
Displaying 301 - 350 of 424 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
301 ISTC needs costumes, jewelry for drama shop losses
Public Relations News Release 1960:366, p.1
The drama shop is in need of jewelry and clothing from the late nineteenth century after many costumes set to be used for the production of "James Brown's Body" were destroyed in a fire. All costumes were created under direction of Milo Lawton.
302 'John Brown's Body' costumes destroyed in freak fire here
College Eye 52:27, p.1
Fire in top floor of Auditorium Building destroys costumes; electrical motor cited as cause; $5000 damage done.
303 Board of Regents April meeting
Public Relations News Release 1960:348, p.1
The Board of Regents approves new contracts for natural gas, electricity, and boiler fuel. Plans for student accident and sickness medical insurance, as well as fire insurance are under way.
304 Pottery shop suffers extensive fire damage
College Eye 52:12, p.1
Fire damages ceramics workshop west of the Arts and Industries Building; blamed on overheated kiln; damage estimated at $3500; photo.
305 ISTC building damaged by fire
Public Relations News Release 1960:140, p.1
A fire caused by an over-heated pottery kiln destroys the electrical system, and deals heavy damage to the roof and ceiling of the ceramics laboratory.
306 A necessary scaffold
College Eye 51:23, p.1
Constructing the new fire doors in the Auditorium are Jack Fortune and Erv Haan; photo.
307 Construction of new dormitory meets with Board approval
College Eye 51:5, p.1
Approve $1.2 million for hall later to be named Rider Hall; will use plans from dorm at ISU; will accommodate 400 men; Stadium Hall may close; quick list of other construction plans for the future.
308 Fire instructions
College Eye 50:19, p.3
Instructions to be used in case of fire will be posted in classrooms.
309 Campus sees improvements; duplexes finished in January
College Eye 50:15, p.1
Second group of 12 College Court duplexes will be completed soon; improvements in electrical and water systems.
310 Do-it-yourself crime solution
College Eye 49:39, p.4
Construction underway on water lines; photo.
311 Ask cooperation in dorm
College Eye 46:37, p.2
Smoking will be allowed in Bartlett Hall rooms this summer; not seen as fire hazard.
312 Independence High School destroyed
College Eye 46:21, p.1
313 Hot seat
College Eye 46:17, p.7
Professor Rath's car catches fire; photo.
314 Was there a fire drill?
College Eye 46:5, p.2
Poor showing during scheduled fire drill of Fire Prevention Week.
315 Here comes the hook and ladder!
College Eye 45:32, p.1
A mock fire was staged at Campbell Hall by the Cedar Falls firemen; photo.
316 Dormitories and off-campus
College Eye 45:25, p.7
News from housing units.
317 Campbell has first fire drill
College Eye 45:5, p.6
318 Steel for Aud has been OK'd by government
College Eye 43:31, p.1
For construction of addition and fire safety measures in Auditorium.
319 Fire ruins furniture, walls of dorm room
College Eye 42:40, p.4
Fire in room on second floor of Seerley Hall damages contents; may have been caused by discarded cigarette.
320 Fires, fire poles and alarm bells highlight days of student firemen
College Eye 42:9, p.3
Profiles of Clayton Rabedeaux and Gary Mishler, who are part-time members of the Cedar Falls Fire Department; photo.
321 Courtesy call
College Eye 41:5, p.2
Cedar Fall Fire Department gives demonstration of what to do in a fire emergency.
322 What to do in case of fire
College Eye 40:33, p.2
Students and teachers are to use their designated hallway to leave classrooms in case of a fire.
323 Faulty stove pipe causes fire in Village
College Eye 39:17, p.1
Fire begins when occupant cleans pipe; no damage reported.
324 Smoke gets in . . .
College Eye 39:15, p.2
Reminds smokers that there will be no smoking "in buildings used for instructional purposes"; cites fire hazard.
