
Displaying 1 - 50 of 241 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Panther families celebrate Family Weekend
Northern Iowan 119:16, p.4
Caroline Christensen gives details of the upcoming festivities occurring during Family Weekend and also interviews Assistant Vice President & Dean of Students Allyson Rafanello; photo.
2 ¿Qué hacer en campus de UNI en tu tiempo libre?
Northern Iowan 119:3, p.1
Mayra Villanueva writes a Spanish column on things to do during your free time on UNI's campus. She suggests things such as playing board games at the library, swimming at the Wellness and Recreation Center (WRC), and exploring the Botanical Center; photo.
3 A night out on campus
Northern Iowan 119:3, p.4
Caroline Christensen gives students cute date spots around UNI's campus. Some of the activities include hammocking, doing a photoshoot in the UNI Greenhouse, and checking out bikes from Rod Library and going for a bike ride; photo.
4 Animals make greenhouse like a zoo
Northern Iowan 118:45, p.9
The article, a reprint from July 26, 1946, describes the many animals kept in the greenhouse on campus, including owls, Hamster mice, and various amphibians and aquatic animals.
5 Allies successors in new greenhouse seem unaware of danger
Northern Iowan 118:45, p.9
This article, a reprint from September 29, 1939, recalls the tragic fate of Allie the Alligator when the new greenhouse was built, and welcomes new successors Ike and Mike.
6 Our Progress
Northern Iowan 118:13, p.5
A reprint from the 09/19/1906 edition of the Normal Eyte, the article talks about the new Science Hall and greenhouse; photos.
7 Students speak out over professor removal
Northern Iowan 118:12, p.1
Students voice their concern after Professor Steve O'Kane was removed from the classroom. Professor O'Kane mandated masks and threatened to lower grades if students did not comply, which violated the Board of Regents policy banning mask mandates. Students spoke to members of Northern Iowa Student Government (NISG) about how it impacted their education; photo.
8 2016 Student Guide
Northern Iowan 112:54, p.

The summer 2016 student guide, including letters of welcome, information about higher education, and features of Cedar Falls; photos.

9 Campus study hidey-holes
Northern Iowan 112:27, p.1

As finals approach, various buildings and structures across campus offer study spots for students; photos.

