Hearst--William L. [Classes of 1889 and 1890]
Displaying 1 - 50 of 115 in reverse chronological order
# | Title | Date | Summary |
1 | 1890 Alumnus 23:4, p.26 |
Celebrating the 50th anniversary of their graduation from the College, members of the Class of 1890 are making plans for their golden reunion. Roster of class members. | |
2 | Faculty members honor Fullerton College Eye 26:40, p.1 |
For fifty years of service to ISTC; notes other faculty and alumni with whom Professor Fullerton has been associated. | |
3 | Dr. W. L. Hearst Alumnus 17:1, p.32 |
Died on October 28, 1932; active member of society. | |
4 | Dr. William L. Hearst Alumnus 16:3, p.25 |
Physician and surgeon at Cedar Falls, Iowa. | |
5 | Dr. W. L. Hearst Alumnus 15:3, p.29 |
In charge of the Memorial Day program at Cedar Falls this year. Among those who assisted in making the arrangements for the program was H. L. Eells. | |
6 | Alpha Chi Epsilon College Eye 18:27, p.8 |
House party held at the home of Dr. W. L. Hearst; news about members. | |
7 | Gift received by physics dept. College Eye 18:25, p.1 |
Will Hearst gives X-ray machine. | |
8 | William Hearst College Eye 17:39, p.5 |
William Hearst, Joe Vanderveer, Ansgar Jensen, and Rollin Stevens of Iowa City visited in Cedar Falls. | |
9 | Alpha Chi Epsilon College Eye 17:26, p.7 |
Held annual house party. | |
10 | Alpha Chi Epsilon College Eye 17:23, p.2 |
Founder's Day activities; members travel to Minneapolis for Iowa-Minnesota game. | |
11 | Hundreds of students witness breaking of ground for Campanile; to be dedicated in 1926 at fiftieth anniversary of school College Eye 16:12, p.1 |
Eliza Rawstern Wright turns the first spade of earth; class marches to site; Campanile will cost about $50,000. | |
12 | Annual Homecoming proves to be big day for Teachers; Dr. W. L. Hearst, Class of '90, delivers alumni address College Eye 16:8, p.1 |
Lengthy description of activities. | |
13 | Dr. W. L. Hearst Alumni News Letter 5:3, p.4 |
Doctor W. L. Hearst is elected president of the Black Hawk Medical Society of Cedar Falls, with Doctor T. U. McManus serving as vice-president. | |
14 | Shakes and Aristo initiate College Eye 11:9, p.1 |
At Dr. Hearst's river cottage. | |
15 | American Legion post number 237 College Eye 11:6, p.6 |
Post organizes and elects officers. | |
16 | Memorial war record established; Iowa State Teachers College led by President Seerley ranks high in American war-college activities College Eye 10:9, p.1 |
Detailed description of all the activities at I. S. T. C. during the course of World War I. |
17 | Capt. William H. Hearst, 1889, 1890 College Eye 10:5, p.4 |
Serving as Chief of Surgical Services, U. S. A. General Hospital No. 8, Otisville, New York. | |
18 | Army and Navy news 2 Alumni News Letter 2:3, p.2 |
William L. Hearst appointed Assistant Chief of Surgical Service at Base Hospital. | |
19 | Military Old Gold 0:0, p.165 |
Illustration of soldier in front of flag; poem; flag; roster of men in military service; students with location unknown or not officially reported and those awaiting call; photos. | |
20 | Brief Reports 11 Alumni News Letter 2:2, p.1 |
William L. Hearst honored for service by professional men of Cedar Falls. | |
21 | Neo Old Gold 0:0, p.246 |
Gives the group motto, colors, and roll; photos. | |
22 | Neotrophian Old Gold 0:0, p.188 |
Motto, colors, flower, emblem, presidents, members, and pledges listed. |
23 | Neo Old Gold 0:0, p.93 |
Drawing of two statues; roster of officers and members; Neo singers; photo. |
24 | 1890 class hold reunion College Eye 7:1, p.1 |