325 New bus added to college fleet
College Eye 39:5, p.4
Will replace bus that caught fire; four buses now in service.
326 Jack-o'-lantern causes fire in Lawther Hall
College Eye 37:8, p.1
Residents extinguish fire after it had damaged drapes, ceiling, bed, and desk.
327 Waves hit the deck at odd hours when fire drill is called
College Eye 35:5, p.5
WAVES have regular fire drills.
328 Are we adequately protected from fire?
College Eye 33:11, p.2
Believes that the Teachers College needs to install some kind of fire alarm system.
329 Have You Noticed?
College Eye 31:43, p.4
Comments on various sights seen on TC campus.
330 Coeds discover blaze
College Eye 31:42, p.4
Turns out to be janitor burning wastepaper.
331 Of all possessions coed saves notebook
College Eye 31:39, p.3
Student grabs class notes when her rooming house catches fire.
332 Fire, fire! And there goes 309!
College Eye 31:21, p.4
Short in lamp causes fire in Seerley Hall for Men; occupants' belongings destroyed or damaged.
333 Fire in library causes excitement
College Eye 30:38, p.1
Small electrical fire causes little damage.
334 Plenty of coal, no winter
College Eye 28:39, p.4
Power Plant stoker talks about the work of keeping the furnaces fed; bunkers occasionally catch fire.
335 Baker Hall Doin's
College Eye 28:27, p.3
Small fire doused by student; other news from Baker Hall.
336 Night after night this past week "T.C. Fables" rehearsals marched on; even fire on stage doesn't bother directors who expect anything
College Eye 28:18, p.1
Tutor Ticklers rehearsals continue.
337 Proposals for future of Teachers College are presented at conferences
College Eye 28:6, p.1
Wide-ranging survey recommends new buildings, higher pay for faculty, curricular revision, sound extracurricular activities, administrative reorganization, and other things.
338 Around a key goes; imprints a number; turnkey slips quietly on; Clarence Weir, watchman, tells of experiences on beat
College Eye 27:32, p.1
Clarence Weir talks about his work as a night watchman; explains timeclock system.
339 Echoes of the past haunt Gilchrist Hall attic
Alumnus 19:4, p.5
Gilchrist Chapel being remodeled; new lights and seats will be installed; recalls college historical events associated with the Chapel.
340 Frank C. Woods
Alumnus 19:1, p.6
Visits campus and recalls old days.
341 Once upon a time a kerosene lamp
Alumnus 17:1, p.14
History of heat, light, and power at ISTC; succession of boilers culminates in new power plant; alternating current now replacing direct current; street railway waiting room is now ticket office; central campus smokestack is now a thing of the past.
342 Cobweb causes uproar in College Eye office
College Eye 23:8, p.3
Cobweb fluttering over coal pile looks like smoke.
343 How would you like to wake up in the middle of one of those hot night and find that you bed was on fire?
Public Relations News Release 1930:470, p.1
Oren Bolin knows; men were sleeping outside.
344 Heat wave reaches summit here when frat bunk ignites
College Eye 23:5, p.1
Weather hot; men sleeping outside; fire starts inside Alpha Delta Alpha fraternity.
345 Work on new office begins; will occupy space between Administration and Gilchrist Buildings
College Eye 23:4, p.1
Will provide space for Mr. Boardman and the Business Office; vault will be built in old Publicity Department office.
346 Beta bucket brigade fights fire on the roof Wed.
College Eye 22:15, p.1
Spark from chimney starts roof fire at campus house.
347 Hospital slightly damaged by fire
College Eye 20:2, p.1
Lightning causes minor damage.
348 Iowa Club has fire prevention meeting
College Eye 19:29, p.5
Meeting information; guest speakers.
349 Fire Prevention Week Oct. 2 to Oct. 9; anniversary of great Chicago fire Oct. 9
College Eye 19:5, p.1
350 Weir Hall fire
College Eye 17:23, p.3
Fourteen girls escaped Weir Hall fire.