
Displaying 1 - 50 of 455 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Promoting more walkable communities
Northern Iowan 119:15, p.3
Bailey Klinkhammer writes an opinion piece on the benefits of creating walkable communities such as college campuses. Studies show that it improves the environment and the mental health of those who live in these communities.
2 Conservation Corps expands to Cedar Falls
Northern Iowan 118:29, p.1
The Conservation Corps of Minnesota and Iowa has recently expanded into the Cedar Falls area, providing hands-on opportunities for young adults drawn to the field of conservation; photo.
3 Panther Plot pauses, possible return
Northern Iowan 117:54, p.1
The Panther Plot, a student-run garden at UNI, is being discontinued due to its inability to become self-sufficient. The garden was a place for students to grow fruits, vegetables and other plants. With help from the Northern Iowa Student Government (NISG), work is being done towards restructuring the operations of the garden in hopes of one day reopening; photos.
4 UNI hosts 'Solve Climate by 2030' webinar
Northern Iowan 117:51, p.5
UNI hosted the Solve Climate by 2030 project, a series of webinars which educate the public on issues relating to climate and the environment in their own communities. Professor Catherine Zeman and student Madison Johnson helped modersate, and panelists included Cedar Valley community leaders Matt Hein, Chris Schwartz, and Ellen Bluth; photo.
5 Clean up College Hill this Earth Day
Northern Iowan 117:51, p.4
Student David Hindman has organized a clean up of the College Hill area on Earth Day, April 22. Organizational partners include Green Iowa AmeriCorps, ThreeHouse Collaborative, Campus Ministries, and the College Hill Partnerships; photo.
6 Iowans: say no to "Meat on the Table" month
Northern Iowan 117:48, p.3
The author criticizes Governor Kim Reynolds' proclamation declaring April "Meat on the Table Month" which encourages Iowans to support Iowa meat producers. Slomka discusses the detrimental effects of animal agriculture, including polluted water and air, livestock abuse, health problems, and unsustainability as a means of reducing food insecurity.
7 Local Food and Film Festival held at Hearst Center
Northern Iowan 116:42, p.5
The Center for Energy and Environmental Education (CEEE) co-hosted the Local Food and Film Festival at the Hearts Center for the Arts on March 7. One of the food vendors was UNI Local Food Program, and the Panther Initiative for Environmental Equity and Resilience (PIEER) was one of the non-food vendors. PIEER graduate student Deanna Williams and student fellow at Good Neighbor Iowa (part of CEEE) spoke about the event; photo.
8 Brockovich gives Leopold Lecture
Northern Iowan 116:39, p.2
President Mark Nook and student Samantha Bennett introduced Erin Brockovich, who gave an Aldo Leopold Lecture titled "The Power of One" on February 25 in the Gallagher Bluedorn Performing Arts Center (GBPAC). Brockovich, and environmental activist, spoke on her legal case against the Pacific Gas Company and climate change; photo.
9 Recycling changes coming to campus
Northern Iowan 115:49, p.1
Changes in the recycling industry have caused UNI to change their recycling guidelines; photos.
10 3 key points from climate report
Northern Iowan 115:25, p.3
In the author's opinion, the recent National Climate Assessment released by the government shows major detrimental effects from climate change. Ave also discusses the political response to the report; photo.
11 First district candidates sound off
Northern Iowan 115:21, p.1
The article gives an overview of House of Representatives candidates Rod Blum and Abby Finkenauer and their stances on issues including heath care, the environment, abortion, and immigration; photos.
12 Tallgrass Prairie Center educates during field day
Northern Iowan 115:5, p.5
The Tallgrass Prairie Center in conjunction with Iowa State University STRIPS (Science-based Trials of Rowcrops Integrated with Prairie Strips) will host a field day at J.H. Roadman Memorial Park in Dike on September 13; photos.
13 UNI switched from Pepsi to Coke
Northern Iowan 115:2, p.1
The UNI campus switched from Pepsi to Cokie products, prompting mixed feelings about the change; photo.
14 Greenhouse Kitchen comes to the Hill
Northern Iowan 114:43, p.1
Greenhouse Kitchen is a new restaurant that is opening on College Hill. They serve burritos, wraps, salads and grain bowls with many dietary options. Much of the ingredients will be provided locally; photos.
15 Artistic display at UNI goes green
Northern Iowan 112:52, p.4

An Earth Month art display by the Green Project will be on display in Rod Library through May 13; photos.