10 3rd Annual 'Run for the Preserves' 5K to be held at UNI
Public Relations News Release 2012:80, p.1
UNI Botanical Center and Student Nature Society team host 5K run to promote awareness of natural preserves.
11 Botanical Center plant sale geared at students on a budget
Northern Iowan 108:49, p.6
Botanical Center and the Student Nature Society are sponsoring a plant sale. Cuttings from tropical plants, four different types of basil, herbs and other unusual things not normally found in garden centers will be available; photo.
12 Botanical Center is the 'secret garden' of UNI
Northern Iowan 108:45, p.8
Faculty, staff, and students walk past the Center, but do not take the time to stop for a visit. Six main houses make up the Center. Each has its own environment. A parrot, Gold Cap Conure, and an iguana make their homes in the Center; photo.
13 How well do you know your campus?
Northern Iowan 107:57, p.4
Twelve questions pertaining to UNI challenge readers' knowledge of the campus.
14 I Spy at UNI
Northern Iowan 107:47, p.1
Faculty, staff, and students challenged to identify the 'mystery photo'. The previous photo was taken on the outside wall of the UNI greenhouse; photo.
15 'Run for the Preserves" 5K to be held at UNI
Public Relations News Release 2010:87, p.1
The Student Nature Society will hold a cross-country 5K to support and promote the Prairie Preserves on October 16. Race day registration will start at 8:30 a.m. and the race will start at the Prairie Preserves entrance near the UNI Credit Union.
16 Panther Portraits
Northern Iowan 107:11, p.2
Student and her family tour the greenhouse during Family Weekend.
17 UNI gears up for Family Weekend activities, events
Northern Iowan 107:10, p.4
Oktoberfest activities, volleyball, the Orchesis and International Dance Theatre performance, Hillside Observatory, and the Panther football game are highlights of Family Weekend; photo.
18 Scenic spots on and near the UNI campus
Northern Iowan 106:54, p.
Bike trails, benches on campus, and the Greenhouse are relaxing places to stop and watch the world go by.
19 A day in the life of a UNI Panther
Northern Iowan 106:54, p.
Campus scenes; photo.
20 Storm ravages campus
Northern Iowan 105:59, p.1
Three hundred fifty trees damaged in storm. Latham Hall's roof was punctured and several windows were broken. The greenhouse sustained several broken window panes; photo.
21 Panther Portraits
Northern Iowan 105:47, p.6
Scenes from the Botanical Center, "Four-Square Fridays", and Maucker Union; photo.
22 UNI students and Cedar Valley raise more than $8000 for Pennies for Peace
Northern Iowan 105:40, p.12
Lecture by Nobel Peace Prize nominee Greg Mortenson resulted in hundreds of individuals and student organizations raising money to aid school children in Pakistan and Afghanistan; photo.
23 Open house showcases UNI Botanical Center addition
Public Relations News Release 2007:626, p.1
The Botanical Center is celebrating the official opening of its new addition and its 70th birthday with an open house.
24 Elementary students celebrate spring break at UNI
Public Relations News Release 2007:503, p.1
Elementary students from Cedar Falls, Waterloo, and Hudson will spend their spring break exploring UNI and participating in educational activities.
25 Panther Portraits
Northern Iowan 104:37, p.11
View of icy sidewalks near the Greenhouse and McCollum Science Hall; photo.
26 UNI Botanical Center featured in national botanical journal
Public Relations News Release 2007:188, p.1
Jean Gerrath wrote the featured article in a journal published by the Botanical Society of America.
27 Wednesday, April 19
Public Relations News Release 2005:0, p.1
Student Nature Society Spring Plant Sale will take place; Lecture will be given on the "Major Steps of Historic Globalization into the Global Age" by Paul Kellermann.
28 Sunday, April 2
Public Relations News Release 2005:0, p.3
Biology Botanical Center Open House will take place at the greenhouse; Locks of Love event will be sponsored by Sigma Alpha Iota.
29 UNI Biology Botanical Center to host open house, April 2
Public Relations News Release 2005:0, p.1
UNI Botanical Center will host open house showcasing changes in the greenhouse over the last three years.
30 Cold weather, short days approaching
Northern Iowan 102:20, p.5
Touches on topics such as Daylight Saving Time, Halloween, and the UNI Greenhouse.
31 New biology major result of major projects on campus
Northern Iowan 102:2, p.1
Plant bioscience will be offered for the first time at UNI; photo.
32 Before leaving UNI: graduates' to-do list
Northern Iowan 100:49, p.5
Gives her list of "must-do" things while a student at UNI.
33 University of Northern Iowa to present hands-on biology workshop for children
Public Relations News Release 2002:419, p.1
"Junior Science Sleuths" will be offered for youths in third through fifth grade on April 8.
34 Correction to earlier release; UNI to present biology workshop for children on Saturday, April 12
Public Relations News Release 2002:424, p.1
Workshop will be held on Saturday April 12 rather than the previously announced date of April 8.
35 UNI College of Natural Sciences hosting fall outreach program for minority students
Public Relations News Release 1999:76, p.1
The College of Natural Sciences will host an outreach program for minority middle school students on Fridays this fall; list of schools participating.
36 Taking the flora for a swim
Campus News Network 10:1, p.1
Persons interested in ponds are being recruited for new "pond club"; photo.
37 Water + plants + fish = UNI's Aquatic Learning Center
Public Relations News Release 1998:295, p.1
Ron Camarata talks about UNI's Aquatic Learning Center.
38 New aquatic learning center opens in biology greenhouse
Northern Iowa Today 83:1, p.22
New water features add new dimension to Greenhouse; photo.
39 New Aquatic Learning Center at the University of Northern Iowa Biology Greenhouse
Public Relations News Release 1998:80, p.1
Ron Camarata describes benefits of learning about aquatic biosystems at the Biology Greenhouse.
40 Area florist's donation beautifies UNI campus
Northern Iowan 95:10, p.4
Sue Kramer of Kramer's Flower Farm in Cedar Rapids donated over $1000 in lilies and $300 in hostas to UNI; photo.
41 Aquatic Learning Center brings new types of life to UNI
Northern Iowan 94:52, p.2
Aquatic Learning Center recently opened in the UNI greenhouse; photo.
42 Open House Sunday April 19, 1998
Public Relations News Release 1997:304, p.1
Biology Department to host open house of Teaching and Research Greenhouse April 19, including new Aquatic Learning Center.
43 More than plants growing at Greenhouse
Northern Iowan 94:20, p.1
Recent renovations in aquatic plant room; photo.
44 Don't miss the UNI Saturday Celebration!
Campus News Network 8:2, p.1
Saturday Celebration will be September 13 and will feature food, tours and activities for children.
45 Garden bus trip planned For August through UNI biology seminar series
Public Relations News Release 1996:455, p.1
The Biology Seminar Series will host a trip to take patrons on some of northeast Iowa's most beautiful gardens.
46 Untitled
Campus News Network 7:19, p.1
Greenhouse iguana helped students de-stress during finals; photo.
47 University of Northern Iowa biology seminar presents "Gone Fishing" for beginning and intermediate fisherman
Public Relations News Release 1996:336, p.1
Classes on how to lure a fish to a hook will be held for beginning and intermediate fisherman.
48 Biology seminar presents "The Practical World of Herbs," beginning March 10
Public Relations News Release 1996:269, p.1
Several presentations about herbs will be presented in the Greenhouse. The seminar will consist of four workshops covering all aspects of herbs.
49 Greenhouse rocks
Northern Iowan 93:32, p.4
Jim Schmiedel waters plants in the Greenhouse; photo.
50 It's always green year round
Northern Iowan 92:61, p.1
Student works in greenhouse; photo.