Eight members of the class attend. | |
25 | The class of '90 College Eye 4:30, p.6 |
Is planning a reunion. | |
26 | Miss Florence Freer College Eye 4:13, p.6 |
Entertained friends. | |
27 | 1st aid to the injured College Eye 4:10, p.3 |
Two hour class on first aid technique will be offered. | |
28 | Neo Old Gold 0:0, p.279 |
Description of Neotrophian society; motto, colors, flower, and emblem; roster of pledges, presidents, and honorary members; society roll; humorous stories about society; photos. | |
29 | Physical Education Old Gold 0:0, p.200 |
Description of Physical Education Department; eight students will graduate; high demand for teachers; photo. | |
30 | Miss Flora J. Cook College Eye 3:9, p.162 |
Spent time with Mrs. Will Hearst of Cedar Falls. | |
31 | Neotrophian Old Gold 0:0, p.224 |
Roster of members, honorary members, and officers; photo. | |
32 | Commercial Club banquet; a delightful, instructive afternoon and evening spent by business men of Cedar Falls on College Hill College Eye 2:12, p.1 |
Faculty invited Cedar Falls Commercial Club to campus for dinner and entertainment. | |
33 | Commercial Club brings visitors College Eye 2:8, p.3 |
Club members bring several prominent visitors to campus in order to give them an idea of the strength of the college program. | |
34 | Alumni business meeting College Eye 2:1, p.4 |
Conduct routine business; elect officers; hope to induce alumni to return for Commencement. | |
35 | Untitled Old Gold 0:0, p.149 |
A brief history of the society. Also included are honorary members and freshmen pledges. | |
36 | Mrs. W. L. Hearst College Eye 1:10, p.8 |
Will speak at educational meeting. | |
37 | Neotrophian Old Gold 0:0, p.201 |
Drawing of a woman's head; roster of officers; overview of the society; ;member updates for each term; the Neosingers; basketball team; photo. | |
38 | Neo's honorary members Old Gold 0:0, p.104 |
Article discussing the honorary members of the Neotrophian society; photo. | |
39 | The regular meeting of the Mothers' Council Normal Eyte 20:32, p.532 |
Was last Friday afternoon. | |
40 | Official Normal Eyte 20:26, p.428 |
Brief Commencement week schedule; contractor putting roof on new Library; Lecture Committee has done fine work; committee assignments for Parish funeral; literary society work must be protected.. |
41 | Last rites performed; remains of late professor Parish laid away after special services in auditorium Normal Eyte 20:25, p.415 |
Description of funeral service for Professor Parish | |
42 | The automobile social Normal Eyte 19:7, p.108 |
Several people loaned their cars so that people could take rides. | |
43 | The Minnesingers Old Gold 0:0, p.137 |
Started with a quartet that included the Fullerton brothers. | |
44 | The following item which should have been printed last week Normal Eyte 17:9, p.142 |
Group gathers to celebrate Professor and Mrs. Todd's tenth anniversary. | |
45 | Mrs. W. L. Hearst and Miss Gregg Normal Eyte 17:4, p.63 |
Entertained friends. | |
46 | Dr. W. L. Hearst Normal Eyte 12:35, p.558 |
Will study in New York. | |
47 | Dr. and Mrs. W. L. Hearst Normal Eyte 16:8, p.122 |
Have a new son. | |
48 | The Minnesingers Glee Club Normal Eyte Annual 0:0, p.50 |
Formed in the 1888 school year, it evolved and even joined the Cecilians to put on "Robin Hood" to much success; photo. | |
49 | W. L. Hearst Normal Eyte 15:16, p.247 |
Was elected president of the Black Hawk County Medical Society. | |
50 | The practice of medicine; Dr. Hearst speaks to the Y. M. C. A. Normal Eyte 14:30, p.469 |
Excerpts from Dr. Hearst's lecture. |