Haight--Mary E. (Residence Hall Staff)
Displaying 51 - 100 of 153 in reverse chronological order
# | Title | Date | Summary |
51 | News briefs College Eye 25:32, p.3 |
News on students, alumni, and faculty. | |
52 | Now if you have a pair of overalls--? College Eye 25:32, p.1 |
Getting ready for the Farmers Frolic. | |
53 | Untitled College Eye 25:28, p.4 |
Mary Haight visited Cedar Rapids. | |
54 | Hearth-lighting at Bartlett hall Nov. 20 College Eye 25:21, p.3 |
55 | News briefs College Eye 25:15, p.3 |
Information on students, alumni, and faculty. | |
56 | Bartlett Hall Old Gold 0:0, p.43 |
History of the building and responsibilities of the staff; photos. | |
57 | Bartlett Hall plans Sunday breakfasts for guest mothers College Eye 24:32, p.3 |
Description of the party. | |
58 | West Bartlett girls have spring formal dinner-dance party College Eye 24:30, p.3 |
Description of the program. | |
59 | Ninety girls attend formal dinner-dance for Bartlett, west College Eye 24:18, p.3 |
60 | Correspondence and visiting committees lay plans for work College Eye 24:17, p.3 |
Groups will visit those who are ill. | |
61 | Coffees and taffy pull start term for Bartlett Hall girls College Eye 24:13, p.5 |
Description of parties and entertainment. | |
62 | College girls have 'Co-Ed Icebreaker' College Eye 23:52, p.3 |
Women enjoy dance, games, and cards. | |
63 | Bartlett Hall girl has purse stolen on Tuesday night College Eye 23:52, p.1 |
Jessie Morgan leaves room and returns to discover theft. | |
64 | Former Bartlett Hall director visits here College Eye 23:51, p.3 |
Della Eberhart visited Mary Haight. | |
65 | Y. W. C. A. Old Gold 0:0, p.219 |
Description of Y. W. C. A. and names of members; photos. | |
66 | Bartlett Hall Old Gold 0:0, p.43 |
Description of Bartlett Hall; photo of hall head. | |
67 | Four sororities are giving their fall term dances this weekend College Eye 23:21, p.5 |
Meetings and activities planned; campus social calendar. | |
68 | Hearth-lighting service is held at dormitory College Eye 23:18, p.5 |
Designed to promote friendliness and unity among women. | |
69 | New plan for Bartlett Hall is adopted College Eye 23:12, p.1 |
Description of re-organization of duties for staff; will have assistant director for each wing | |
70 | Y. W. C. A. Old Gold 0:0, p.231 |
Officers and advisory board; photos. | |
71 | Bartlett Hall Old Gold 0:0, p.43 |
Goals of the Bartlett Hall Council; photos. | |
72 | Mothers will be the "who" of this story Public Relations News Release 1930:307, p.1 |
Mother's Day activities planned; list of committee members provided. | |
73 | Dances planned this month will climax events of every week College Eye 22:18, p.5 |
Campus social calendar. | |
74 | Society lulls this week but gives promise of Press Prom College Eye 22:7, p.5 |
Campus social calendar. | |
75 | Embryo teachers dance tonight to chortling of Boysen's Boys College Eye 21:37, p.1 |
Preview of dance. | |
76 | Census taker makes report after quarterly visit to campus village College Eye 21:36, p.1 |
Quick look at life in Bartlett Hall; photo. | |
77 | Bartlett Hall Council Old Gold 0:0, p.48 |
Officers, members, and hall matrons; photos. | |
78 | Officers of Administration Old Gold 0:0, p.23 |
Mr. Latham praises the administrative staff; photos. | |
79 | Mothers will visit their sons and daughters Public Relations News Release 1929:398, p.1 |
First annual Mother's Day Celebration to be held May 9-11. | |
80 | Bartlett Hall honors Miss Haight at tea College Eye 21:26, p.1 |
Returned from trip to California. | |
81 | Mary E. Haight College Eye 21:19, p.2 |
Mary Haight is visiting California. | |
82 | Miss Campbell gives tea for new women College Eye 21:13, p.8 |
For those not enrolled in fall term. | |
83 | Dormitory women plan fall party College Eye 21:10, p.1 |
Will hold masquerade party. | |
84 | Bartlett Hall will give reception for alumni Sunday College Eye 21:0, p.2 |
Mary Haight will serve as hostess. | |
85 | Bartlett Hall will give reception for alumni Sunday College Eye 21:5, p.2 |
Will hold informal tea. | |
86 | Women's Club will open new club house to students College Eye 21:3, p.1 |
New home of club will be available for student meetings and dances. | |
87 | Miss Campbell speaks to house managers College Eye 21:2, p.2 |
Speaks to Bartlett Hall residents on discipline and regulations. | |
88 | Welcome College Eye 21:1, p.1 |
Bartlett Hall welcomes students; photo. | |
89 | Seniors entertained at dinner party College Eye 20:36, p.1 |
Program included toasts. | |
90 | Bartlett Hall Council Old Gold 0:0, p.41 |
Officers, members, and matrons of Bartlett Hall; photos. | |
91 | Officers of Administration Old Gold 0:0, p.19 |
Administrators; photos. | |
92 | Tau Sigma Delta College Eye 20:34, p.5 |
Visits home, visitors, and formal dance held. | |
93 | New Y. W. officers will assume their duties immediately College Eye 20:23, p.1 |
Helen Curtis, Mary Wiler, and Lois McKitrick take office. | |
94 | Bartlett Hall College Eye 20:16, p.3 |
Students enjoy birthday party. | |
95 | Bartlett Hall Notes College Eye 20:15, p.5 |
News of Christmas activities of the women of Bartlett Hall. | |
96 | Bartlett Hall News College Eye 20:14, p.5 |
Activities and events in Bartlett Hall. | |
97 | Dean Reed College Eye 20:9, p.7 |
Several faculty head to Des Moines for ISTA meeting. | |
98 | Dinner given in honor of Lathams College Eye 20:5, p.5 |
Miss Haight and Mrs. Blanchard entertained in the Bartlett Hall Dining Room. | |
99 | Miss Haight entertains for Bartlett girls College Eye 20:3, p.3 |
Mary Haight holds get acquainted session. | |
100 | Bartlett Hall news College Eye 20:2, p.3 |
Activities and events in Bartlett Hall; officers named. |