Fromme--Nola K. (Home Economics Faculty)
Displaying 1 - 50 of 52 in reverse chronological order
# | Title | Date | Summary |
1 | World War I and the Teachers College; contention in Cedar Falls A Century of Leadership and Service 1:0, p.348 |
Effects of World War I on the campus, curriculum, and students; detailed look at the student teaching controversy with the Cedar Falls schools. | |
2 | McPherrin H. Donaldson Alumni News Letter 6:1, p.7 |
McPherrin H. Donaldson and Nola K. Fromme are married on December 23, 1921. | |
3 | Resignations from faculty Alumni News Letter 5:4, p.2 |
Former faculty members listed. | |
4 | Anna Leggett and Nola Fromme College Eye 13:5, p.8 |
Attended a home economics conference in Ames. | |
5 | Changes in faculty College Eye 13:2, p.7 |
Roster of resignations and additions. | |
6 | First year Home Economics Old Gold 0:0, p.110 |
Roster of students and presidents; photo. | |
7 | Second year Home Economics Old Gold 0:0, p.109 |
Quotes from students; photo. | |
8 | Department of Romance Languages Old Gold 0:0, p.30 |
Roster of Romance Languages and Home Economics faculty; photo. | |
9 | Mrs. Fromme College Eye 12:32, p.8 |
Visiting Nola Fromme. | |
10 | May Day fete on May 13; plans for May Day announced College Eye 12:28, p.1 |
Will have parade with float contest and May Queen contest, followed by a dance and dinner for each class on campus. | |
11 | N. E. I. T. A. meets at Waterloo this week; many Teachers College faculty members on program College Eye 12:26, p.1 |
A look at the program. | |
12 | Home Economics news College Eye 12:24, p.2 |
House furnishing and decorating class will begin. | |
13 | Miss Fromme resigned College Eye 12:22, p.1 |
Will continue studies at University of Chicago or Columbia University, New York; resignation effective at end of summer term. | |
14 | Committee on conferences meets College Eye 12:19, p.6 |
Consolidated schools discussed. | |
15 | Miss Fromme College Eye 12:18, p.8 |
Returned from Virginia. | |
16 | Sidelights on consolidation College Eye 12:17, p.5 |
Formed committee at conference to discuss issues in the schools on an annual basis. | |
17 | Miss Fromme tells of Smith-Hughes work in Home Economics College Eye 12:17, p.6 |
Law was passed to make home economics practical. | |
18 | Prof. Fromme to talk on Smith-Hughes home economics College Eye 12:12, p.6 |
Will speak to consolidated school club. | |
19 | Nola K. Fromme Alumni News Letter 4:4, p.3 |
Will spend winter term in graduate school. | |
20 | Study Centers this week College Eye 12:3, p.2 |
Gives schedule of when professors will be out. | |
21 | Study centers this week College Eye 12:2, p.7 |
Schedule of where the professors will be this week. | |
22 | Departments of Manual Arts and Home Economics Old Gold 0:0, p.40 |
Departments of Manual Arts and Home Economics faculty members; photo. | |
23 | Miss Fromme College Eye 12:1, p.8 |
Held luncheon in honor of Miriam Hooker and Edith Maxwell, who are leaving the Home Economics faculty. | |
24 | Faculty Club ends successful year College Eye 11:30, p.1 |
Review of events at final Faculty Men's Club meeting of the year. | |
25 | See Yourself in the Funny Column College Eye 11:29, p.7 |
Humorous quotes and anecdotes heard on campus. | |
26 | Faculty at State Teachers' Meetings. Alumni News Letter 4:2, p.3 |
Faculty had parts in program at teachers meetings in Fort Dodge, Sioux City, Burlington, and Cedar Rapids. | |
27 | Home Economics College Eye 11:24, p.3 |
News from the Department of Home Economics; three women in the cottage. | |
28 | Miss Fromme College Eye 11:23, p.8 |
Reported on the Cleveland convention to the Home Economics students. | |
29 | Pres. Seerley, Miss Fromme, Mr. A. C. Fuller College Eye 11:22, p.8 |
Returned from the N. E. A. convention. | |
30 | Home Economics College Eye 11:20, p.5 |
News notes from the Department of Home Economics. | |
31 | See Yourself in the Funny Column College Eye 11:20, p.7 |
Humorous quotes and anecdotes heard on campus. | |
32 | Home Economics College Eye 11:19, p.5 |
News from the Department of Home Economics. | |
33 | Miss Nola Fromme College Eye 11:18, p.8 |
Has been ill. | |
34 | See Yourself in the Funny Column College Eye 11:17, p.7 |
Humorous quotes and anecdotes heard on campus. |
35 | Home economics College Eye 11:14, p.6 |
News from the Department of Home Economics. | |
36 | Rural Department College Eye 11:14, p.5 |
News from the Department of Rural Education. | |
37 | Iowa State Teachers Association Alumni News Letter 4:1, p.1 |
The Iowa State Teachers Association had its annual meeting at Des Moines in November. Many alumni and faculty were present and many topics were addressed. | |
38 | Anna Gertrude Childs Alumni News Letter 4:1, p.2 |
Anna Gertrude Childs and Nola K. Fromme spent holiday vacation in California. | |
39 | Home Economics College Eye 11:11, p.5 |
Cooking class served dinner. | |
40 | Natural Science College Eye 11:10, p.6 |
News notes on department activities. | |
41 | Home Economics College Eye 11:9, p.8 |
Professor O. B. Read entertains students. | |
42 | Home Economics College Eye 11:8, p.3 |
Students enjoyed Halloween party. | |
43 | Home Economics College Eye 11:6, p.3 |
Class visited new homes in Cedar Heights. | |
44 | Iowa Federation of Women's Clubs Alumni News Letter 3:4, p.3 |
Representatives listed. | |
45 | Committee on Conferences Alumni News Letter 3:4, p.2 |
Conferences planned with Department of Public Instruction for Consolidated Schools, Normal Training High Schools, and County Superintendents. | |
46 | Department of Home Economics Old Gold 0:0, p.53 |
Home economics faculty; photo. | |
47 | Faculty participate in Teachers Convention; to be held in Waterloo April third and fourth College Eye 10:21, p.4 |
Several faculty will make presentations. | |
48 | Mrs. Booker and Miss Fromme College Eye 10:20, p.4 |
Moved into Charlotte Lorenz's house; keeping house while Lorenz is in Chicago. | |
49 | New social function regulations approved by faculty; dancing is allowed; committee of seven in charge College Eye 10:19, p.1 |
Passes faculty by 2-1 majority; dancing to be allowed on campus. | |
50 | General Wood speaks here; sends reply to Seerley's telegram College Eye 10:19, p.1 |
General Leonard Wood agrees to speak at Commencement, always with the caveat that military matters might come up. |