Durfee--Max L. (Health Service Staff)

Displaying 101 - 120 of 120 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
101 Slate Sunday activities
College Eye 32:25, p.1
Dr. Durfee will speak.
102 Dr. Durfee warns against silk hose
College Eye 32:18, p.1
May not be enough to keep warm in cold weather.
103 Follow directions; prevent epidemic
College Eye 32:15, p.1
Dr. Durfee gives advice on dealing with colds and flu.
104 Health service starts immunizing
College Eye 32:8, p.2
Several vaccinations and tests available.
105 Little is known about paralysis, says Dr. Durfee
College Eye 32:4, p.1
Dr. Durfee speaks about polio.
106 Dr. Durfee urges students to have free vaccinations
College Eye 31:42, p.2
Many summer students take advantage of the service; tally of tests performed this summer.
107 Heat: take it or leave it
College Eye 31:40, p.3
Dr. Durfee offers suggestions for dealing with the heat.
108 Tuberculosis topic of convocation
College Eye 31:35, p.1
C. W. Kammeier will speak.
109 Health service
Old Gold 0:0, p.54
Brief description of the department; photo.
110 Seniors offered health check-up
College Eye 31:28, p.4
Will include blood test, tuberculosis test, and vaccinations.
111 Many given vaccinations
College Eye 31:27, p.2
About half of those eligible took the small pox inoculation; description of other services available at the Health Center.
112 Girls defeat boys in faculty birth race
College Eye 31:20, p.1
More girls than boys have been born to faculty families since summer 1939.
113 Dr. Durfee reports students are interested in immunization
College Eye 31:17, p.1
Believes immunization against small pox is important.
114 No need for brawn to be healthy--Durfee
College Eye 31:16, p.3
But urges students to be involved in some sort of physical activity.
115 Have you been winterized? Get a vaccination--Durfee
College Eye 31:12, p.4
Urges vaccination for smallpox and testing for diphtheria.
116 Sleep, don't cram; study, review early
College Eye 31:10, p.5
Advice on studying for examinations.
117 Other faculty changes
Alumnus 23:4, p.3
Agnes McClelland will be acting head of Home Economics; Emil Bock replaces Anthony Donato; Dr. Durfee replaces Dr. Mead; other changes.
118 Faculty Dames to meet Wednesday
College Eye 31:2, p.3
Wives of new faculty members to be introduced.
119 New instructors are added to five departments here
College Eye 31:1, p.1
News about faculty additions and resignations; brief profiles.
120 Durfee to succeed Mead as Student Health Director
College Eye 30:43, p.1
Brief background of Dr. Durfee.