Greek Week

Displaying 101 - 142 of 142 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
101 Van Voorhis, Bradford new Greek King, Queen
College Eye 58:29, p.1
Brief look at Greek Week activities; list of other award winners..
102 '64 Greek Week ends with tonight's variety show
College Eye 58:28, p.1
Schedule of activities; list of king and queen candidates.
103 Untitled
College Eye 58:28, p.7
Folk singing trio will perform during Greek Week; photo.
104 Sorority-frat dinner begins Greek Week
College Eye 58:27, p.3
Quick look at activities.
105 New events added to SCI Greek Week
College Eye 58:26, p.4
Will include pie-eating contest and greased pig event.
106 'Ugly Couple' contest set for Greek Week
College Eye 58:23, p.8
Schedule for Greek Week.
107 Untitled
College Eye 57:29, p.3
Greek Week royalty stand for all to see; photo.
108 Greek Week celebration ends today with project, dance
College Eye 57:29, p.1
List of winners and candidates in a number of contests; photo.
109 Free variety show opens Greek Week
College Eye 57:28, p.1
Greek Week schedule of activities.
110 Interfraternity plans activities of Greek Week
College Eye 57:25, p.3
Very brief look at activities.
111 Dr. Kratochovill speaker for Greek Week banquet
College Eye 53:31, p.5
112 Geise, Sandvig, Lutz, DeSchon elected Greek Week Royalty
College Eye 53:30, p.1

Results of other contests announced; photo.

113 Greek Week committee deserves praise
College Eye 53:30, p.2

Congratulates Greek Week organizers and participants.

114 Greek Week begins Monday
College Eye 53:29, p.10

Brief schedule of activities.

115 Annual Greek Week begins Monday with royalty vote
College Eye 53:29, p.1

Schedule of Greek Week activities; photo.

116 May 7-11 Greek Week committees named
College Eye 53:28, p.5

List of committee members.

117 Greek royalty named
College Eye 52:26, p.4
Greek Week royalty and ugliest man on campus named.
118 Variety show to open Greek Week activities
College Eye 52:25, p.1
List of those nominated for king, queen, prince, and princess; photo.
119 Greek Week to be April 10-14
College Eye 52:24, p.1
Brief schedule of activities.
120 Greek tryouts to be Thursday
College Eye 52:23, p.1
Tryouts for Greek Week variety show scheduled.
121 Greek Week King
Old Gold 0:0, p.125
Greek Week King, Marl Ramsey from Arlington, Iowa; Photo.
122 Greek Week Queen
Old Gold 0:0, p.124
Greek Week Queen Karen Smith from Lytton, Iowa; Photo.
123 Greek Week
Old Gold 0:0, p.43
Greek Week is known for it's Variety Show, Olympics, Royalty, and Dance. The annual activities started with the Variety Show and crowning of Karen Smith and Marl Ramsey. A new addition this last year was the introduction of Fraternity-Sorority Sing. The Olympics also saw a number of broken records; Photos.
124 Greek Week to offer varied activities
College Eye 51:26, p.1
Will include variety show, community clean-up project, Ugly Man on Campus contest, and other activities.
125 Feature events
College Eye 50:27, p.4
Greek Week schedule.
126 Show open to students
College Eye 50:27, p.4
Will crown Greek Week king and queen.
127 Trophy will be awarded at Olympics
College Eye 50:27, p.4
Description of Greek Olympics events.
128 Circus party planned for fun, charity
College Eye 50:27, p.4
For underprivileged children.
129 Greeks have show, dance; royalty, sing
College Eye 50:27, p.4
Preview of Greek Week Variety Show; photo.
130 Fraternities gain pledges
College Eye 50:27, p.4
List of new pledges.
131 Greeks to have week; fun and frolic planned
College Eye 50:26, p.1
Schedule of Greek Week activities.
132 Greek Week
Old Gold 0:0, p.25
Brief descriptio of the events of Greek Week, such as the crowning of a king and queen to the Greek Week dance; photos.
133 Campus Greek Week closes with dance tomorrow night
College Eye 49:28, p.1
Lengthy look at Greek Week activities; photo.
134 Campus Greeks prepare for week-long frolicking
College Eye 49:27, p.1
A look at Greek Week activities.
135 Greek Week
Old Gold 0:0, p.58
Activities were kicked off with a variety show in the Commons ballroom; on Saturday night, an inter-sorority and an inter-fraternity dance was also held in the Commons ballroom; photo.
136 Councils Revise Constitutions
Old Gold 0:0, p.244
The Intersorority and Interfraternity Councils consist of the representatives of the nine sororities and four fraternities on TC campus; together in the spring, these two groups sponsored Greek Week; photo.
137 Greek Week activities
Alumnus 41:2, p.5
Brief list of activities.
138 Greek Week fun sparking campus
College Eye 48:25, p.8
A look at some of the activities.
139 Greek Week will feature picnic, variety show, dance
College Eye 48:24, p.5
Schedule of events.
140 Picnic, variety show, dance will highlight Greek Week
College Eye 47:26, p.6
A look at some of the activities.
141 Dance climaxes Greek activities
College Eye 46:27, p.1
Brief look at Greek Week activities.
142 Inter-fraternity, inter-sorority councils hold Greek Week
College Eye 46:27, p.10
List of pledges.