Educational Opportunity Program and Special Community Services

Displaying 1 - 50 of 117 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Constance (Meyer) McGovern
Northern Iowa Today 89:2, p.26
Works at the Educational Opportunity Center at UNI as an educational counselor.
2 TRIO/Educational Opportunity Programs Day celebration to take place April 2
Public Relations News Release 2004:0, p.1
Event honors students who succeed in college with support from TRIO/EOP.
3 Saturday, April 2
Public Relations News Release 2004:0, p.1
TRIO/Educational Opportunity Programs Day will be celebrated today.
4 UNI receives $1.1 million continuation grant for McNair scholars program
Public Relations News Release 2003:0, p.1
New grant will allow the program to operate through 2008.
5 Educational Opportunity Center may be opening doors for adults
Public Relations News Release 1999:4, p.1
Robert Smith describes UNI-CUE's goals and participants.
6 Educational Opportunity Program-Student Center
Northern Iowan 95:17, p.4
Will host "A Night of Preaching and Spiritual Revival."
7 Minority group relations at SCI/UNI
A Century of Leadership and Service 2:0, p.255

Detailed account of attempts by the UNI administration to recruit and relate to African-American students; photo.

8 Recruiting and retaining minority students is topic of videoconference set for March 4 at University of Northern Iowa
Public Relations News Release 1991:430, p.1
What has worked, what hasn't, and why during the past twenty-five years of minority student and faculty recruitment will be covered by a videoconference at UNI.
9 EOP programs funding increased
Campus News Network 2:1, p.4
Will receive 29% increase.
10 University of Northern Iowa Educational Opportunity Programs win 29 percent funding increase for next three years.
Public Relations News Release 1991:9, p.1
Programs designed to aid disadvantaged students get a college education received a funding increase from the federal government.
11 "Money for college" financial aid workshops scheduled for Saturdays, sponsored by UNI-Cue
Public Relations News Release 1990:236, p.1
UNI-CUE sponsors financial aid workshops.
12 Northern Iowa receives approval for Educational Opportunity Center.
Public Relations News Release 1988:42, p.1
The Center will receive nearly half a million dollars over the next three years in a grant from the U.S. Department of Education. Services provided will to be to collect and disseminate academic and financial aid information.
13 CAA writing specialists dispute with administrator over programs
Northern Iowan 84:59, p.1
Staff believe focus of program is shifting.
14 UNI to recruit minority students
Northern Iowan 83:46, p.3
Charles Means says the UNI will increase efforts to recruit minority students.
15 Programs, classes can help in eliminating racial tension
Northern Iowan 83:43, p.1
Administrators talk about ways to involve students in activities and programs.
16 Minority faculty needed to attract more minority students, Means says
Northern Iowan 83:41, p.8
Charles Means outlines his contentions in report on EOP.
17 Bartlett move has advantages
Northern Iowan 82:59, p.1
Administrators believe that move of some student services to Bartlett Hall will improve service.
18 Offices ready by May
Northern Iowan 82:47, p.7
Student services look forward to their upcoming move into Bartlett Hall.
19 UNI's Bartlett Hall renovations in keeping with original structure, but highly functional office space for the 80's
Public Relations News Release 1986:319, p.1
The former women's residence hall, built in 1914, has been converted into office space; the bulk of student services will now be under one roof; parking is being considered; the total cost is slightly under $1 million.
20 UNI Sponsors Second Annual Minority College Fair Oct. 10
Public Relations News Release 1985:56, p.1
Universities from Iowa and surrounding states are to attend the UNI Second Minority College Fair to learn about courses of study, admissions, and financial aid.
21 Deli in Union, offices in Bartlett summer construction projects
Northern Iowan 81:57, p.1
Work underway to turn portion of Bartlett Hall into student services offices; Hardee's will build deli.
22 New program to be offered
Northern Iowan 81:40, p.4
Cortez Williams talks about a program aimed at raising the retention rate for students who are at risk for one factor or another.
23 Renovation planned for Bartlett Hall
Northern Iowan 81:38, p.7
Six Student Services division offices will move to Bartlett Hall after $975,000 project; cite convenience and consolidation; photo.
24 New leadership, direction gives EOP a needed boost
Alumnus 68:2, p.22
After difficult times for the program, Dr. Charles Means offers objectives and philosophy for future; photo.
25 Graduates credit UNI EOP for career aid
Northern Iowan 80:29, p.5