16 Time to think critically about ag industry
Northern Iowan 112:46, p.3

Cobb critiques the agricultural industry and its effect on the environment; photos.

17 Caucus for climate
Northern Iowan 112:32, p.3

Ruggiero believes climate change is the most important issue going into the caucuses, and discusses examples of clean energy in Iowa.

18 Climate change must change
Northern Iowan 112:11, p.3

In the author's opinion, climate change is an important issue and people should vote for those who support a cleaner energy plan.

19 UNI to host second regional sustainability conference
Public Relations News Release 2014:191, p.1
The conference will take place on March 12, in Maucker Union. This conference focuses on actions needed to envision a sustainable world. The event is free and open to the public.
20 UNI ranks in top five affordable, eco-friendly colleges
Public Relations News Release 2014:98, p.1
UNI was recently recognized as the No. 3 school on the list of "50 Great Affordable Eco-friendly Colleges". Colleges that are on the list all have distinctive structures or lifestyle characteristics on sustainability.
21 Demand action on climate change patterns
Northern Iowan 111:7, p.3
Columnist Cooling looks into the global warming issue and urges people to take action on its issues.
22 UNI featured in The Princeton Review's 'Guide to 322 Green College'
Public Relations News Release 2013:262, p.1
UNI is one of the 322 most environmentally responsible colleges in the U.S. and Canada, according to The Princeton Review. UNI's rating of 95 out of 99 was the highest score of any school in Iowa.
23 Trees in trouble at and surrounding UNI
Northern Iowan 110:42, p.3
In a letter to the editor, Ben Hoskch addresses the growing problem of trees becoming infected with the Emerald Ash Borer.
24 UNI film screening to explore cancer prevention
Public Relations News Release 2013:173, p.1
UNI will be showing the film "Living Downstream" and hosting a discussion about links between the environment and cancer. It will include a lot of information on environmental contamination and how to work towards a healthier environment.
25 New group on campus aims to clean up environment
Northern Iowan 110:30, p.2
UNI Climate Movement is a new group on campus that aims to help the environment. They want to inform people about the air and water they consume. This is a great way for students who care about the environment to work together to make a change; photo.
26 The greatest show on turf: Ethanol is not the fuel for a sustainable future
Northern Iowan 110:23, p.3
Says that ethanol made from corn is a temporary solution for a long-term issue. It is actually more expensive in the long run.
27 Go ahead and disregard your elders, Millennials
Northern Iowan 110:18, p.3
The Millennial generation is going to have to work harder and longer for smaller returns than any other generation in the 20th century. Generation X never did anything for the Millennials, and the Millennials do not need Generation X; photo.
28 Books still hold relevancy in today's society
Northern Iowan 110:16, p.3
Author insists that printed books still top tablets and e-readers. He explains that since books do not need electricity or the internet, they are more reliable. Books also may be better for the environment in the long run; photo.
29 National Science Foundation awards UNI $750,000 grant for Arctic research
Public Relations News Release 2013:58, p.1
The National Science Foundation awarded UNI a $750,000 grant for the "RCN-SEES: Artic-FROST: Arctic Frontiers of Sustainability: Resources, Societies, Environments and Development in the Changing North". It will focus on sustainability in the Arctic.
30 Food waste reduction workshop scheduled for Oct. 2 in Mason City
Public Relations News Release 2013:49, p.1
The Iowa Waste Reduction Center will be holding a food waste reduction workshop at the Charles H. MacNider Art Museum in Mason City. It will focus on methods to divert food away from landfills.
31 Food waste reduction workshop to be hosted by UNI
Public Relations News Release 2013:43, p.1
The Iowa Waste Reduction Center will be holding a food waste reduction workshop. The workshop will discuss ways to reduce food waste and divert it from the landfill. Registration is ten dollars.
32 Stem-cells: It's what's for dinner
Northern Iowan 110:2, p.5
Researchers at Maastricht University have been able to produce a hamburger out of stem cells from a cow's stomach. This has the potential to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from livestock and ultimately help the environment.
33 Iowa mowing laws designed to protect roadside habitats
Public Relations News Release 2013:6, p.1
