
Displaying 1 - 50 of 548 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Top 10 tips for successful midterms
Northern Iowan 116:14, p.3
Midterms is almost upon UNI and Abigail Bennethum has 10 tips and tricks to help students not get overwhelmed. 1- Create a plan of study. 2- Scheduled set breaks. 3- Don't refuge, go to the library! 4- Get Plenty of sleep. 5- Eat healthy. 6- Utilize campus resources. 7- Track your progress. 8- Keep a positive outlook. 9- Keep your mental health a priority. 10- Treat yourself at the end of the week; photo.
2 Rest if you must, but don't quit
Northern Iowan 115:27, p.3
In the author's opinion, fear of failure is an important issue for college students. Khan discusses the pressure of final examinations, stress, mental health, and reflecting on failure and success.
3 My inevitable farewell
Northern Iowan 108:53, p.5

Nicholas Krob expresses his thanks to faculty and students for their support and sharing of knowledge. UNI is an amazing school; supplying opportunities and successes beyond the wildest of dreams; photo.

4 We don't need no education
Northern Iowan 108:27, p.5
Challenges present system of education. The process of cramming for exams and simply restating the material needs to be replaced with actual learning that uses critical thinking and creativity.
5 Student Voices finals edition
Northern Iowan 108:26, p.7
Students answer the questions of how they like to study for finals and how they cope with the stress of final exams; photo.
6 Keep calm and eat a balanced breakfast
Northern Iowan 108:26, p.4
Advice on how to survive final week. Get plenty of sleep, eat well, think positive, stay organized, and study are the main factors in survival.
7 Paths and expectations
Northern Iowan 107:41, p.10
The college experience is not the same for all students. All professors do not wear tweed jackets and all students do not spend hours and hours in local bars. Get involved and do your own thing. Make your own choices.
8 No Dead Week here
Northern Iowan 107:27, p.1
Many universities use the week prior to final week as time to prepare. No meetings are scheduled and no large assignments, other than those on the syllabus, are permitted. Students seem to favor Dead Week and professors seem to be against; photo.
9 Holiday wish list
Northern Iowan 107:27, p.10
Members of the editorial staff share their hopes for the new year. President Allen's health, basketball success, students taking group projects more seriously, and hopes for a snow day are some of the wishes.
10 GRE resources available for students
Northern Iowan 107:11, p.4
Preparing for the Graduate Record Examination is made easier with the help of the Academic Learning Center. Coffee Chats are held three times a week in Maucker Union. Assistance is available; photo.
11 Athlete and student: a striking comparison
Northern Iowan 106:41, p.4
Compares the training of Olympic athlete Apolo Ohno and the life of a college student. Training is similar to studying; due to measuring up to standards of the class or competition.
12 Testing, 1, 2, 3
Northern Iowan 106:38, p.4
Standardized testing was never intended to measure the quality of learning or teaching, according to Alfie Kohn of Education Week. The tests rank, not rate, students; photo.
13 Procrastination coping strategies
Northern Iowan 106:25, p.5
Procrastination is a universal problem. Do the most difficult tasks first. Eliminate distractions, such as television, radio, Facebook. Attack a problem in small steps. This will make the task more manageable.
14 Counselors offer advice on how to handle test anxiety
Northern Iowan 106:22, p.10
Helpful tips provided to students having difficulties taking examinations. Workshop was sponsored by the Student Health Center; photo.
15 Your motivation is
Northern Iowan 106:14, p.5
Mid-term exams and research papers are due. Reading assignments are piling up. This time of the semester it is easy to slack off a bit following Homecoming. Keep the goal of graduation in mind.
16 Midterm suggestions
Northern Iowan 106:12, p.5
The semester is nearly half over. Next week midterms rear their ugly head. Remember to exercise and always give one hundred per cent effort. Drink water, try diet soda, and cut down on alcohol, especially during Homecoming.
17 GRE: easy as 2r
Northern Iowan 106:12, p.5
Questions the value of the Graduate Record Examination. A third of the exam is mathematics-based. The GRE is an unavoidable step in admission to graduate school.
18 An oxygen bar without the distance
Northern Iowan 106:5, p.17
Students are taking advantage of the newly installed oxygen bar at Key West Tanning and Fitness. Stopping in before exams is common to relax the mind. Though no long term effects have been noticed or proven, students feel there are advantages; photo.
