lloyd Douglas will be part of USOE group.
41 Visitation team conducts study next week at SCI
College Eye 60:14, p.5
Will determine whether or not SCI should have a chapter of the business honorary Delta Pi Epsilon.
42 Business classes settled in Seerley
College Eye 60:3, p.3
Professor Douglas talks about moving his department into Seerley Hall; talks about the new facilities.
43 Faculty publish, win national offices
Alumnus 50:3, p.18
List of recent faculty achievements and announcements of recent resignations.
44 Blanford, Douglas work together in publishing book
College Eye 59:42, p.4
Work on new business education textbook.
45 College should be students' final personal molder
College Eye 59:29, p.2
College should provide not only education, but opportunity for student to mold himself into the person he would like to be.
46 Douglas chosen USOE advisor on vocations
College Eye 59:20, p.6
Professor Douglas will be one of eight national advisors.
47 Business Education anticipates new home
Alumnus 49:4, p.4
Department will move into Seerley Hall; curriculum and opportunities; photo.
48 Majors, minors in business meet Monday
College Eye 59:11, p.6
Will answer questions.
49 650 in rights demonstration; leaders consider it successful
College Eye 58:29, p.1
Faculty and students march to post office; offer reactions to demonstration; photo.
50 Lloyd Douglas publishes test, 'Business Education'
College Eye 57:16, p.4