Hallberg--Fred William (Philosophy and Religion Faculty)

Displaying 1 - 50 of 69 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Looking to future for the NI
Northern Iowan 95:27, p.6
Columnist looks to the future of the NI and says thanks to many for their influence.
2 Profile: the retirement class of '97-'98
Campus News Network 8:18, p.3
Profile of UNI employees who are retiring; photo.
3 The qualities of an educated person
Northern Iowa Today 81:1, p.2
Group members present views and findings of project.
4 Out of the church and back to nature
Public Relations News Release 1995:448, p.1
Although some people may find nature their replacement for religion, they may be losing something that the structure of religion provides.
5 Fred Hallberg
Campus News Network 6:11, p.
Published chapter titled "Religion and Ecology" in a book.
6 Recently/soon to be published: Fred Hallberg
Campus News Network 6:6, p.3
Fred Hallberg published article "Neo-Kantian Constraints on Legitimate Religious Belief" in journal.
7 The faculty adopts a constitution
A Century of Leadership and Service 2:0, p.415
Detailed account of the negotiations among faculty, administration, and the Regents over the proposed faculty constitution; photo.
8 Presentations/lectures/exhibitions: Fred Hallberg, Jerry Soneson, and David Morgan
Campus News Network 5:16, p.
Fred Hallberg, Jerry Soneson, and David Morgan will participate in meeting of "Philosophers for Social Responsibility."
9 Presentations/lectures/exhibitions: Philosophy and Religion department
Campus News Network 5:7, p.
Philosophy and Religion department faculty participated in an annual meeting.
10 Russian children's folk ensemble "Kazachata" to perform Saturday, May 14 in Cedar Falls
Public Relations News Release 0:561, p.1
Peet Junior High School will host a program of Cossack dancing and songs.
11 Recently/soon to be published: Fred Hallberg
Campus News Network 4:17, p.2
Fred Hallberg (philosophy) published an article for an international philosophy journal.
12 Committee recommends no change; current withdrawal policy approved by Educational Policies Commission
Northern Iowan 90:51, p.1
Discussions lead to no change.
13 Withdrawal policy decision postponed
Northern Iowan 90:49, p.1
Considers limit to number of withdrawals.
14 Meeting dissolves into debate over parliamentary procedure
Northern Iowan 90:45, p.1
Commission approves motion to keep add/drop policy as is.
15 Fred Hallberg
Campus News Network 4:3, p.3
Fred Hallberg presented paper on eschatological environmentalism at conference.
16 New, returning courses for University of Northern Iowa Philosophy & Religion Department this fall
Public Relations News Release 1992:781, p.1
Philosophy & Religion Department will see two new classes and two classes being taught again after some time off this fall.
17 From your professors, some worldly advice
Northern Iowan 89:1, p.14
Professors tell new students how to get along.
18 Notice of first session of collective bargaining November 7
Public Relations News Release 1990:172, p.1
Iowa State Board of Regents and United Faculty begin talks.
19 Faculty approves dead week proposal
Northern Iowan 85:32, p.1
No final comprehensive examination should be given within last two weeks of class, though unit tests and papers may be assigned to be due during that period.
20 Pomerantz addresses faculty
Northern Iowan 85:12, p.1
Regents chair Marvin Pomerantz speaks and answers questions in meeting with faculty.
21 Oct. 28 'Sex on Campus' College Satellite Network broadcast among activities planned for AIDS Education Month at Northern Iowa
Public Relations News Release 1987:89, p.1
AIDS Education Month begins with an informative recorded broadcast on AIDS in Maucker Union. Activities continue with a panel discussion by Professors Ruth Anderson, Fred Hallberg, and Jane Kittleson. Rich Reminetsch, Betsy Pratt, and the Gay Liberation.
22 UF, Regents clarify contract articles
Northern Iowan 83:30, p.4
Reach agreement on many non-monetary issues.
23 Faculty approves new Gen. Ed. Program
Northern Iowan 83:21, p.1
After sharp debate, faculty passes new program, 142-113; text of new program.
24 What's Up
Northern Iowan 83:12, p.6
Meetings and activities.
