Faculty Senate

Displaying 101 - 150 of 461 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
101 Faculty Senate approves new UNI curriculum
Northern Iowan 88:33, p.3
Important additions and deletions noted.
102 Faculty Senate passes motion that may exempt out-of-state students from enrollment cap
Northern Iowan 88:28, p.1
Also considers request for name change for Department of Home Economics.
103 Faculty Senate urges recognition of King holiday: observance would begin with 1993-94 calendar
Northern Iowan 88:27, p.1
Consider implications of calendar change.
104 Faculty Senate will ask Regents for cap on enrollment
Northern Iowan 88:22, p.1
Reject Professor Longnecker's proposals; favor motion of Professor Quirk.
105 Enrollment cap motion put forth at Faculty Senate meeting
Northern Iowan 88:18, p.1
Professor Longnecker proposed limiting enrollment.
106 Faculty Senate proposes enrollment growth control
Northern Iowan 88:14, p.4
Professor Longnecker makes recommendation.
107 Faculty discusses enrollment cap; students show support: Several possible restrictions proposed
Northern Iowan 88:8, p.1
Professor John Longnecker presents several options involving class rank or ACT score.
108 Enrollment cap at UNI considered again
Northern Iowan 88:6, p.1
Last cap in place in 1987-1988 year; attempt to keep small school feeling.
109 Curris outlines path to excellence at UNI
Northern Iowan 86:30, p.1
President Curris describes areas in which the university should make special efforts including fully implementing general education, enhancing diversity, stabilizing tuition, and improving graduate programs.
110 Later class starting date proposed
Northern Iowan 86:13, p.4
Faculty Senate approves calendar stating later in January.
111 Debate continues over artwork
Northern Iowan 85:57, p.1
Professor Robbins brings matter of removal of art work to Faculty Senate.
112 Faculty Senate votes to lift enrollment cap
Northern Iowan 85:47, p.1
Faculty express concern that enrollment cap has had little, if any, effect other than as a public relations ploy; vote to lift cap, with reservations, 8-7.
113 Faculty approves dead week proposal
Northern Iowan 85:32, p.1
No final comprehensive examination should be given within last two weeks of class, though unit tests and papers may be assigned to be due during that period.
114 Dead Week to be debated
Northern Iowan 85:30, p.2
Faculty Senate will consider matter.
115 Finance major/dept. passes; after Faculty Senate debate
Northern Iowan 85:27, p.1
Department of Finance will be formed from Department of Information Management; some senators object to the process; some senators also have reservations about the search for a new Provost.
116 Curris discusses issues with faculty
Northern Iowan 85:25, p.1
President Curris speaks to the faculty about the selection of a new Provost.
117 Gen. Ed. program debated; faculty concerned as
Northern Iowan 85:14, p.1
Faculty Senate considers General Education report; attempts to understand implications for students and faculty.
118 Faculty Senate elects officers for next year
Northern Iowan 84:57, p.1
Professor Krogmann elected chair; Susann Doody elected vice chair; hear reports on headship study, writing, international study, and Presidential Scholars.
119 Tom Pettit to receive honorary degree from University of Northern Iowa
Public Relations News Release 1987:388, p.1
The Board of Regents approves the granting of the Doctor of Humane Letters degree to NBC correspondent, Tom Petitt, at the spring commencement ceremonies. Pettit has been the recipient of the Alumni Achievement Award, and several awards in his field.
120 'Dead Week' is needed, logical
Northern Iowan 84:54, p.2
Points out the proposal was not defeated, but sent to EPC.
121 'Dead Week' deserves to die
Northern Iowan 84:53, p.2
Points out significant problems with proposal.
122 Faculty Senate sends Dead Week to committee
Northern Iowan 84:53, p.1
EPC will report to Senate in the fall.
123 Faculty Senate to vote on 'Dead Week' Monday
Northern Iowan 84:51, p.1
124 Senate establishes new council
Northern Iowan 84:49, p.1
Establishes Council on Teacher Education; description of new council.
125 Faculty Senate dockets items to next meeting
Northern Iowan 84:47, p.1
School of Business asks that credit from other institutions be transferable only if the experience is really comparable; ask name change for ROTC oversight committee; will consider teacher education governance; approve seat on Senate for Library.