UNI's Integrated Roadside Vegetation Management program reminds Iowans of mowing restrictions. Mowing roadside ditches prior to July 15 is illegal. The goal is to help wildlife survive, and for the grass to maintain its root structure.
34 UNI hosts graduate teaching workshop
Public Relations News Release 2012:303, p.1
The graduate-level workshop, "The Environment and the Way We Live: Our Choices Impact Everyone's Future," will be held June 17-18 at the EBLyons Nature Center in Dubuque. A follow-up workshop will be held November 9, at the Swiss Valley Nature Center.
35 UNI's Panthers pick up to give new life to old stuff May 8-10
Public Relations News Release 2012:294, p.1
During the fifth annual Panther Pick Up, St. Vincent de Paul, Goodwill Industries International Inc. and The Salvation Army trucks will accept clothing, dishes, furniture, carpet and other useable household items.
36 We're all fracked!
Northern Iowan 109:54, p.4
Says fifty percent of Iowa's water supply is in danger of fracking. "Fracking" is a mining technique in which pressurized water and sand is jetted into underground rock to free up bubbles of natural gas. This would reduce the water supply.
37 World Food Prize winner to speak at UNI
Public Relations News Release 2012:253, p.1
Hans Herren will be speaking at UNI. His presentation, "Changing Course in Global Agriculture", will discuss the need to adopt new policies globally. Herren was the winner of the World Food Prize in 1995.
38 Going green is nothing new
Northern Iowan 109:44, p.5
The author says the green movement is not a recent concept. There are many ways to help the movement. Reduce, reuse, and recycle should be everyone's motto.
39 Pregracke gives hope to students; Living Lands and Water founder talks about experience
Northern Iowan 109:38, p.1
Chad Pregracke founded Living Lands and Water nearly fifteen years ago. On Wednesday, February 20, he spoke about cleaning up rivers. Julia Ostapiej, who works with Green Iowa AmeriCorps, was motivated by Pregracke; photo.
40 UNI to host first regional sustainability conference
Public Relations News Release 2012:206, p.1
UNI will host the first regional sustainability conference in April. The two-day conference will focus on actions needed to envision a sustainable world. There will be keynote speakers as well as a variety of breakout sessions on various topics.
41 Students and community take on climate change
Northern Iowan 109:32, p.1
Students and community gather at University Book and Supply to discuss the impacts of cities on climate change; photo.
42 Getting along through change
Northern Iowan 109:31, p.3
Democrats and Independents comprise about seventy percent of the country, and they want compromise, while the Republican voters say they don't. Author offers a few ways the country can move forward regardless of partisan divisions.
43 UNI students and faculty save savanna with Americorps
Northern Iowan 109:26, p.7
Students, faculty, and Americorps band together to clean the Cedar Bend Savanna. The goal was to clear trees and brush from the site. Several other projects planned for ongoing restoration of the area; photo.
44 UNI students to help restore Cedar Bend Savanna
Public Relations News Release 2012:145, p.1
UNI students and staff will be working to restore the Cedar Bend Savanna. This event was planned by AmeriCorps and the Tallgrass Prairie Center.
45 Cedar Falls Blue Zones hosts UNI campus kickoff
Northern Iowan 109:19, p.3
Blue Zone Project is promoted on campus to foster healthy living and environments. Event offered information on getting involved and joining the project.
46 I Spy
Northern Iowan 109:19, p.2
Mystery photo challenges students, staff, and faculty to identify its location. The last photo, which no one identified, was the cover of a drain pipe; photo
47 Students help create natural tread trail
Northern Iowan 109:15, p.1
Work continues with the Campus Trails Project at Dry Run Creek. Professors and students discuss benefits of creating second trail; photo.
48 Cook urges changes in agricultural industry
Northern Iowan 109:14, p.1
Ken Cook from the Environmental Working Group presented "Hunger Games: what is it about agriculture that's eating consumers?" Advises students and the community to demand change within the agriculture industry.
49 UNI to offer local manufacturers comprehensive assessment
Public Relations News Release 2011:331, p.1
Iowa Waste Reduction Center will select three area companies to receive an evaluation including; waste reduction, environmental compliance, energy consumption, and process efficiency.
50 UNI takes first place in sprint event, third overall at Solar Splash championship
Public Relations News Release 2011:328, p.1
Istanbul Technical University in Turkey won the event; with Cedarville University in Ohio placing second. Reg Pecen was pleased with the success of the UNI team.