Gehrig LaVelle and Leotus Swopes talk about the ways that EOP benefited them.

26 Leander Brown resigns as Culture House advisor
Northern Iowan 80:6, p.5
Paul Rider reports on EOP status.
27 Peer advising program introduced
Northern Iowan 80:4, p.5
Will begin peer advising service for EOP students.
28 Free tutoring sessions continue
Northern Iowan 80:4, p.5
EOP offers service.
29 Rider right choice for interim post
Northern Iowan 80:3, p.3
Believes Paul Rider will contribute to the Educational Opportunity Program.
30 Means promises improvements, expansion
Northern Iowan 80:1, p.1
Charles Means outlines his goals and objectives for the EOP program.
31 New assistant vice president to head EOP
Alumnus 68:2, p.6
Charles Means will begin new position; succeeds Paul Rider.
32 New administrator is named to EOP post
Northern Iowan 79:56, p.1
Profile of Charles L. Means.
33 EOP offers services to minorities
Northern Iowan 79:55, p.3
Description of the various EOP programs.
34 A new phase in UNI's evolution
Northern Iowan 79:55, p.2
UNI is undergoing many changes; looking forward to new president, upgrade in admissions standards, stability in EOP, and changes in athletics..
35 Current, future job trends to be examined in workshop
Northern Iowan 79:44, p.3
Local professionals will speak.
36 EOP director to receive new title, higher salary
Northern Iowan 79:37, p.1
Regents approve establishment of affirmative action officer position and new learning skills position; EOP position will be assistant vice president.
37 Cooper, Murphy to speak as a part of "Education Week"
Northern Iowan 79:35, p.6
Robert Murphy and George Cooper will speak; photo.
38 Offices opened
Northern Iowan 79:20, p.8
EOP holds open house.
39 On-campus EOP holds two-week food drive
Northern Iowan 79:20, p.5
40 On campus
Northern Iowan 79:18, p.5
EOP will hold open house.
41 Job workshops
Northern Iowan 79:15, p.6
Pat Basset will lead workshop.
42 Search for EOP head begins
Northern Iowan 79:14, p.7
Committee named to search for replacement for Norris Hart.
43 UNI seeks new EOP administrator
UNI Century 10:4, p.6
Paul Rider coordinating search for replacement to succeed Norris Hart.
44 Faculty Senate examines EOP
Northern Iowan 79:6, p.3
Debate combination of Learning Skills Center with EOP.
45 What's up
Northern Iowan 79:5, p.7
Meetings and activities; Christ for UNI; Drake and Hamlin Universities law schools.
46 Former EOP Director Hart to leave UNI
Northern Iowan 79:1, p.1
Auditor questions spending in EOP accounts; Paul Rider will head EOP until a permanent director is hired.
47 EMCEC says 'thanks'
Northern Iowan 78:62, p.2
Group praises all of the people who supported the political awareness workshop.
48 EOP students study university system
Northern Iowan 78:62, p.1
Fred Gilbert offers advice to students on succeeding in school.
49 Department heads named
Northern Iowan 78:62, p.3
Daryl Smith will head Biology; Charles May will head Curriculum and Instruction; Shirley Haupt will be acting head of Art; Paul Rider will head EOP until permanent head can be hired; Leander Brown will head Affirmative Action.
50 Political awareness workshop offered at Cultural Center
Northern Iowan 78:60, p.1
Fred Gilbert will speak.