
Displaying 101 - 146 of 146 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
101 America's interest is Germany
College Eye 23:7, p.2
Thoughts on America's monetary aid to Germany.
102 Pre-war stuff
College Eye 18:10, p.4
States that even though the U. S. A. went to war with Germany, the German language is something that should be admired.
103 German professor addresses educational club; Prof. Kramer of German gymnasia in school last week; discussed education in Germany after war
College Eye 15:8, p.1
Not optimistic about future of education in Germany.
104 German comment on present condition
College Eye 14:34, p.1
Complains about terms of Versailles Treaty.
105 President of the First National Bank in professor's chair
College Eye 14:31, p.1
Mr. Miller of the First National Bank talked about German reparations.
106 We must not worry because Germany is bankrupt
College Eye 14:28, p.4
Criticizes statement made by British Parliament member J. R. Remer concerning conditions in Germany.
107 Beatrice I. Weller
Alumni News Letter 6:3, p.5
Beatrice I. Weller spends her summer in Hamburg, Germany.
108 Austrians hostile to Germans during war
College Eye 12:10, p.3
Professor Donaldson tells of journeys through post-war Europe.
109 Colleges for reservations
College Eye 11:20, p.2
Results of the vote on the Intercollegiate Peace Treaty Referendum were announced in the U. S. Senate.
110 Editorially Speaking
College Eye 11:16, p.4
Review of the results of vote on Intercollegiate Peace Treaty Referendum; encourages participation in College Eye election; criticizes students for lack of school spirit.
111 Treaty referendum returns at I. S. T. C.
College Eye 11:15, p.2
Results of the campus vote on the Intercollegiate Peace Treaty Referendum.
112 Editorially Speaking
College Eye 11:14, p.4
Encourages students to educate themselves about the issue before voting on the Intercollegiate Peace Treaty Referendum.
113 Vote on League next Tuesday; ballots to be cast in special chapel session; be prepared to vote intelligently
College Eye 11:14, p.1
Students and faculty will take part in vote on Intercollegiate Peace Treaty Referendum; propositions of referendum are posted.
114 Colleges to vote on treaty; be prepared
College Eye 11:13, p.1
Students and faculty will vote on the Intercollegiate Peace Treaty Referendum on January 13.
115 "We shall soon see Germany a democracy" says W. C. Schluter; former I. S. T. C. student, member of Army of Occupation, describes conditions
College Eye 10:13, p.1
Outlines views of conditions in postwar Germany.
116 The name kindergarten originated
College Eye 10:8, p.2
German descent and United States use.
117 French officer spoke to crowded house; Lieutenant Sauvage relates his experiences; brings in France's part in war
College Eye 10:6, p.1
Long excerpts from address on the war and the Armistice.
118 War colleges
College Eye 10:1, p.2
Believes colleges must organize to support the war effort.
119 The Hun drive
College Eye 9:24, p.4
Believes Germany will be defeated.
120 Third Liberty Loan
College Eye 9:23, p.7
Germany will continue to use the press to downplay the strength and resolve of the Allied nations.
121 Pan Germany
College Eye 9:20, p.4
Encourages support for liberating the countries that Germany currently rules.
122 To the editor of the College Eye
College Eye 9:11, p.5
Discourages hysterical patriotism that rejects everything German.
123 The devil has resigned
College Eye 9:8, p.4
Compares Kaiser Wilhelm to the devil.
124 Editorial
College Eye 8:27, p.4
Attributes prior article to correct author; denounces cheap usage of patriotism for advertising; discusses the Great War; speaks out against specialization in schools.
125 Y. W. and Y. M.
College Eye 8:27, p.3
Dr. Sage of Waterloo speaks on the war.
126 The Kaiser
College Eye 8:23, p.2
Poem that places the blame for the Great War on the German Kaiser.
127 Hyphenated Americans
College Eye 8:18, p.4
Denounces Americans who would support Germany if the United States becomes involved in armed conflict with them.
128 Educational club holds meeting
College Eye 3:26, p.428
Spoke about Carnegie Foundation and teaching in Germany.
129 America and the world's peace
College Eye 1:9, p.147
Text of the first place oration at the Interstate Oratorical Contest. The title is "America and the world's peace".
130 From foreign lands
Normal Eyte 21:15, p.256
Professor Carpenter tells about her experiences in Germany.
131 The friends of Misses Alma Cutler and Floy Graham
Normal Eyte 20:6, p.111
Glad to learn faculty members have started studying in Berlin.
132 Word has been received
Normal Eyte 20:5, p.95
Alma Cutler is enjoying her trip to Germany.
133 The following very interesting letter
Normal Eyte 18:27, p.427
Willis J. Bell writes about German education.
134 Dear readers of the Normal Eyte
Normal Eyte 18:22, p.346
Professor Childs writes of her impressions of Germans and Germany.
135 Letter from Willis J. Bell
Normal Eyte 18:21, p.335
Talks about the differences between American and German education.
136 Miss Jennette Carpenter
Normal Eyte 17:4, p.63
Enjoying trip to Germany.
137 Cliosophic Society
Normal Eyte 10:17, p.418
Presented German and English programs.
138 Ossoli
Normal Eyte 9:19, p.455
Giving series of programs on Germany.
139 The students counted it indeed a treat
Normal Eyte 7:36, p.16
Rollie Patterson talked about life at a German university.
140 Berlin, Germany, Dec. 9, 1907
Normal Eyte 7:16, p.12
John Kleinsorge's articles on German education will appear in a Des Moines paper.
141 We learn that Jno. Kleinsorge
Normal Eyte 6:19, p.220
Will study in Germany for four years; hopes to earn Ph. D.
142 A letter from Halle, Germany
Normal Eyte 6:13, p.148
W. R. Patterson writes about his experiences at a German university.
143 Another interesting letter
Normal Eyte 6:13, p.148
John Kleinsorge talks about his experiences at a German university.
144 Women in the Fatherland
Normal Eyte 3:21, p.163
An essay on German women from recent Alpha session.
145 Remarks on the German schools
Normal Eyte 2:18, p.139
Continued survey of German education system.
146 Remarks on the German schools
Normal Eyte 2:17, p.131
A look at the German school system.