
Displaying 351 - 400 of 459 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
351 Schrader to head inter-frat council
College Eye 27:15, p.4
Council includes two representatives from each fraternity.
352 Frats announce pledging of 75; twenty-five pledge Lambda Gamma Nu; Xanhos sixteen
College Eye 27:14, p.1
List of pledges, by fraternity.
353 Spring dances to close year's social functions
College Eye 26:44, p.135
Sororities and fraternities will host their final dances of the year.
354 Ulch band will play inter-frat dance
College Eye 26:28, p.1
List of committee members; 171 men on campus belong to a fraternity.
355 Alpha Chi Epsilon leads fraternity scholastic race
College Eye 26:26, p.1
GPA for the fraternities.
356 Fifty men search for cats, then join six fraternities
College Eye 26:25, p.3
Hazing ends for this group; list of new members.
357 Fraternity, sorority, and rooming house groups plan for house decorations
Public Relations News Release 1934:664, p.1
Schedule of Homecoming activities.
358 Houses will vie in decoration contest
College Eye 26:19, p.1
359 Fraternities pledge sixty-eight men in the first four days
Public Relations News Release 1934:613, p.2
Alpha Chi Epsilon led the pledge parade with twenty men.
360 Sixty-eight men become pledges of fraternities
College Eye 26:14, p.1
List of pledges, organized by fraternity.
361 Alpha Delta Alpha social fraternity leads in studies
College Eye 25:38, p.3
Grade point averages of campus fraternities.
362 Spring term pledging
Public Relations News Release 1932:402, p.1
Social and honorary organizations busy with pledging and election of officers for the next school year.
363 Alpha Chi's first in scholarship; lead social fraternities for fifth successive quarter
College Eye 25:26, p.1
GPAs for fraternities.
364 Frats to vie in decorations; house decorating contest is annual affair for Homecoming
College Eye 25:19, p.7
365 Manship to head interfrat council
College Eye 25:14, p.1
Roster of Interfraternity Council officers and sponsors.
366 'Jim the gym man' discusses effect of fraternities on athletes; girls also influence boys' playing in his opinion
College Eye 25:12, p.3
Jim Halpin believes fraternities and women distract men from playing football.
367 Frat council adopts rules; no student may be pledged until he is in school two weeks
College Eye 25:11, p.1
Must serve as pledge for nine weeks; must earn fourteen hours of credit with at least 24.5 grade points during pledge term.
368 Non-fraternity men surpass fraternity men in scholarship
Public Relations News Release 1932:330, p.1
Two-hundred and forty-one non-fraternity men had an average of 2.7 grade points per credit hour, while one-hundred and ninety-nine fraternity men averaged a 2.16.
369 Alpha Chi leads in scholarship; Alpha Delta Alpha men are second; Chi Pi Theta rank third
College Eye 25:5, p.1
GPAs by fraternity.
370 Inter-Fraternity Council
Old Gold 0:0, p.234
Officers, history, purpose, and members; organized in 1925-1926; photos.
371 Internationally famous lecturer and religious leader
Public Relations News Release 1932:280, p.1
Dr. Charles W. Gilkey, is the principle speaker during the city and campus wide Passion week, April 9 through April 16. Approximately eight-thousand people are expected to take part in the weeks various services.
372 Fraternity and Sorority initiations
Public Relations News Release 1932:274, p.1
Pledging and initiation ceremonies were held last week for thirty-six students.
373 Forum
College Eye 24:19, p.2
Believes fraternities influenced voters to select most popular students on campus.
374 Bob Schneider is scheduled to play at inter-frat hop
College Eye 24:16, p.1
375 Fraternity men at the Iowa State Teachers College
Public Relations News Release 1932:194, p.1
Those living in fraternities have slightly lower grade point averages than non-fraternity men.
376 Preps of sororities and fraternities go through probation
College Eye 24:13, p.5
Schedule of Greek probation periods.
377 A. C. Fuller initiated into Blue Key frat
College Eye 24:12, p.3
After initiation, Fuller gave a speech on how to improve students through the fraternity.
378 Lambda Gamma Nu
Public Relations News Release 1932:19, p.1
List of men pledging fraternities.
379 Fraternities entertain before pledging while sororities elect new officers
College Eye 24:2, p.3
Campus social calendar.
380 Fraternities
Old Gold 0:0, p.241
381 A history of activities
College Eye 23:39, p.2
Explores the evolution of categories of student groups and activities at ISTC.
382 Dean Reed tells of "fratless" days at Iowa Teachers College; literary societies and Hobo club trained young orators in former times
College Eye 23:39, p.4
Talks about roles and functions of literary societies and Greek organizations.
383 Alpha Delta Alpha leads fraternities in grade average for winter term; Chi Pi Theta takes second place; Alpha Chi Epsilon preps lead pledge groups
College Eye 23:37, p.1
Grade averages by fraternity.
384 Alpha Delta Alpha
Public Relations News Release 1931:289, p.1
Has highest GPA of all fraternities at ISTC.
385 Non-fraternity men attain higher scholastic average than "Greeks"
College Eye 23:25, p.1
GPA for non-fraternity men is 2.09; for fraternity men it is 1.98.
386 Lambda Gamma Nu men will lead all other fraternity groups
Public Relations News Release 1931:158, p.1
Fraternity has the highest grade point average, 2.18, at ISTC.
387 Officers and pledges of campus organizations
Public Relations News Release 1931:45, p.1
Officers and pledges announced; list of students given.
388 Five men's organizations
Public Relations News Release 0:36, p.1
Fraternities announce new pledges; list of pledges given.
389 Election of student officers and initiation of pledges
Public Relations News Release 1931:23, p.1
Student organizations elect officers and initiate pledges; list of students given.
390 Six fraternities on Hill sign up seventy-nine men when pledge barriers are let down Monday
College Eye 23:14, p.4
List of pledges.
391 Student leaders of all campus organizations
Public Relations News Release 1931:12, p.1
Banquet held for student leaders.
392 Frat representatives will convene Monday
College Eye 23:11, p.2
Will talk about finances and other fraternity problems.
393 Alpha Theta Beta, social fraternity
Public Relations News Release 1930:415, p.1
Fraternity installed as Theta chapter of Phi Sigma Epsilon.
394 Delta Sigma Rho, national honorary forensic fraternity
Public Relations News Release 1930:409, p.1
Fraternity holds formal initiations.
395 The B. M. O. C. at the Iowa State Teachers College
Public Relations News Release 1930:290, p.1
Big Men on Campus meet for annual dinner with President Latham, Dean Campbell, and Dean Reed.
396 Fraternities elect new officers
Alumnus 15:1, p.19
Roster of fraternity and sorority officers.
397 The official fraternity and sorority directory
Public Relations News Release 1930:122, p.1
Fraternities and sororities elect officers for the winter term; list of officers given.
398 Interfrat council elects Armstrong as president; Charles and O'Neill will act with Reed as faculty sponsors
College Eye 22:6, p.1
List of Interfraternity Council representatives.
399 Four silver loving cups are waiting for permanent home; fraternities, sororities, and rooming houses vie for prizes
College Eye 22:5, p.1
Competition for Homecoming house decorations.
400 Society plans bigger and better entertainments for old friends
College Eye 22:5, p.5
Campus social calendar.