Hamilton--Elbert W. (Alex) (Mathematics Faculty)

Displaying 1 - 50 of 73 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Four University of Northern Iowa students are awarded mathematics scholarships
Public Relations News Release 1995:367, p.1
Angela Koos, Mary Pittman, Kate Marovich, and Christopher Bock have each been awarded scholarships by the University of Northern Iowa Department of Mathematics.
2 Department of Mathematics announces scholarship recipients
Northern Iowan 92:53, p.4
Angela Koos, Mary Pittman, Kate Marovich, and Christopher Bock are honored.
3 E. W. Hamilton, former mathematics head, dies at 84
Northern Iowa Today 23:1, p.6
Biographical sketch of Professor Hamilton.
4 Five University of Northern Iowa students are awarded mathematics scholarships
Public Relations News Release 0:540, p.1
Mathematics scholarship winners are announced at UNI.
5 Solving the math problem
Nonpareil 71:4, p.14
UNI faculty past and present have been involved in shaping mathematics curriculum nationally.
6 Retired faculty recall math at UNI
Alumnus 66:4, p.10
Seminar brings back faculty to discuss history of math at UNI; photo.
7 Math conference set
Northern Iowan 79:5, p.8
Former professors will be guests.
8 Math, computer science scholarships offered
Northern Iowan 78:43, p.6
Hamilton scholarships available.
9 Retiring math teachers recall many memories
Northern Iowan 74:55, p.3

Ina Mae Silvey and E. W. Hamilton look back at UNI history; remember work in Extension and closed circuit television classes.

10 Recollections on math teaching careers
Alumnus 63:2, p.16

Profiles of Professors Silvey and Hamilton, who are retiring this year after many years of service; photo.

11 Scholarship
Northern Iowan 74:46, p.11
E. W. Hamilton scholarship available.
12 Math scholarship awarded
Northern Iowan 73:46, p.9
Criteria for the Hamilton award.
13 New heads
Northern Iowan 72:57, p.1
David Duncan will head Math Department; James Canada will head Home Economics; Joseph Ruffo will head Art; and Jan Robbins will head English.
14 Profs to Serve on NCATE Evaluation Team
Public Relations News Release 1969:102, p.1
The National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education is the national accrediting agency for teacher education institutions.
15 UNI needs alumni help to continue progress
Alumnus 54:1, p.3
Professor Keefe remembers crowded days of 1949; says that 1969 is very crowded again; calls for new buildings and support for other needs.
16 A decade of closed-circuit TV
Alumnus 53:4, p.11
Professor Hake outlines the history and uses of closed circuit television on campus; photo.
17 Hamilton's article appears in 'The Instructor
College Eye 63:29, p.5
18 Faculty Senate discusses large class problem
College Eye 63:11, p.4
19 Faculty Senate wrestles 90 minutes in meeting
College Eye 60:55, p.3
Discuss large classes; refer matter to EPC.
20 Twenty staff members elected to Faculty Senate
College Eye 59:31, p.3

List of those elected to Faculty Senate, Graduate Council, Committee on the Administration of Faculty Personnel, Educational Policies Commission, Committee on Committees, and the Student Loan Fund.

21 Will listen to Burchfield after course
College Eye 59:18, p.2
Steve Burchfield's complaints about methods courses will be taken more seriously after he has completed "Teaching of Secondary Mathematics."
22 A changing mathematics at SCI
Alumnus 48:4, p.2
Description of math department personnel, curriculum, and innovations; photo.
23 SCI staff members publish new books
Alumnus 48:4, p.5
List of authors and their work.
24 Price Lab school hosts math meeting tomorrow
College Eye 58:9, p.3
Professor Hamilton will address meeting.
25 Sixty-four staff changes, appointments announced
College Eye 58:1, p.1
Roster of changes and appointments.
26 Hamilton assumes post as head of Math Department
Alumnus 48:2, p.6
Succeeds Professor Trimble; photo.
27 Dr. Hamilton named to head math department
College Eye 57:26, p.5
Brief profile of Professor Hamilton; will replace Professor Trimble.
28 Professors become authors: professors write on China, esthetics, business
College Eye 57:16, p.5
A look at the research and publications of several faculty; photo.
29 Hamilton to help plan math curricula in African schools
College Eye 53:32, p.3

Will spend eight weeks in Uganda.

