Douglas--Lloyd V. (Commercial Education Faculty; Business Education Faculty)

Displaying 101 - 150 of 335 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
101 Five community classes offered at ISTC this fall
Alumnus 38:3, p.2
Courses will include humanities, religion, and business.
102 Announce community classes
College Eye 54:41, p.1
Will offer five community classes.
103 Douglas is NEA guest; presides at meetings
College Eye 45:35, p.4
104 Alumni hear Douglas
College Eye 45:35, p.3
Speaks at La Porte City.
105 Pi Omega Pi
Old Gold 0:0, p.172
Brief description of the group; photo.
106 business education
Old Gold 0:0, p.233
Brief description of the department; photo.
107 Douglas visits Vinton FBLA spring banquet
College Eye 45:26, p.6
108 Students and faculty confer throughout USA
College Eye 45:19, p.1
Many faculty and students are travelling to other cities for conferences.
109 Douglas honored
Alumnus 38:1, p.11
Photo appears in several business education magazines.
110 Douglas is guest at two meetings
College Eye 45:15, p.6
In Des Moines and Chicago.
111 Faculty members visit St. Louis
College Eye 45:14, p.6
Attend national business education convention.
112 Business majors join Pi Omega Pi
College Eye 45:11, p.8
List of new members.
113 Douglas attends SBEA meeting
College Eye 45:11, p.6
114 Douglas makes speech in Minnesota today
College Eye 45:8, p.4
115 Douglas heads national business education club
College Eye 44:35, p.4
President of United Business Education Association.
116 Graduate council
Old Gold 0:0, p.64
The Graduate Council makes decisions regarding policies relating to the functioning of the new graduate program; photo.
117 Business Education
Old Gold 0:0, p.37
The Business Education department sponsors four lectures on "Business in American Democracy"; photo.
118 Future Business Leaders of America
Old Gold 0:0, p.176
Clinton Wolf, Gertrude Miller, Patricia Barr, and Marlyn Thompson serve as officers in the Future Business Leaders of America; photo.
119 Pi omega pi
Old Gold 0:0, p.158
Marlyn Thompson, Joanne Jackson, Mary Jo Hand, Gladys Wagner, Dale Strotman, and Patricia Barr serve as officers in the Pi Omega Pi national honor fraternity for business education majors; photo.
120 Douglas attends Illinois convention
College Eye 44:25, p.10
Participates in FBLA panel.
121 FBLA journeys to Parkersburg
College Eye 44:17, p.6
Guests of Parkersburg FBLA.
122 Business faculty men elected to new posts
College Eye 44:14, p.3
Professors Blanford and Douglas honored.
123 Business group elects Douglas
College Eye 44:9, p.3
Will help coordinate publication of research in business education.
124 Douglas attends research meeting
College Eye 44:8, p.3
125 Dr. Douglas attends Career Day at Jesup
College Eye 44:7, p.6
126 Douglas attends UBEA conference
College Eye 44:5, p.3
Professor Douglas attends meeting in Washington, D. C.
127 Business series to be offered
College Eye 44:2, p.1
A description of the four-lecture program to be offered by the Department of Business Education.
128 Douglas elected Veep of UBEA
College Eye 43:40, p.1
129 Cooperative part-time work is topic of business ed. confab
College Eye 43:39, p.1
Will consider high school co-op education programs.
130 Dr. Lloyd Douglas attends UBEA confab
College Eye 43:34, p.4
131 Business Education
Old Gold 0:0, p.134
Description of the Business Education Department and photo of the faculty; photo.
132 Business majors go to Chicago
College Eye 43:29, p.6
Will visit several sites.
133 Four faculty members are scheduled to participate in a career day at Eagle Grove, Wednesday, April 16
Public Relations News Release 1951:573, p.1
The faculty members: Lloyd V. Douglas, head of the business education department; William C. Lang, asssociate professor of history; Bernice Helff, assistant professor of teaching; and Mardelle L. Mohn, instructor in teaching. Short biographies included.