25 UNI students and faculty find benefits in test files
Northern Iowan 83:1, p.3
Several departments and housing units maintain files.
26 UNI ranks last in faculty salaries
Northern Iowan 82:55, p.4
Faculty talk about the results of a recent survey.
27 M. Phil needs revisions
Northern Iowan 82:39, p.5
Professor Jim Chadney feels the Master of Philosophy degree might not have enough marketability.
28 Economics department change approved
Northern Iowan 81:51, p.1
On a 6-5 vote, the Department of Economics will move from the College of Social and Behavioral Sciences to the School of Business.
29 Curris meets in closed session: Affirmative action procedures discussed
Northern Iowan 81:41, p.1
Faculty Senate considers appointment procedure for Sue Follon; re-affirms that procedure should be followed by everyone
30 Arbitrator to resolve salary issue
Northern Iowan 81:39, p.1
Monetary issues remain to be settled.
31 United Faculty rejects proposed pay increase
Northern Iowan 81:36, p.10
Both sides reject fact-finder's report; UF believes that the report does not address important issues.
32 Writing is a powerful learning tool
UNI Century 12:2, p.1
Program administrators and faculty talk about effects of Writing Across the Curriculum.
33 Fred Hallberg
Northern Iowan 80:29, p.7
Will speak at UUA meeting.
34 Panel discussion scheduled
Northern Iowan 79:50, p.6
Department of Philosophy and Religion will sponsor panel and programs relating to matters of concern to faculty and clergy.
35 Contract negotiations move ahead
Northern Iowan 79:33, p.1
Status of negotiations; awaiting decision of fact-finder; photo.
36 Bargainers stalled, mediator to break deadlock
Northern Iowan 79:25, p.1
Deadlock remains between United Faculty and Board of Regents around pay issues.
37 Faculty Senate examines EOP
Northern Iowan 79:6, p.3
Debate combination of Learning Skills Center with EOP.
38 Department teaches the most students in general education
Old Gold 0:0, p.32
The Department of Philosophy and Religion teach more students in general education than any other department; photo.
39 Final EOP performance evaluation completed
Northern Iowan 78:53, p.1
Evaluation team working on report; should be reported to Faculty Senate in May; Tom Remington elected Senate chair; Fred Hallberg is vice chair; establish graduate student grievance procedures; establish deadlines for grades to be turned in.
40 Immediate evaluation of EOP
Northern Iowan 78:30, p.1
Faculty Senate committee recommends immediate evaluation of all EOP programs.
41 EOP evaluation hearing set
Northern Iowan 78:25, p.4
Committee will seek ideas for evaluation.
42 Senate appoints EOP study committee
Northern Iowan 78:24, p.1
Committee will investigate what procedures are appropriate to evaluate EOP.
43 Evolution theories discussed
Northern Iowan 78:23, p.5
Extensive excerpts from Fred Hallberg's presentation.
44 Philosophy and Religion Forum
Northern Iowan 78:21, p.8
Fred Hallberg will talk about Biblical literalism.
45 UNI faculty attend Nobel Conference in Minnesota
Public Relations News Release 1981:92, p.1
Four Nobel prize winners spoke during a conference at Gustavus Adolphus College attended by six faculty members.
46 UNI faculty votes to approve ROTC
Northern Iowan 77:56, p.1
Faculty vote to support Senate decision, 138-126; photo.
47 Says students lack moral wisdom
Northern Iowan 77:53, p.2
Believes students should support a campaign for the reinstatement of a no-deferment lottery draft.
48 Faculty Senate says 'no' to ROTC
Northern Iowan 77:37, p.1
Senate votes, 14-10, to defeat a motion to establish an ROTC unit on campus; also votes to require faculty attendance at Commencement; supports motion to change name of Department of Speech to Department of Communication and Theatre.
49 Iowa theological conference at UNI March 7
Public Relations News Release 1980:389, p.1
UNI will host the Iowa Theological Conference with the main speaker being Paul Taylor professor at Iowa State University.
50 UNI to offer education, philosophy classes in Mason City
Public Relations News Release 1980:365, p.1
Tow courses "Motivation in Educational Settings" and Philosophy of Religion" will be offered at the North Iowa Area Community College in Mason City, Iowa.