30 KYTC to present review of general education courses
College Eye 56:16, p.5
Faculty members will talk about their areas of general education.
31 Two and two are still four--but . . . .
Alumnus 46:4, p.1
Professor Crumley discusses the new math; recounts history of achievements of Math Department; photo.
32 Faculty committee planning general education program
College Eye 53:8, p.6

Roster of committee members.

33 Promotions for faculty announced
College Eye 52:36, p.1
Roster of those receiving promotions.
34 ISTC faculty promotions announced
Public Relations News Release 1960:472, p.1
President J. W. Maucker announces faculty promotions after their approval by the board of Regents. Among those promoted are faculty from the departments of social science, education and psychology, mathematics, science, business education, and art.
35 Faculty members named to editing positions
Alumnus 45:4, p.7
List of those who are currently editing professional journals.
36 ISTC math professors edit journals
Public Relations News Release 1960:100, p.1
Professor Glenadine Gibb is named editor of "The Arithmetic Teacher", a journal of National Council of Teachers of Mathematics. Other faculty editors include Professors E. W. Hamilton, H. Van Engen, Fred Lott, and Irvin Brune.
37 ISTC profs air views on classroom TV
College Eye 52:7, p.3
Faculty members talk about the benefits and the problems of presenting their classes via closed circuit television; photo.
38 Kappa Mu Epsilon Holds District Convention
Old Gold 0:0, p.176
Kappa Mu Epsilon is a national honor fraternity for mathematics. The organization strives to encourage mathematics studies and it held a district Kappa Mu Convention in the spring.
39 Math Department Plans New Content
Old Gold 0:0, p.101
As rising standards in Iowan schools rise, the Math Department rises to meet it and raise their own standards in the classroom. Both Kappa Mu Epsilon and the Mathematics Club have helped the department with multiple activities and helped join the staff meet visiting mathematicians. Staff; Photo.
40 Committee recommends several changes
Alumnus 44:3, p.8
Committee on Standards and Directions report adopted by faculty; includes recommendations on scholastic standards, improvement of instruction, and future directions; also includes possibility of degrees without teaching certification.
41 Faculty favors liberal arts
College Eye 50:33, p.1
Recommendation of faculty committee will likely go to Regents.
42 Math Department Maintains Contact With High Schools
Old Gold 0:0, p.107
The Mathematics Department aims to attract and keep students of high quality, and maintain contacts with the public schools of Iowa; the department sponsored Kappa Mu Epsilon and the Math Club; photo.
43 Math Department Maintains Contact With High Schools
Old Gold 0:0, p.107
The mathematics Deparment, headed by Mr. Haroldl Trimble, has two primary aims¿.to attract and keep students of high quality and to maintian contacts with the public schools of Iowa. Mrs. Ina Silvey experimented with film-strips
44 Math Club, Kappa Mu Epsilon Further Mathematics Program
Old Gold 0:0, p.176
The Math Club is open to all who are interested in furthering their knowledge in mathematics; also, Kappa Mu Epsilon is a national honor fraternity that helps undergraduates appreciate the beauty of mathematics and its important role in our world; photo.
45 Math Interest of Kappa Mu Epsilon
Old Gold 0:0, p.209
Description of the national fraternity for students with a major or minor in mathematics; photo.
46 Mathematics Department Enlarges Staff
Old Gold 0:0, p.107
Description of the department and the names of the new staff members; photos.
47 Department of Mathematics
Old Gold 0:0, p.49
A National Mathematics Institute was held on campus, the first to be held on any teachers college campus in the United States; the department is experimenting to see if students can obtain as much from larger classes as they can from smaller ones; photo.
48 mathematics club
Old Gold 0:0, p.227
Brief description of the group; photo.
49 Kappa Mu Epsilon
Old Gold 0:0, p.200
Brief description of the group; photo.
50 Mathematics
Old Gold 0:0, p.99
Brief description of the department; photo.