126 Double-counting for courses changed
Northern Iowan 84:37, p.5
In certain cases students may double count six hours; new general education program will be fully phased in by 1990.
127 Faculty Senate looks at double-counting
Northern Iowan 84:33, p.3
Some question about whether or not the Senate can change something already approved by the entire faculty; also establish committee that will look at use of part-time and temporary faculty.
128 Faculty Senate approves role and scope statement
Northern Iowan 84:23, p.1
Statement reflects the university's goals and intentions.
129 Faculty Senate passes enrollment policy
Northern Iowan 84:19, p.10
Approve enrollment policy for Department of Communication and Theatre Arts; defeat mission statement proposals.
130 Faculty Senate overturns March 1986 proposition
Northern Iowan 84:17, p.1
Graduation requirement will be two years of high school or two semesters of college foreign language; overturns earlier measure that would have required three years or three semesters.
131 Faculty-Senate considers revision, improvement of mission statement
Northern Iowan 84:11, p.6
Also will consider foreign language graduation requirement.
132 Professional sequence increases from 23 hours to 32 hours long
Northern Iowan 83:59, p.5
Faculty Senate passes proposal; some faculty express concern at length of program.
133 UNI hopes for 'partnership' with national youth agency
Northern Iowan 83:57, p.4
Faculty Senate approves humanics curriculum; accepts report on BLS.
134 UNI sticks with number system for course ID's
Northern Iowan 83:53, p.4
Faculty Senate approves maintaining course numbering system; accept general education report calling for improved staffing and changes in numbering for interdisciplinary courses.
135 UNI considers offer of honorary degree
Northern Iowan 83:45, p.1
Apparently approve degree, though the information cannot yet be made public; list of those who have received honorary degrees from UNI; considers policy regarding posthumous degrees.
136 Length of all majors limited by Faculty Senate proposal
Northern Iowan 83:37, p.5
Programs will be designated standard (4 year) or extended; consideration of double counting of some courses.
137 Senate defeats proposal for ad hoc committee on new teaching sequence
Northern Iowan 83:33, p.1
Senators express concerns about the quality of education and the opportunity for consultation.
138 Headship system to be investigated
Northern Iowan 83:29, p.7
Will look at practices at other schools.
139 Writing plan approved
Northern Iowan 83:27, p.4
Faculty Senate approves committee recommendation; will institute Writing Across the Curriculum; approve report on athletics.
140 Drop/ad policy remains same
Northern Iowan 83:23, p.4
Faculty Senate accepts EPC recommendation to leave policy unchanged; text of the policy.
141 University-wide writing recommended in report
Northern Iowan 83:22, p.1
Excerpts from the committee report.
142 Senate approves general education policies
Northern Iowan 83:19, p.6
Approve administrative procedures including articulation with holders of the A. A. degree.
143 Senate OKs gen. ed. courses, including Religions of World
Northern Iowan 83:15, p.3
Approves 47-hour general education program; arguments for and against inclusion of Religions of the World; reject laboratory course requirement.
144 Electives proposal spurs controversy
Northern Iowan 83:11, p.1
Faculty are divided in opinion on recent action that dropped a required 18 hours of electives.
145 Faculty Senate drops proposal
Northern Iowan 83:9, p.5
Drop proposal that would have required 18 hours of electives.
146 Language competency required
Northern Iowan 82:45, p.5
UNI Faculty Senate requires all candidates for a bachelor's degree to have had foreign language classes.
147 International Studies needs committee
Northern Iowan 82:41, p.9
UNI Faculty Senate to vote on the formation of a Faculty Committee on International Studies.
148 Certification requirements stiffened
Northern Iowan 82:41, p.9
UNI Faculty Senate to vote on a proposal that would stiffen teacher certification requirements; would require students to have a 2.4 GPA in their major and minor and not just overall.
149 Faculty Senate debates proposals
Northern Iowan 82:31, p.1
Vote to send 47-hour program to full faculty.
150 Austin proposes policy
Northern Iowan 82:14, p.7
Policy change would reduce time for adding and dropping courses; referred to EPC.