134 Twenty-nine members of the instructional and administrative staffs are listed in the 1952 edition of Who's Who in the Midwest
Public Relations News Release 1952:498, p.1
According to the compilers those included in the publication are of significant reference interest nationally and sectionally, but are identified with the central and midwestern states. Biographical material is given for some of those listed.
135 Who's Who lists eleven from here
College Eye 43:19, p.1
A number of faculty listed in Midwest Who's Who.
136 Business instructors attend convention
College Eye 43:19, p.3
Professors Blanford and Douglas attend national meeting.
137 Lloyd V. Douglas and James T. Blanford will attend the annual convention of the National Association of Business Teacher Training Institution (NABTTI)
Public Relations News Release 1952:423, p.1
Douglas will attend a business meeting of the board of directors of the National Education association's United Business Education association. A former director of the NABTTI, Douglas will participate in a work conference devoted to "Graduate Study."
138 President J. W. Maucker will preside tonight at a dinner meeting of the 14th annual National Farm Institute in Des Moines
Public Relations News Release 1952:428, p.1
Other engagements scheduled for the president this month include the annual meeting of the American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education (AACTE) in Chicago and the 1952 regional convention of the American Association of School Administrators.
139 "TC" on TV," weekly television program, will be shown at a new time on WOI-TV, Ames, starting Tuesday, February 19
Public Relations News Release 1952:445, p.1
Every fourth program in the series will be a "live" show from Ames, the other three programs being films produced under the direction of Herbert V. Hake, radio program director.
140 Douglas named to NEA committee
College Eye 43:10, p.6
141 Dr. Lloyd V. Douglas, head of the business education department at the College, has been elected to the National Research committee
Public Relations News Release 1951:140, p.1
One of the committee's supplementary functions is to aid in identifying and inaugurating needed research in business education in each state. Douglas formerly served as chairman of the Iowa Research committee for the UBEA.
142 The 1951 consumer analysis of the Cedar Falls market will begin Mnoday after, Nov. 12, L. V. Douglas announced today
Public Relations News Release 1951:120, p.1
Douglas, head of the business education department at the college, said 60 students majoring in business education will interview 600 families in Cedar Falls regarding purchasing habits.
143 Eighteen staff members will participate in the Iowa State Education association's 97th annoual convention in Des Moines
Public Relations News Release 1951:101, p.1
The convention theme is "Better Schools Build a Stronger America." Staff members appearing on the program include Rebecca Baker, Margaret Divelbess, Walter E. Ditzler, Lloyd V. Douglas, E. W. Goetch, Frank W. Hill, and Tom Lamke.
144 The second annual retail sales training clinic sponsored by the business education department will be held October 10, 17, 24, and 31
Public Relations News Release 1951:65, p.1
L. V. Douglas, head of the business education department, said the clinic will be held in cooperation with the Cedar Falls and Waterloo chambers of commerce. Topics to be discussed include the methods of developing good public relations for the store.
145 The dread some college students have regarding the re-opening of school isn't reflected by the faculty members of the business education department
Public Relations News Release 1951:19, p.1
They're going to report for duty a week early at their own expense. It's strictly a voluntary move, according to L. V. Douglas, head of the business education department.
146 News about the faculty
Alumnus 35:3, p.3
List of faculty appointments, resignations, changes, and achievements.
147 Grad Council meets, plans new program
College Eye 42:41, p.1
First Graduate Council meeting; photo.
148 News in brief
College Eye 42:40, p.2
Professor Douglas returns from Northwestern University; Campus School children visit Illinois Central yard and a bank.
149 The Newly-Formed Graduate Council at the college pauses so the photographer can record the groups first meeting held recently
Public Relations News Release 1950:421, p.1
During the coming year the council will formulate graduate policy. Actual instruction in courses leading to the degree of master of arts in education will begin with the 1952 summer session. Council members are listed.
150 Pi Omega Pi
Old Gold 0:0, p.169
Brief description of the group; photo.