19 The upside of graduation
Northern Iowan 105:22, p.3
The wind, tests and quizzes, the library, construction, and overpriced food are a few of the things that will not be missed upon graduation.
20 Caffeine compositions
Northern Iowan 105:16, p.5
Suggestions on how to prepare for exams and papers without all night cramming.
21 A humbling realization
Northern Iowan 105:12, p.5
Reflections on one's place in the world and the realization that little things in life seldom have long lasting effects.
22 Remember to study
Northern Iowan 104:51, p.7
Dangers of senioritis and summeritis are beginning to show. Professors remind students there remain papers to write and examinations to take before graduation and summer vacation.
23 Ask Michael, he has all the answers
Northern Iowan 104:49, p.8
Comedic piece of writing using an "ask the expert" scenario.
24 Panther Portraits
Northern Iowan 104:46, p.11
Campus scenes; photo.
25 Test stress
Northern Iowan 104:38, p.11
Weather conditions this winter have added to the normal stress of the testing process.
26 Student Voices
Northern Iowan 103:18, p.9
Students respond to the question; "How did you cope with the stress of mid-terms"?
27 Campus test day on the way
Northern Iowan 103:16, p.5
Comments on how tests and papers seem to be due at the same time.
28 Improper planning
Northern Iowan 103:13, p.9
Suggests scheduling Homecoming prior to mid term exams, having a week off for Thanksgiving, and adding a fall break.
29 Students get ahead with Kaplan Test Run
Northern Iowan 103:11, p.5
Kaplan Test Run allows students to see what graduate studies admissions tests are like.
30 Academic Advising Office recommends student seeking higher education to take multiple practice assessments
Northern Iowan 102:32, p.3
Free tests offered by Kaplan can help students prepare for the real tests in the future; photo.
31 Homecoming, midterms don't mix
Northern Iowan 102:11, p.7
Writer hopes that next year, Homecoming and midterms will not fall in the same week.
32 GRE-Prep course helps students heading for grad school
Northern Iowan 101:54, p.3
Karen Agee is offering a free four week preparation course in the fall semester.
33 GRE prep
Northern Iowan 101:54, p.9
A GRE prep course will be offered in the Fall 2005 semester.
34 Student Services provides wealth of knowledge for UNI
Northern Iowan 100:51, p.9
Department of Advising and Career Services to move from the Student Services Center (to be renamed East Bartlett Hall) to Gilchrist; description of services provided in the Student Services Center; photo.
35 Relaxation techniques for mid-terms
Northern Iowan 100:41, p.7
Suggestions for reducing stress among students during midterms.
36 No need to breakdown before spring break
Northern Iowan 99:42, p.9
Students comment on the stress and workload of midterms.
37 Student voices
Northern Iowan 99:42, p.9
Students respond to the question: What do you do to relieve stress during midterms?; photo.
38 GRE's a test of will; vocabulary
Northern Iowan 99:5, p.9
Comments on studying for the Graduate Record Exam.
39 ACT or SAT?
Public Relations News Release 2002:3, p.1
Explains why the ACT or SAT is the best test to take depending on which college you are going to.
40 Student voices
Northern Iowan 96:41, p.11
Students tell why they think students are doing better on tests; photo.
41 We are all victims of objective tests
Northern Iowan 95:33, p.9
Comments on objective tests and alternative testing.
42 Untitled
Northern Iowan 93:26, p.13
Student attempts to cheat on a test.
43 Midterms=library
Northern Iowan 93:10, p.1
Tanya Craven walking up Rod Library stairs; photo.
44 What's Up
Northern Iowan 92:45, p.4
Activities and meetings.
45 Fifth week tests, the worst; forget finals and midterms
Northern Iowan 92:8, p.6
Believes first round of tests are tough.
46 Students win "great victory"; Faculty Senate approves policy for outside of class exams
Northern Iowan 90:48, p.1
Requires all classes with outside examinations to be listed as such in registration book.
47 Faculty Senate addresses tests outside of classtime
Northern Iowan 90:42, p.1
Students ask to be informed about outside tests.
48 UNI professors could learn from students, ISU
Northern Iowan 90:40, p.5
Believes students' time outside class should be their own, and not at professors' discretion to schedule exams.
49 Students should thank professors for extra time
Northern Iowan 90:36, p.6
Believes students should appreciate professors who are willing to spend extra time with them.
50 'Hogwash' to NI editorial on tests outside of class
Northern Iowan 90:36, p.7
Believes students' complaints about outside tests are without basis.