Ellen Richards Club

Displaying 201 - 250 of 253 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
201 Washington Ball, long looked for, takes place tonight at gymnasium
College Eye 22:20, p.5
Campus social calendar.
202 Dances planned this month will climax events of every week
College Eye 22:18, p.5
Campus social calendar.
203 Press Prom promises to be biggest social event of season
College Eye 22:11, p.5
Campus social calendar.
204 Fifty girls inspect city woolen mills
College Eye 22:7, p.2
Ellen Richards Club takes field trip.
205 Back to earth after Homecoming, society begins with initiations
College Eye 22:6, p.5
Campus social calendar.
206 Ellen Richards Club
Old Gold 0:0, p.226
Officers and members; photos.
207 Ellen H. Richards Club
College Eye 21:14, p.5
Held regular meeting; Bertha Gardner spoke.
208 Ellen H. Richards Club
College Eye 21:13, p.5
New members initiated at recent meeting; Luella Overn spoke.
209 Ellen H. Richards Club
College Eye 21:11, p.5
News about recent meeting.
210 Sara M. Sturtevant, head of the department of advisors
Public Relations News Release 1929:43, p.1
Sadie Campbell will host the visiting speaker from Columbia University; will speak to women on "New Frontiers in an Old World".
211 Roll call reveals campus celebrities present at banquet
College Eye 21:8, p.1
Roster of student organization leaders.
212 Ellen H. Richards
College Eye 21:7, p.5
Regular meeting held October 17.
213 Ellen H. Richards
College Eye 21:4, p.5
Held initiation for new members.
214 Ellen H. Richards Club
College Eye 21:3, p.5
Held first meeting of the term; roster of elected officers.
215 Ellen H. Richards Club
Old Gold 0:0, p.208
Officers and members; photos.
216 Ellen Richards Club
College Eye 20:30, p.5
A picnic replaced the regular meeting.
217 Ellen Richards Club
College Eye 20:28, p.5
Helen Turnbull initiated. Members wrote a letter to Anna Leggitt, who is abroad.
218 Ellen Richards Club
College Eye 20:26, p.5
Set date for first social function of the spring term.
219 Mrs. Walker talks to Ellen Richards girls
College Eye 20:22, p.5
Dean of Women speaks at regular meeting.
220 Ellen H. Richards Club
College Eye 20:14, p.2
Met and elected officers.
221 Ellen Richards Club
College Eye 20:9, p.5
Program from regular meeting.
222 Ellen Richards Club
College Eye 20:5, p.5
Initiation of new members.
223 Home Ecomonics Girls!
College Eye 20:5, p.5
Ellen Richards Club will entertain all two year women students.
224 Ellen Richards Club
College Eye 20:4, p.5
Officers elected at first meeting.
225 Ellen Richards Club
Old Gold 0:0, p.190
Club officers; members; photos.
226 Ellen H. Richards Club
College Eye 19:31, p.5
Club banquet information; initiation.
227 Ellen Richards Club
College Eye 19:27, p.5
Office roster.
228 Ellen H. Richards Club
College Eye 19:18, p.3
Served tea to faculty registration day in order to earn enough money to send a delegate to the State Teachers Convention.
229 Ellen H. Richards club
Old Gold 0:0, p.160
Members, officers; group reorganized in April 1924; photo.
230 Home Ec. Club plan style show
College Eye 17:39, p.1
Will model old style clothing for Campanile benefit.
231 The Ellen Richards Club
College Eye 17:17, p.8
Roster of Ellen Richards Club officers.
232 Ellen R. Richards Club
Old Gold 0:0, p.181
Club officers; purpose; members; photo; candids.
233 Ellen Richards Club
College Eye 16:34, p.5
Entertained by Anna Leggett; followed by business meeting and program.
234 Ellen Richards Club
College Eye 16:26, p.5
Mamie Grimes spoke at recent meeting; roster of officers.
235 Ellen Richards club
College Eye 16:24, p.7
Myrtle Gunselman gave a talk a recent meeting; program for upcoming meeting.
236 Home Economics faculty entertains
College Eye 16:14, p.5
Members of the Ellen H. Richards Club were entertained by the Misses Stratton, Adler, and Grimes on Thanksgiving.
237 Ellen H. Richards Club
College Eye 16:14, p.5
Bertha Patt spoke at recent meeting.
238 The Ellen H. Richards Club
College Eye 16:12, p.5
Mr. Hughes, of Hughes Dry Goods, spoke at recent meeting.
239 T. C. Society
College Eye 15:33, p.5
News from student organizations.
240 "Ellen H. Richards Club" makes appearance at college; is started by Junior and Senior Home Economics girls
College Eye 15:29, p.1
Had been organized earlier, but was disbanded last year; will discuss home economic problems.
241 Ellen Richards Club
Old Gold 0:0, p.273
Brief description of Ellen Richards and the club; photo.
242 Ellen Richards Club
Old Gold 0:0, p.284
Photo of members and history of Ellen Richards Club.
243 Society
College Eye 9:17, p.6
Ellen Richards Club sponsored the movie "Efficiency in the Home" for the Red Cross; Chrestomathians elected officers; Presbyterians have over sixty members.
244 Work of the Ellen H. Richards Club
College Eye 9:15, p.1
Decided as a club to help with Belgian Relief Work; making various clothing, bedding, and wound dressings.
245 Wednesday night
College Eye 9:7, p.8
Ellen Richards Club met for the first time this year.
246 Ellen Richards Club
Old Gold 0:0, p.301
Information dealing with the Ellen Richards Club; photo.
247 Ellen Richards Club
College Eye 8:27, p.6
Ida G. Rhoades to lecture on the care and feeding of babies.
248 Ellen Richards Club
College Eye 8:25, p.6
Anne Porter speaks on practical home nursing.
249 Miss Patt speaks on "Costume and Design"
College Eye 8:23, p.1
Hosted by the Ellen Richards Club.
250 Ellen Richards Club
College Eye 8:19, p.5
Hear account of home economics in Britain.